The strongest soldier

Chapter 1978 A thrilling escape

The anxious warning sound took away the endless worry and urgency. It was the red plum blossom. The little wolf respected the red plum blossom very much. He immediately realized that someone had tampered with the off-road vehicle and was shocked. However, he was less than five meters away from the off-road vehicle and turned back to run. It was not the most ideal choice. At this moment, the little wolf's well-trained fighting instinct came out. He threw himself on the ground, holding his head in his hands, curling up into a ball and lying on the ground.

"Boom -" Almost at the same time, a huge explosion sounded, and powerful shock waves and heat roared up. Xiaolang clearly felt the heat roaring on his back, and his scalp was numb. There was no such thing as a shock, this kind of thing is like the god of death. The feeling of passing by was very bad. Xiaolang felt that the muscles in his whole body were tense and he was sweating coldly. Endless fear surged up. As a rookie on the battlefield, Xiaolang could not be like Luo Zheng and others. Face death calmly.

The shock wave of the explosion passed quickly, and Xiaolang heard Hong Meihua's voice shouting urgently in the headset: "Xiaolang, are you okay? Run quickly, there are enemies surrounding us."

"Ah?" The little wolf woke up and looked up. Sure enough, he saw three people rushing towards him from three directions. They were all wearing black suits, had short hair, and were holding pistols. They were charging at them like hungry wolves. The little wolf was horrified. Anger welled up in his heart, and he became a little calmer, quickly raising his sniper rifle.

"Wha--" The little wolf instinctively raised his hand and fired. This shot did not have too much aim, and did not even calculate the sniper distance, wind force and other sniper conditions. It was a purely instinctive shot, and the bullets whizzed away, taking the little wolf with him. With endless anxiety, anger, and unwillingness, he fiercely tore open the space barrier and sank into the target's body in an instant.

The target was hit by a powerful armor-piercing bullet. The bullet tore open the target's body without any resistance, mincing all the internal organs in the body. After encountering obstacles such as bones, the irregular stirring range was much larger, directly twisting the target's abdomen into a face. There was a big blood hole, and the target fell into a pool of blood before he could even grunt, and his body was split into two.

The little wolf wanted to fire a second time, but suddenly he remembered that there was only one bullet in the gun chamber. He jumped up quickly, found a direction and rushed away. As he ran, the little wolf took out a gun of nine from his waist. The second-type pistol, with a full magazine, fired quickly at the enemy rushing from the side.

"Bang bang bang—" Three gunshots rang out, and the bullets whizzed away in a Z-shaped shape, carrying the little wolf's endless anger.

After shooting, the little wolf didn't dare to see if he could hit the target. It would only slow down his running speed. At the critical moment of life and death, the little wolf became calmer. The combat experience of fighting with the hungry wolves in the primitive forest since he was a child came to him. In my mind, if I want to kill a wolf, I have to be more ruthless and run faster than the wolf. Only by keeping a distance can the weapon in my hand be effective, otherwise I will definitely die.

As he ran, the little wolf could feel the whistling wind in his ears. His feet were flying as fast as he could, and he kept changing his route. He ran out of the standard bullet avoidance step to avoid being hit by enemy bullets. Seeing the bullets being fired from around him, The little wolf didn't dare to look back. His mouth grew bigger and he rushed wildly. His chest was like a bellows, breathing loudly to make up for the body's need for oxygen after running at high speed.

The gunshots behind him became more and more intensive, and the bullets almost followed his heels. If he shot a little slower, he would be hit. The little wolf was frightened and became more desperate. Soon, the little wolf found a small car in front of him, and he didn’t know whose it belonged to. , rushed over, and after getting closer, he jumped hard and his body rushed over the hood of the car. Several bullets hit the car body, making a bang bang bang sound.

At the moment of life and death, the fighting instinct of the little wolf was fully stimulated. After falling to the ground, he did not get up immediately. Instead, he lay on the ground and observed through the bottom of the car. The enemy could not see the person under the car, but the little wolf could see it. The enemy who was chasing them was very close. Perhaps they were aware of the danger and slowed down a bit.

Xiaolang's face turned cold, and he quickly aimed at the target's ankle bone and fired a shot. One of the targets was hit and fell to the ground. Xiaolang shot again. The bullet fiercely rushed into the target's heart. The blood spurted and the target's body rolled twice. When it stopped moving, more bullets were fired at it, making the car body ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pang-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pang-pong-pang-pong-pang-pong-pong-pang-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pang-pong-pang-pong-pang-ping-pang-pang-pang-ping-pang-p another the car windows and shattered.

The situation was extremely dangerous. Xiaolang quickly got up from the ground and lay on the front of the car. He locked a target with the corner of his eye. He raised his hand and shot at the target. When he saw the target, he fell to the ground. He knew that the shot would miss, so he was not upset. , quickly smashed the window and opened the car from the inside.

Xiaolang skillfully opened the baffle under the steering wheel and took out two wires. Keyless starting is a skill that must be trained by special forces. Xiaolang has been training hard for about two years, so he is no stranger to this technology. He is very familiar with it. He quickly started the car and glanced at the dashboard with sharp eyes. The fuel tank was mostly half full, which was enough.

"Bang bang bang -" Countless bullets hit the car continuously, and the horrifying sound made people collapse. Xiaolang, who saw the hope of escape, became more clear-headed. He quickly got into the car, pushed the gear to start, and controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and there was a fierce bang under his feet. He pressed the accelerator and quickly aimed at the enemy outside the car window with one hand and fired to stop the pursuit.

The car roared away and quickly got rid of the pursuers. Xiaolang was relieved and shouted with lingering fear: "Sister Hua, my action failed." There was endless frustration, annoyance, and shame in his words.

"Are you okay?" Hong Meihua asked with concern.

"It's okay." Xiaolang said angrily: "Jackson must be a false target. No blood splatter was seen after shooting. This is a trap. The enemy knows that we will ambush."

"As long as you're fine, rush into the mountains quickly, rely on the cover of the woods to escape the pursuit, and I'll notify the tiger girl in the church to evacuate." Hong Meihua quickly comforted her, fearing that the little wolf would do something drastic in anger, which would endanger the fate of the king. No matter what, the young and energetic young man can do anything.

The failure of the mission made Xiaolang extremely depressed. He felt humiliated and really wanted to fight back. However, he did not dare to object to Hongmeihua's order. He quickly drove towards the mountains and saw several cars chasing him through the rearview mirror. He was even more angry, his face turned livid, and he slammed the accelerator to accelerate his evacuation.

The surrounding terrain is gentle. Although there is no road, it does not affect the running of the car. During the retreat, Xiaolang asked with concern: "Sister Hua, has the tiger girl evacuated?"

"It has been notified and is being evacuated. Don't worry. No one knows the tiger girl. Just find someone to hide in. As long as you are not exposed, it will be fine. Wait for time before taking action. On the contrary, it is you. Get rid of the pursuit as soon as possible. Everything is just You can rely on yourself." Hong Meihua warned with concern.

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me." Xiaolang replied confidently, his eyes were burning, staring straight ahead, controlling the steering wheel and constantly changing the route, with murderous intent in his sharp eyes. He glanced at the rearview mirror inadvertently and found that there was only Three cars caught up with them, and when they looked up again, they saw that it was a hillside. The slope was not very steep, but it blocked the situation in front of them. They didn't move at all. The murderous intent became more intense as they took it into consideration.

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