The strongest soldier

Chapter 195 Wolf Slaying on a Rainy Night

On the battlefield, victory was in sight, but an unstoppable accident occurred. This was a ruthless blow to the victor. They finally surrounded the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group and created chaos. Victory was in sight. Unexpectedly, the Wolf King summoned the Wild Wolf. Asking for help from the crowd, this is something no one has thought of. Thinking of the enemy leaving easily, everyone's lungs are about to explode. The teeth of the steel teeth are clattering. Looking at the wild wolves that are furious on the rainy night, their eyes are filled with tears. The cold murderous aura seemed to be spitting out fire.

"Ouch!" The first person who couldn't control his anger was Snow Leopard. When Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were chatting, they learned that Snow Leopard, Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle are all all-round warriors, but they still have some preferences. For example, Snow Leopard prefers fighting and close combat. Fighting is the strongest in the team, Ghost Hand is good at reconnaissance and assassination, while Mountain Eagle prefers sniping.

Just like snipers who like to speak with bullets, people who prefer fighting are much more straightforward and like to speak with their fists. Snow Leopard roared angrily and jumped down from the tree. He held a saber in each hand, holding it in the front with his left hand and backwards with his right hand. , his eyes were full of angry killing intent, as if a wounded cheetah launched a fatal attack on its prey, and it rushed towards the wild wolf in front of it.

"Death!" the snow leopard shouted, and took a step forward two meters. Just then, a wild wolf came up to kill him ferociously. The snow leopard roared, squatting slightly, avoiding the wild wolf's front paws, and the saber in his hand was lightning. He stabbed the wolf directly in the abdomen.

"Tear--" The sound of a sharp blade tearing apart flesh could be heard. It was barely audible under the heavy rain and the howling of wolves, but everyone in the tree still felt it, especially when they saw the wild wolf's blood falling like a waterfall, and its internal organs falling on the ground. The ground was dyed red. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were all excited by the fierce fighting style of the snow leopard.

"Looking for death." After the snow leopard killed a wild wolf, a wild wolf pounced on it almost at the same time. The snow leopard roared loudly, and with a strange flash of his body, he could barely avoid the wild wolf's claws. It stabbed hard from the side and penetrated directly into the head of the wild wolf from the ear. The snow leopard rotated its hand vigorously, and the wild wolf let out a shrill scream.

The snow leopard flew up with a kick and kicked the wild wolf away. The tiger's eyes that were about to burst into flames looked coldly at the other three wild wolves that were rushing up in front of him. A happy sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he roared angrily without retreating. He stepped forward and launched a countercharge towards the wild wolf that was charging up.

"Kill!" A loud shout sounded, and a man jumped out of the tree again, blocking the snow leopard first. The two sharp sabers in his hands flew like lightning, drawing several death lines, and blood spattered. The wild wolf that came up was instantly cut to pieces with bloody flesh, and its forelimbs were broken into two pieces.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He took a closer look and saw that it was a ghost hand. He couldn't help but secretly cheer. He was so quick with his sword skills. Lan Xue's dissatisfied curse came to his ears: "Asshole, you two are crazy."

"Captain, if you're crazy, go crazy. Let's go crazy tonight. You can do whatever you want later." A voice came to everyone's mind through the earphones. It was a mountain eagle, and the prey it got flew away. The mountain eagle was also angry, and this anger was poured out on the wild wolves. Without the blocking of the wild wolves, how could the prey escape? This was unacceptable to the proud mountain eagle.

"Brothers, I'm coming." The mountain eagle shouted loudly and jumped down from the tree. He was in the air and kicked with both feet. He hit the head of two wild wolves that were attacking the snow leopard. The two wild wolves could not withstand the angry power of the mountain eagle. , and was kicked far away. The mountain eagle roared after landing, venting the anger and murderous intent in its heart.

"Hahaha, brothers, triangle formation, kill!" Guishou shouted with a loud smile, and the murderous intention burst into the sky, as if to scare away the heavy rain.

"Kill!" the snow leopard and the mountain eagle shouted. The three of them were back to back and formed a triangle formation. This formation had an advantage. They couldn't help but worry about the back and sides. The three of them shouted angrily, and the fierce and wild wolves They formed a mass and used their hands and feet to either kick away or kill the wild wolves angrily, causing a rain of blood.

"You bastards." Seeing that the three of them were only focused on killing happily, Lan Xue cursed angrily. Worried about the safety of the three of them, she also jumped down from the tree. While still in the air, she did not forget to remind: "Ghost team, cover fire. "

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw that Lan Xue had also jumped. He quickly felt relieved. If it were him, he would not just watch his teammates take risks without moving. He understood and appreciated Lan Xue's love and righteousness a little more, and felt in his heart His blood boiled completely. When he saw Lan Xue, who had landed on the ground, he whipped his legs and swept away a wild wolf that was flying towards him, he howled wildly and jumped down without hesitation.

"Ghost team, pay attention to the fire cover and don't come down." Luo Zheng did not forget to give the order after landing. Seeing the two wild wolves roaring violently, Luo Zheng's fighting spirit burst out instantly. Instead of retreating, he advanced and rushed ahead. He took a long step, turned his body slightly to avoid the sharp claws of the wild wolf that was attacking from the front, crossed his arms, and directly tightened the neck of the wild wolf. He flew up with a kick and kicked the other wild wolf away. The saber in his hand did not hesitate. Prick the belly of the tethered wolf.

"Pfft!" The sharp blade penetrated the flesh, making a dull sound. Luo Zheng felt the wild wolf in his hand struggling violently. He lifted the saber in his hand and stretched the wound a lot. He pulled the saber out and then, Luo Zheng rotated his body and smashed the wild wolf in his hand against the wild wolf that was rushing towards him.

"Okay! Brother, round formation, let's kill tonight." Snow Leopard laughed out loud when he saw Luo Zheng's fierce fighting style, while reminding Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng naturally knew what a circle formation was. Faced with a pack of wild wolves that were completely furious, it was impossible to fight alone. Only by exerting the overall combat effectiveness of the team could he kill happily. Without hesitation, he took two steps back and formed a circle with everyone. As a result, there are fewer defensive angles.

"Ouch——!" A tyrannical wolf howl sounded, completely covering up the sound of the rainstorm. The sound was like water falling on a boiling oil pan, which exploded immediately. All the wild wolves howled like crazy and rushed towards everyone. When you come up, the strong smell of blood makes you evil, and the violent murderous intent makes your heart palpitate.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The Ghost Team quickly took action and kept shooting at the wild wolves that were rushing towards them. There were too many wolves and they were too dense. They could hit them without even aiming. Everyone was firing on all cylinders and didn't care about saving bullets. With the battle going like this, the bloody spirit of the Ghost Team completely exploded.

"Kill!" The people in the circle looked at the roaring wild wolves, crowded together, countless. Each one showed no cowardice, but burst out with more fierce killing intent, howling wildly, and the wild wolves Killed into a mass, knives penetrated the flesh, flesh and blood flew everywhere, the ground was dyed red with blood, and the trickling blood turned into a stream, merged into a river, and flowed down the hillside.

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