The strongest soldier

Chapter 194 Wolf King Evacuates

The heavy rain pounded on the tree crown, as if a hole had been poked in the sky. The strong wind was raging, and the big tree was blown around. It was so dark that it was hard to see even one's fingers. Luo Zheng climbed up a big tree. , looking at this black world, my heart became heavy, and I grabbed the branches tightly to prevent them from being shaken down by the wind.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, several wolf howls sounded in the dense forest ahead, followed by more wolf howls. Luo Zheng's face became more solemn. The wolves still came in such bad weather. How could we fight this battle? ? Lan Xue's reminder to everyone to be careful rang in their ears.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Several explosions sounded, accompanied by the screams of wolves, but they were quickly covered up by the sound of heavy rain. A chilling chill came from the dense forest, and everyone was so depressed that they couldn't breathe. In the dark night The howl of the wolf came closer, and the tension caused by the unseen danger was suffocating.

After a while, countless cold lights appeared in the dense forest ahead, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark rainy night. It was like the call of death and made people feel heart palpitating. When everyone saw such cold lights nearby, they couldn't help but take a breath. This time they came. There were definitely more than three hundred wild wolves. The cold light was like magnified fireflies, constantly shuttling through the dense forest. The violent howls beat at everyone's heart and were suffocating.

"Don't shoot, everyone is in the tree. The wild wolves can't get up. Climb a little higher." Lan Xue reminded coldly. The violent wolves are not easy to deal with. Once they go crazy, who knows what will happen. The best way is to avoid its sharp edges and wait until daybreak to discuss everything.

"Ouch——!" A majestic wolf howl drowned out the howls of the wolves and the heavy rain. Everyone in the shaking tree was secretly frightened. Luo Zheng knew that this was the clarion call to attack. The wild wolves were about to attack. , couldn't help being surprised, and quickly climbed up to a higher place, and soon found countless wild wolves rushing in howling.

More than a dozen wild wolves rushed towards the awning, kicking the bonfire around, and the matches were wetted by the rain. Soon, the only light in the dense forest went out, and the dark world was filled with terrifying howls. No one could We couldn't see anyone, but if we couldn't hear each other's breathing through the earphones and knew that everyone was nearby, we would have been confused.

"Everyone, hold still, don't panic, climb higher." Lan Xue's cold voice sounded again, reminding everyone.

Several wild wolves rushed up to the awning, looking up at the higher tree branches with cold eyes, howling violently. Some wild wolves jumped up to the trees violently, and most of them fell down, but there were also some. He grabbed the branch and was trying to jump higher, howling menacingly and frighteningly.

"Don't panic, hold on tight." Luo Zheng was worried that the members of the Ghost Team could not withstand such terrifying pressure, and quickly reminded loudly that facing the attack of the menacing wild wolves, especially the wild wolves jumping up the trees, it would be endless. The sense of oppression makes it easy to be frightened and confused.

"Yes." The members of the ghost team were well-trained elite soldiers after all. They did not panic and answered calmly to avoid Luo Zheng's worry. Wu Yuan even shouted angrily: "It's a pity that all the grenades have been used up, otherwise they would definitely throw them away. It’s a big piece, Captain, why don’t you shoot it a few times and get some wolf skin back.”

"You can't even take the wolf hair back with you." Luo Zheng said angrily: "Have you forgotten the last time?"

Wu Yuan was startled, and then thought of that night, which was also a rainy night. The wild wolves that were killed by everyone were devoured by other wild wolves, and no bones were left. If he really wanted to take action, it would only be an advantage for the other wild wolves. Wu Yuan said with a bitter smile: " What the captain said is, it’s a pity, it would be better if we had enough ammunition.”

Everyone climbed up to a high place and calmly confronted the violent wolves. They hid in the trees and could not get down. The furious wolves became even more angry. Some of them even hit the big trees fiercely. Fortunately, the trees were strong enough and the problem was not big. After After getting over the tension just now, everyone has adapted to the attack of the wild wolves and calmed down.

"No, there is a lot of light in the valley." Meng Zhu suddenly shouted loudly.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly, feeling uneasy.

"I don't know the details. I saw a lot of lights coming out from the direction of the wolf's nest and moving towards the exit of the valley. They were very fast. Could it be that the enemy wanted to escape?" Meng Zhu quickly explained what he saw.

"No, it's the Wolf King's trick to use the wild wolves to attack us and then escape." Lan Xue suddenly said, his cold voice filled with endless murderous intent and anger, finally trapping the members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. I didn't expect the other party to use this method to evacuate, and I couldn't do anything on my side.

Luo Zheng looked at the wild wolves under the tree and said bitterly: "It seems that the wolf king has a plan. If he can beat him, he will fight. If he can't beat him, he will use the wild wolves to cover up and escape. Wait until tomorrow morning or the wild wolves disperse. Go, there are no traces of them running away, what should I do?"

"What else can we do? Just leave it to fate. We tried our best." Guishou said angrily.

"Yes, there are estimated to be three to four hundred wild wolves down there. It will be good if we can save our lives. We can only wait until dawn or the wolves disperse. As long as they get into the dense forest, they will always leave traces. By then We'll just go after them when the time comes." Shan Diao added nonchalantly.

Luo Zheng sounded reasonable, but he always felt that the situation was not that simple. He looked angrily at the raging wild wolves under the tree and touched the gun in several places. Finally, he gave up calmly. There was no point in competing with the wild wolves except wasting bullets. Killing the wild wolves will not solve the problem. Unless they are all killed in a short time, there is still hope of pursuit. Now, there is no other better way than patience and waiting.

After a while, the wild wolves were still attacking violently, constantly hitting the big trees and trying to climb up the tree. One or two did climb up. The situation was critical. Everyone shot and killed them. The bodies fell to the ground and were quickly killed. The violent wild wolves devoured everything, leaving nothing behind. Seeing the blood, the wild wolves became even more violent and continued to attack.

After a while, Meng Zhu, who was guarding the big tree on the top of the mountain, had a good view and saw a large area of ​​light at the exit of the valley. He rushed out, crossed the bridge, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest in front. He quickly informed everyone of the situation. Everyone had already guessed it. , responded silently, with his heart full of anger and unwillingness. No one expected that the battle would end like this, but the enemy would still escape.

"Forget it, everyone, don't worry, calm down, there will be opportunities in the future." Lan Xue comforted.

"Captain, no, the helicopter has taken off." Meng Zhu suddenly shouted.

"Helicopter?" Everyone was shocked and understood immediately. Luo Zheng said with a livid face: "Sure enough, the wild wolves attacked the cover. Those who escaped just now should be the desperadoes. I am afraid the Wolf King brought his cronies with him. He escaped in a helicopter, what a clever retreat plan, even if we knew it we wouldn't be able to decipher it."

"Asshole." Lan Xue yelled angrily through gritted teeth, revealing endless murderous intent, and everyone else also cursed angrily.

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