The strongest soldier

Chapter 1924 Humans and dogs join forces

Without the weight, Luo Zheng let go of his speed completely and followed the Overlord who rushed forward. Lan Xue was worried about Luo Zheng's safety, so she quickly took off her backpack and threw it at Shen Fei's feet. She tightened her grip on the sniper rifle and said, "Help me get it." Stay, your people are providing fire cover from behind, don’t rush to the front, Mountain Eagle, you are responsible for commanding the troops, I will help."

"Yes." The mountain eagle responded quickly.

"Yes." Shen Fei straightened his chest and agreed quickly. Seeing Luo Zheng disappearing into the night, Shen Fei could feel that these people in front of him were no longer ordinary special forces. Not to mention helping to look after bags, even if they could block bullets, Don't frown. If you can fight side by side with such a person, you will have no regrets in this life. He immediately ordered his troops to stand up to the rear, so as not to interfere with everyone's pursuit.

Luo Zheng followed Bawang and rushed for more than 300 meters. He suddenly heard the sound of a sniper gun and was horrified. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Bawang rolled strangely in the air. After landing, he rolled twice and continued running wildly. The sniper bullet hit the surrounding ground and sank into the soil.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was shocked and immediately overjoyed. This guy was actually able to dodge bullet attacks like a human. He was worthy of being the king among military dogs. He quickly locked the hilltop opposite according to the direction of the bullet's flight, raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at a suspicious location. Just one shot.

At this time, the Overlord roared and continued to rush forward. Luo Zheng quickly judged the position of another sniper according to the direction. He didn't have time to take a closer look and shot at the target. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure flashing at that position. He was overjoyed and accelerated frantically. Rush forward, searching for the target as you rush.

While running, Luo Zheng found that Overlord suddenly started to run, and then there was a rapid burst of fire. Three bullets hit the ground in a Z-shaped shape. Overlord dodged the bullets again. Luo Zheng's blood boiled when he saw it. The majestic King of Soldiers actually refused to let go. The hunting dog couldn't help but howl, "Ouch" - the speed of its feet suddenly accelerated.

While running, Luo Zheng inadvertently used the family's breathing method, and soon entered an ethereal state. In this state, Luo Zheng's perception became more acute, and his hearing became even more amazing. He suddenly found three people around him. There are dangers lurking in these places. If you realize it, you can raise your hand and shoot at three places.

This shot was not aimed, and no trace of the enemy was found. He shot purely based on perception, but he keenly heard two groans. Although they were very small and almost undetectable, Luo Zheng, who had entered the ethereal state, still keenly sensed, accompanied by The muffled sound was accompanied by the sound of rapid footsteps. Luo Zheng did not hesitate and quickly chased in the direction of the footsteps.

At this time, Luo Zheng found that the Overlord was also rushing towards the footsteps, with one person and one dog, attacking from both sides. Luo Zheng rushed to the top of the mountain and saw a black shadow running away, about a hundred meters away from him. Under the night, he could only Seeing the shadow, it was difficult to aim, but Luo Zheng was so happy that he raised his hand and fired without even aiming.

The gunshot rang out and the man was knocked down. Overlord rushed forward like a bolt of black lightning. Luo Zheng was not to be outdone. He rushed forward and saw that the opponent was shot in the back, but a large piece of flesh was torn off his throat by Overlord, and blood was pouring out. It was impossible to live again. Luo Zheng glanced at Overlord coldly, looked around, concentrated on the surroundings, and carefully sensed the signs of enemies around him.

Soon, Luo Zheng noticed that there was intensive gunfire all around, and there were exchanges of fire in several places. He knew that his brothers had also discovered other enemies, and his face became even colder. When he saw the Overlord screaming and rushing in one direction, he also He rushed forward without showing any signs of weakness.

While running, a gunshot suddenly rang out in front of him. Overlord nimbly ran to avoid the bullets. Luo Zheng, who was following closely behind Overlord, keenly discovered the enemy's position. He raised his hand and fired a shot. Whoosh - the bullets whizzed away, as if he was completely angry. Like a god of war, he tore open the space barrier and rushed into a mound without mercy.

"Ah——" With a scream, the person ambushing behind the mound fell to the ground. The Overlord rushed forward like an arrow from the string, directly tearing the opponent's throat. He looked back at Luo Zheng who rushed up, and the corners of his mouth were filled with tears. Blood screamed a few times, as if praising Luo Zheng's skill, and chose a direction to continue rushing.

Luo Zhenghan followed closely with a face on his face, and suddenly he saw a figure running wildly in the night in front of him. Luo Zheng was wearing tactical goggles. The powerful night vision function ensured his line of sight. He could see clearly. He quickly raised his gun to aim and shoot. Overlord also followed closely. When he went up, the opponent moved his body strangely, avoiding Luo Zheng's fatal shot. While running, he pointed the pistol at the Overlord with a rapid burst of fire.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng saw that the opponent actually avoided his fatal shot. He knew that he was a master and was very competitive. He didn't take aim at all and relied on his combat instinct to pull the trigger on the target.

"Boohoo!" Three consecutive shots and three sniper bullets were fired at him like a barrage of arrows. With Luo Zheng's monstrous rage, the space was torn open, and the scream was like the god of death grinning.

The target didn't know what happened. The moment Luo Zheng fired, he strangely fell forward to the ground, rolled twice, got up, and continued to rush forward. Luo Zheng didn't know whether it was a coincidence or intentional, and his anger became even stronger. , seeing the opponent aiming at Overlord and shooting again, he couldn't help but speed up and run forward.

The Overlord roared and rushed forward, with a domineering momentum, and was about to catch up with the target. Perhaps the enemy knew that he could not outrun the Overlord, so he suddenly turned around, gave up the pistol, raised the steel gun in his hand, aimed at it, and was about to shoot. Luo Zheng was horrified. The sniper rifle bullets had been used up and there was no way to stop him.

At the critical moment, Luo Zheng thought that the Overlord was about to spill blood on the spot, and suddenly burst out with an astonishing force. He kicked his feet hard, and his body suddenly accelerated, like a cannonball being discharged. He rushed to the target, reached out with his big hand, and grabbed the opponent's steel gun. Moving to one side, he raised the pistol he pulled out while running with his other hand and put it against the opponent's head. He quickly pulled the trigger and roared: "Go to hell."

"Poof!" The bullet entered the opponent's head, leaving a bullet hole, and rushed out from the back of the head, lifting up a large piece of skull, blood splashing everywhere, and the stiff body fell to the ground, with eyes closed, unable to understand why Luo Zheng's speed suddenly Has it changed so quickly?

"Ouch - ugh" The Overlord rushed up and bit the enemy's throat again. He shook his head and tore off a large piece of meat. He shook his head again and threw away the meat in his mouth. He looked at Luo Zheng and howled a few times. The sound seemed to be thanking Luo Zheng for saving his life, and also seemed to be praising Luo Zheng for his outstanding skills.

Luo Zheng glanced at Overlord, and scanned the surroundings with a cold gaze. He found that two Wu Zhishi rushed up to help the battle. The distance was only a few hundred meters, and they disappeared in an instant. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He looked at the several places where the firefight was still taking place and shouted in a deep voice: " Don't attack, just entangle the enemy and let the air brothers pound these beasts hard."

"Yes." Everyone shouted knowingly.

"I am Tian Lei. We and the enemy are mixed together. It is difficult to distinguish in the dark. Please give instructions to attack." A voice shouted.

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