The strongest soldier

Chapter 1923 Discovering enemy traces

Under the gray night, on the lonely mountain ridge, more than twenty black figures rushed forward, constantly running and changing directions, elusive, and the speed was astonishingly fast. High in the sky, a Wu Zhi Shi was hovering, a huge The light illuminated the ground and he kept looking for the target. It was quiet in front of him, as if there was nothing. This situation made Luo Zheng secretly vigilant. Who can be so calm?

"Hidden." Luo Zheng felt something was wrong and shouted in a deep voice.

But it was too late. One of the brothers screamed and fell to the ground. Guishou, who was charging wildly, saw one of his own being hit to the end. He was furious and rushed forward quickly. The others hid on the spot. Watching the surroundings vigilantly, Luo Zheng heard the roar of Ghost Hands and knew something was wrong, so he asked: "What's going on?"

"A brother was hit and his entire arm was broken. Bastard, I'm going to kill these beasts." Ghost Hand's suppressed roar sounded in the headset, and everyone could hear it clearly. Everyone's face turned cold, and their eyes The anger inside became even more intense. They were all brothers who had gone through life and death. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, with deep hatred welling up in their hearts.

"Hidden, don't move. It's a silent sniper tactic. The helicopter went up to rescue these beasts and took the wounded back for first aid. The others kept an eye on the surroundings for me. If they found any abnormalities, they opened fire directly. I covered the helicopter to save people and kill them." Luo Zheng His expression changed drastically, and he quickly shouted, changing his tactics.

Guishou also reacted and quickly lay down on the spot to provide emergency treatment to the injured brother. The brothers quickly opened fire at suspicious locations around them and started fire reconnaissance. Guishou saw the helicopter approaching and quickly hugged the wounded without waiting for it to stop. After rushing up, a pilot quickly came down, lay down on the ground, and made room.

The remaining pilot quickly took the wounded into the air and left. The ghost hand patted the shoulder of the pilot who had vacated the position gratefully. Without saying anything, he stared straight ahead with a cold face, and suddenly burst into flames, like a violent The ferocious beast roared and charged forward with a desperate posture.

"Kill!" The members of the Ghost Hand team saw that the Ghost Hand was desperate, and they immediately got up and roared, rushing forward, each with their waists hunched, holding the steel gun flat on their shoulders, their eyes red, and they looked at the suspicious position. After shooting, the brother's injury caused everyone's anger to boil over.

When Luo Zheng saw that Guishou was about to risk his life, his face changed greatly, but he did not stop him. He picked up his weapon and shouted: "Mountain Eagle Team, sniper cover, the others are following me and rush forward, kill!"

"Kill -" Snow Leopard roared angrily, leading the team to charge wildly.

"Release the wolves and dogs." Shen Fei also reacted and quickly shouted.

When the soldiers who were holding down the wolf dogs heard the order, their blood boiled and they quickly untied the reins. Several wolf dogs jumped up, howled and rushed forward. They ran very fast, and their limbs seemed to be in the air. , the speed must be around 100 kilometers per hour, and quickly caught up with Luo Zheng and others who were running wildly, rushing ahead.

Luo Zheng saw that the wolf dog was almost charging in one direction, howling and screaming, and quickly shouted: "Give me fire reconnaissance in the direction in front of the wolf dog, kill-"

"Da da da!" Everyone fired fiercely at the suspicious position in front of the wolf dog, leaving no opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of. In the blink of an eye, they ran forward more than 300 meters. The wolf dog rushed towards an inconspicuous hillside in front, Luo Zheng's face changed. Shen quickly stopped, kneeling and aiming at the hillside in front, looking for suspicious locations.

The wolf-dog was getting closer and closer. Luo Zheng keenly discovered that there was a mound at the bottom of the hillside, about a foot above the ground. There was no abnormality, but it looked a bit abrupt on the surrounding gentle slopes. How could a place with severe desertification suddenly appear? A raised mound, this is a hillside, not a valley. The wind has been blowing for many years, and even the mound has been flattened, which is weird.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng fired, and the sniper bullet whizzed away, making a terrifying scream. With Luo Zheng's endless murderous intent, it rushed towards the slightly raised mound in front of him. It disappeared in an instant and sank into the mound. Suddenly it exploded, and a man crawled out, staggering towards the top of the mountain. The wolves and dogs had already rushed up.

"Da da da!" Gui Shou, who was rushing in front, also saw this figure. He raised his hand and fired with a sweep, knocking the opponent to the ground. At this time, the wolf dog also pounced on him, and the wolf dog in front was even more fierce. It fiercely pounced on the opponent's neck, biting and holding on to it. The enemy was already dead and did not move.

At this time, Luo Zheng noticed that the other wolf dogs continued to charge towards the top of the mountain. Apparently they had discovered something, so he couldn't help being overjoyed and shouted: "All of them are here, rush up and kill!"

"Kill!" The brother's injury made everyone's fighting spirit boil over, and everyone rushed with red eyes.

Luo Zheng rushed to the dead body. The wolf dog glanced at Luo Zheng, let go of its neck, and began to growl. Luo Zheng stepped forward to check. He was a white man, and his equipment was all from Sam Country. He opened the opponent's collar and saw that there was no military badge. He searched his body and found nothing to prove himself. He couldn't help but lift the opponent's helmet and took a look. He still had a pot head. He was overjoyed. He stood up with a cold face and shouted: "Brothers, we are old rivals. Please be careful and pay attention to the black guns."

The wolf dog roared at Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng didn't mean anything and didn't care. At this time, Shen Fei ran up and stroked the wolf dog, trying to calm him down. However, the wolf dog became even more irritable, and a man holding a rope The warrior ran up and said quickly: "The Overlord has noticed it and wants you to follow it."

"Overlord?" Luo Zheng looked at the warrior in surprise.

"Its code name." The soldier pointed at the wolf dog and explained: "The Overlord is the fastest, but will be killed without help. The Overlord is very smart and sees that you are the fastest, and hopes to cooperate with you in the battle."

"It's interesting, okay." Luo Zheng threw the enemy's sniper rifle to the soldier and said, "If you can keep up, keep up. It doesn't matter if you can't. I'll give this gun to the Overlord. You can keep it for me and let it run away. Bar."

"Thank you, chief." The soldier gratefully accepted the gun and agreed. Although he had to hand it over in the end, it would be nice to touch it. This is a rare high-end sniper rifle. He quickly squatted down and stroked the wolf dog and said, "Overlord , it’s up to you, go and avenge your wife.”

"Wife?" Luo Zheng was surprised and suspicious.

"The wolf dog that was beaten to death was the overlord's wife." Shen Fei explained in a low voice.

Dogs have spirituality, and the trained wolf-dogs are even more intelligent. Luo Zheng immediately understood what Overlord meant. Seeing Overlord roaring and rushing forward, he quickly unloaded his backpack and gave it to Shen Fei and said, "Keep it for me." Without waiting. Shen Fei replied, he picked up the sniper rifle and rushed up at full speed, stretching an afterimage in the void and traveling far away in an instant.

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