The strongest soldier

Chapter 1846 Retreat to the passage

"Peng Pengpeng!" Fierce gunshots rang out. Luo Zheng relied on his precise marksmanship to suppress the rushing guards. The guards did not dare to rush. Lan Xue blocked the guards on the other side and the hostages were released. Knowing that the critical moment had arrived, Fu Fu speeded up and rushed forward, encouraging each other while dodging bullets. His basic combat skills were still there, which made Luo Zhen secretly relieved.

Although the dark prison is heavily defended, it is more focused on the outside. The internal defense is not very strong. The gun-wielding guards were beaten by Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's precise shooting skills and did not dare to show their faces. They hid in the corners of the corridor and shot randomly. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue Xue led everyone in a mad rush and soon arrived at the corridor leading to the equipment room.

At this time, the corridor opened wide, and several guards with guns rushed out. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly fired at these people and continued to charge forward, completely ignoring the possibility of bullets hitting him. The brave man will win when they meet in a narrow road. If you try hard, you will be entangled by the guards. Once entangled, more guards will come and you will not be able to leave.

"Kill!" Luo Zhen roared and rushed forward. The guards were frightened by his fierce attack and retreated, leaving several corpses behind. However, Luo Zhen did not hide, let alone stop. He continued to rush forward and kicked him away. He walked through the door of the equipment room, rolled to the ground quickly, and rushed into the room.

"Click, click, click!" Countless bullets were fired from above his head. Luo Zhen took the opportunity to quickly observe the enemy's situation. The gun in his hand seemed to be alive. He kept firing at visible targets, and the bullets bit the flesh. At this time, Lan Xue was worried. Luo Zheng, who was in danger, also rushed closer and fired violently at the people in the room, hiding himself. The bullets seemed to have eyes, knocking down a target to the ground and hitting each one in the center of their eyebrows.

The released people picked up the weapons guarded at the door and joined the battle group. Although they had been imprisoned for so long, their fighting instincts were still there, and their hearts were full of anger and hatred. They screamed and opened fire with all their might, and they did not hesitate. He risked his life to dodge bullets.

This life-threatening fighting style was very dangerous, just like committing suicide, but the fierce momentum scared the guards. Coupled with Luo Zhen and Lan Xue's precise shooting skills, the others' momentum was released and they all found places to hide. Captain Bi, everyone started shooting even more desperately, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen corpses were lying on the ground.

There were not many people in the equipment room to begin with, and they lost all morale after being beaten. They were completely panicked. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue took the opportunity to rush forward, constantly dodging the random shots fired by the guards, and like cheetahs, they closed the distance with the guards. , once there was a shooting angle, he opened fire without hesitation, killing one guard after another.

The guards were quickly cleared, and Luo Zheng shouted: "Quickly, close the door and defend."

Everyone quickly closed the door, picked up the weapons on the ground and looked around cautiously. A middle-aged man shouted: "Brother, what should we do next? This is a blind spot. It won't take long for more guards to rush up. We must do it as soon as possible." Find a way, otherwise no one can escape."

"The injured go up first. Climb the ladder on the wall and enter the passage." Luo Zhen shouted while checking the battlefield. If he saw anyone who was killed, he would immediately shoot again to avoid accidents. Lan Xue also helped check the battlefield. .

Everyone quickly discovered the ladder formed by the steel bars on the wall and saw the passage. They immediately understood and walked up quickly, letting the seriously injured people go first. Those in better health stayed at the gate and watched vigilantly. The situation outside the door, the captured weapons were held tightly, and the expression on the face was excited.

Luo Zheng quickly cleaned up the battlefield and came to the gate. He glanced at the corridor outside, but did not notice Shi Qian following him. There were intensive gunshots, footsteps and roars. Luo Zheng guessed that it was the guards who came to suppress the prison escape. Shi Qianlai became worried, his face turned cold, and he shouted: "Everyone, hurry up."

Everyone climbed up quickly and got into the passage. They picked up the tactical flashlights placed by Luo Zhen and others and continued to climb forward. Soon, everyone entered the passage. Shi Qian hadn't come yet, and Luo Zheng's expression changed. He became solemn and said to Lan Xue: "You escort everyone to evacuate first, and I'll go take a look."

"No, they can go out by themselves. I'll go with you." Lan Xue said without hesitation, picked up a weapon and checked the magazine, then loaded it and strode to Luo Zhen. Although due to the invisibility suit, Because each other can't see each other's position clearly, they can both feel each other's presence.

"I'm here, don't shoot." A voice outside shouted, it was Shi Qian.

Luo Zhen was overjoyed and quickly opened the big iron door. He felt a person rushing up and shouted with concern: "Are you okay?"

Shi Qian could feel Luo Zheng's sincere concern, and did not abandon him and run away. He said gratefully: "It's okay. The prison has dispatched a large number of guards to suppress the escapees. We must take the opportunity to evacuate. A large number of guards are coming here. No. It’s too late to run.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of guards appeared in the corridor in front. Luo Zheng was shocked. He fired at the guards and shouted: "Close the door."

The big iron door was quickly closed and bolted from the inside. The steel beam was stuck. It was not easy to open it unless a bomb was used. This was also a setting to prevent prison inmates from rioting. Who would have thought that someone could break into the equipment room? ? This all-steel beam was stuck, which actually made Luo Zheng and others easier.

"Hurry up." Luo Zheng urged.

"Wait a minute." Shi Qian shouted and rushed to the side.

Luo Zhen turned around and saw that there were weapons and ammunition not far away. He looked at the staff who were fascinated and motionless, and guessed it was their weapons. As for the guards who were killed on the ground, they should have come to check the situation. The group of people happened to catch up with Luo Zhen and others. Luo Zheng saw a box of grenades and immediately reacted. He was overjoyed and rushed to help. He said to Shi Qian: "You are right. I should have listened to you just now. Kill If you kill the people here, cut off the power and create chaos, you might be able to rescue them quietly."

Shi Qian did not expect that Luo Zhen would actually lower his status and apologize to himself. This magnanimity and magnanimity were admirable. He said gratefully: "Stop talking about this, take away the grenade and blow up the passage. In this way, the people here will I don’t know where we went, but I’m going to take down the defense equipment here and cut off their power supply.”

"Good idea, go ahead and I'll move it." Luo Zhen shouted approvingly, and ran away carrying the grenade box. Lan Xue came up to help. The two of them carried it and ran, quickly climbed up the passage, and found that there were two more people there. Waiting, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Why didn't you run away?"

"They're going to withdraw first. We'll be in good health. We'll stay and see if we can help." One of them explained, while helping to drag the grenade up.

Luo Zhen and Lan Xue also entered the passage. At this time, the lights in the equipment room outside suddenly went out. Luo Zhen quickly picked up a flashlight and shined it out. When he saw a large number of guards seemingly crashing into the door, he shouted anxiously: "Brother, hurry up. ."

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