The strongest soldier

Chapter 1845 Release the Prisoner

"Okay." Hu Yi quickly agreed. Who wants to die if he can live? The hope of survival filled Hu Yi's whole body with strength. She stood up with difficulty and walked to the side holding on to the steel pillars of the large iron cage. She was walking in a hurry and almost fell down. Fortunately, she reacted in time and grabbed a steel pillar for stability. He came down and walked towards the next door again, this time walking slower. When he came to the big iron cage next door, he shouted: "Brother, come here and have a chat."

The big iron cages are all next to each other, with no more than a foot apart between them. There is also a yellow man in the next door. He is humming the national anthem with his eyes closed. He was startled when he heard the sound. He opened his eyes and looked at Hu Yi, and left in surprise. He came over and said with concern: "Are you okay? Just hold on, there is hope in life."

Hu Yi agreed, controlled his voice and went to talk to the other party. After Luo Zhen handed the matter over to Hu Yi, he observed the surroundings with confidence. It might not be easy to take the person out quietly, so he quickly found Shi Qian and sat down. At the location, he walked up and asked in a low voice: "How to evacuate?"

"There are two ways. One is to open all the big iron cages and let everyone evacuate, create chaos and then take the opportunity to escape. The other is to take everyone away quietly without exposing our identities. It is just possible that we will be exposed. Then we can only force our way out. "It's gone." Hu Yi lowered her voice helplessly and said, "Saving people is not stealing things. It's too difficult. Faced with the reality, there is no better way."

Luo Zheng knew that what Shi Qian said was true. Everyone had invisibility suits and could evacuate invisibly. But there were more than a dozen people here, and all of them seemed to be in poor physical condition. It was almost impossible to evacuate without alerting anyone. What should I do? Is it just possible to get out? Luo Zhen's eyes became serious as he pondered.

It was Luo Zheng's business to make the decision. Shi Qian did not make any private claims and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng was worried that something would change later, so he decided to take a chance. He immediately lowered his voice and said to Shi Qian: "Shi Qian, you are responsible for opening our people's big lock. Leave the others alone. Xue'er, you are responsible for opening the way. Hunter Kill all the guards along the way, fight your way to the equipment room, which is the one we came from. After our people get out, Shi Qian, you can open the other people's big locks, and I will stay and cause chaos."

"Understood." Shi Qian and Lan Xue whispered.

"Action." Luo Zheng said immediately.

Shi Qian agreed and quickly unlocked the big iron cage where his people were imprisoned. The people imprisoned in the big iron cage had been notified by Hu Yi, and they all told each other secretly. Everyone was not an ordinary person. The rescuers all wore invisibility suits. Although they saw no one, they all became excited. When the big iron lock opened for no reason, they were even more surprised. However, they all remained calm and did not yell or rush out.

Seeing that everyone was still calm, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After Shi Qian opened all the big iron cages for all his people, he immediately said to Hu Yi: "Inform everyone to get out immediately. Don't be anxious. There are people in front of you to open the way. In addition, tell me For everyone else, the iron locks will open soon, and it’s up to you whether you can run out or not.”

"Understood." Hu Yi was overjoyed and agreed. He walked out of the big iron cage with difficulty and shouted: "Brothers, come out. Walk out. Some people will open the way, and some will help you. Don't panic, just follow."

Everyone quickly walked out of the big iron cage, supported each other and walked outside. When the other people in the big iron cage saw this scene, they were all shocked and screamed and asked. Hu Yi immediately asked everyone to notify other prisoners. The prisoners were told not to make trouble. Someone would unlock the door and urge everyone to speed up.

Escape from prison is not a vacation, and you must seize the time. Luo Zheng and others walked to the first large iron gate. Lan Xue rushed to clear the way, and immediately said to Shi Qian: "Is it possible to light a fire if you open the lock for others?"

"It's all made of steel. There's nothing combustible here. It's not easy to handle." Shi Qian agreed.

Luo Zheng understood that what Shi Qian said was true, and immediately said: "After unlocking everyone, come and join us immediately. Hurry up. I'll go ahead and wait for you in the equipment room. Hurry up."

"Understood." Shi Qian quickly agreed.

If possible, Luo Zhen didn't want to escape in this direct way, but time was running out, and things would change later, so he had to fight hard. He only hoped that after releasing the others, he would create chaos, attract the guards' ideas, and help everyone evacuate. If you provide time, it depends on luck whether you can succeed or not.

Lan Xue led the people and rushed outside. The guards along the way were fascinated. The big iron door was only ajar and not locked. They could just open it and run away. Luo Zheng gave Shi Qian instructions and chased after him. Everyone, rushed to the front, and said to Lan Xue: "I'll drive over, cover me." As he said that, he rushed forward at the lead.

Lan Xue could vaguely distinguish the position of Luo Zheng who was chasing after him. When he heard the voice, he quickly agreed. Luo Zheng moved forward, quickly opened the third large iron door, touched the guard's body, and found that there was no weapon. He continued to move forward helplessly. He rushed forward and soon saw two armed patrol officers rushing over. Luo Zheng rushed forward without retreating, and then the stealth suit narrowed the distance between him and the patrol officers.

The patrol officers could feel someone rushing up to them, but they couldn't see clearly. In addition, they were all focused on rushing towards the prisoners and didn't pay much attention to the invisible Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to rush up and quickly approached the person, using his hands like lightning. Tan locked the neck of one of them tightly, and then twisted hard to break the other person's neck and took away the other person's weapon.

The other person was horrified when he found that his companion had died for no reason. He quickly turned his gun and aimed at it, and was about to shoot. Luo Zheng took the first shot and hit the other person on the back of the head with a gun butt, knocking him unconscious. Lan Xue took a quick step. He rushed up, picked up the opponent's weapon, and skillfully loaded the bullet.

"Protect them." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice and rushed forward. The arrival of the patrols meant that everyone's whereabouts had been exposed. More people would definitely come. They must seize the time to evacuate. Luo Zheng ran in large strides. I saw several people rushing toward me in a corridor, all of them loaded with guns and filled with murderous intent. Their faces turned cold, and they raised their hands and fired at them with a shuttle to knock down the people who were rushing towards them.

Lan Xue took the opportunity to urge everyone to speed up. Although he was invisible, his voice made everyone feel Lan Xue's presence. Everyone knew that an emergency was coming. They supported each other and ran faster. Under the desire to survive, everyone burst out with amazing strength. , speeding up and running without looking back.

More people rushed up. Luo Zheng responded calmly and kept shooting people in sight. Lan Xue was worried about Luo Zheng's safety and rushed up to help. Others sped up and caught up. Everyone was fighting and walking towards them. He rushed over to the location of the equipment room.

However, more guards rushed over and the situation became critical.

Note: It’s the end of the month, friends who still have monthly tickets remember to vote for King of Soldiers, thank you for your support.

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