The strongest soldier

Chapter 1834 Burying in the Sand to Avoid the Enemy

At noon, the sun is scorching hot, and a heat wave appears on the sand surface. The dry hot air in the air enters the body through breathing, burning the lungs like fire, making the chest depressed and extremely uncomfortable. The breath coming out is hot, everyone. I had to drink water to drown out the sweltering heat. I didn't carry much water, and I couldn't drink it in big gulps. This feeling of frustration was maddening.

Fortunately, everyone rested for a whole morning and recovered a lot of physical strength and energy. Luo Zheng ate some dry food, put on his backpack, looked at Lan Xue with his weapon, and said in a deep voice: "You stay to command the troops, I will lead them." Cao Xi went to survey the terrain and be sure to find the location to dig the tunnel."

"You can't do it alone, I'll take care of you." Lan Xue said seriously.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, nodded in agreement, looked at the crowd and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, please wait here for a moment. Don't run around. Mountain Eagle, your people should spread out and be on guard. Guishou, I'm not here. You were in charge of commanding here before, are there any problems?"

"Yes!" everyone shouted in a low voice.

"You stay." Seeing that Shi Qian also wanted to follow, Luo Zheng immediately warned: "You have to conserve your strength. We will move at night. Don't worry, I am responsible for her safety."

"Well, be careful." Shi Qian said to Cao Xi with concern.

Cao Xi nodded, Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, his eyes fell on Cao Xi, and said seriously: "There is desert everywhere here, which way should we go?"

"Go north, get as close to the base as possible and shorten the excavation distance. Any base must consider water source issues. The desert is too far from the city, and road transportation is definitely not enough. Laying water pipes is prone to poisoning attacks. Generally, groundwater is dug. Therefore, there must be a water source under the base, and the water source comes from the underground river. What we have to do is to find the direction and location of the underground river, and choose a safe point to start." Cao Xi explained seriously.

When Luo Zheng heard that it made sense, he looked at the vast desert around him, wiped the sweat from his face and said in a deep voice: "It doesn't look like there is an underground river here, but you are an expert in this field, I will listen to you. Let’s go.”

The three of them walked towards the base under the scorching sun, walking as far as possible under the sand dunes. All electronic devices were turned off to reduce the possibility of exposure. They did not speak and used all their strength to rush. Two hours later, the three of them After walking about five kilometers, he lurked behind a sand dune and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

The surrounding area is covered with long stretches of yellow sand. A lizard on a dune not far away looked around cautiously and quickly ran away. The wind stirred up the fine sand on the top of the dune and fluttered in the distance. The surroundings were depressingly quiet, with only the scorching heat. The sun hung high in the sky, and the sultry air made it difficult to breathe. Luo Zheng could no longer bear the sultry heat. He looked at Cao Xi with sweating profusely and a questioning look in his eyes.

Cao Xi observed the surrounding terrain knowingly, and suddenly pointed in one direction, with a shocked expression on his face. Luo Zheng was startled, and turned his head to find a team suddenly emerging from the sand dunes in front of him. A dozen people lined up in a column, looking east and west, observing. It's the patrol.

"Look at the surrounding terrain, the patrol may pass by us." Lan Xue reminded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng also discovered this problem, his face darkened, and he quickly observed the surrounding terrain. It was too late to run, so he could only hide. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly looked at Cao Xi and said, "Bury yourself with sand and only show your face." Outside, although the temperature of the sand is very high, the clothes on you are insulating, so you don’t have to worry about burns, so hurry up.”

"Okay." Cao Xi reacted and agreed. He quickly dug up the fine sand around him, dug a long sand pit and lay down. He sat in it and piled the surrounding sand on himself, smoothing it as much as possible. Then he lay down and continued. He piled the fine sand onto his body with both hands. At this time, Cao Xi found that Lan Xue and Luo Zheng had already hidden themselves. The sand on their bodies was flush with the surroundings. Only their faces were exposed. There was nothing suspicious about them. Unless they got close to them, they would Definitely hard to spot.

"Hurry up." Lan Xue reminded.

"Huh?" Cao Xi reacted and quickly continued to pile the surrounding sand on his body. He piled it all over his body, then smoothed it out so that the sand on his body was at the same level as the surroundings. Finally, he squeezed into the sand with his hands, carrying special tactics. Gloves have a strong thermal insulation effect, otherwise you will be burned by the high temperature of the sand.

I have a bulletproof helmet on my head, which is higher than the ground, and my neck is wrapped in a scarf. There is no sand flowing into my neck. There is no way to avoid the sand on my face. If I bury it all in, I will be burned. This is the only flaw. Can I avoid it? It depends on your luck.

Luo Zheng felt the scorching temperature under the sand, as if he was lying in an oven. Although the clothes on his body had a thermal insulation effect, he couldn't bear it anymore. He had to endure it with all his strength. He looked at Cao Xi worriedly and found that Cao Xi's face was also flushed, big beads of sweat rolled down his face, and he was gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Being able to withstand high temperatures, this person has a lot of willpower." Luo Zheng secretly thought, knowing a little more about Cao Xi. He looked at Lan Xue worriedly, and found that Lan Xue's face was also flushed with heat, and he was gritting his teeth and persisting, frowning. Wrinkled, feeling heartbroken, I could faintly hear the enemy's chatter and laughter, so I quickly abandoned my distracting thoughts, gathered my mind and waited.

Soon, the sounds of chatter, laughter and footsteps became clearer and clearer. Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted, not daring to move. Luo Zheng could feel the water in his body losing rapidly, and his heart was so depressed that it was maddening. This feeling can make people run. However, for the sake of the mission and everyone's safety, Luo Zheng endured it with all his strength and looked at Cao Xi worriedly. Luo Zheng was reassured by Lan Xue's endurance, but Cao Xi was not a soldier and had not received special training, so he might not be able to persist. live.

At this time, Cao Xi's eyes were slightly closed, his lips were clenched, his face was as red as fire, and his breathing seemed to have slowed down. Luo Zheng was shocked. This was a sign that he had reached the limit of endurance. He was about to run away at any time. He couldn't help but tighten the gun in his hand. , prepared for battle, once exposed, they can only fight to the death.

What Luo Zheng was worried about did not happen. Cao Xi actually withstood the scorching test. The patrol gradually moved away a hundred meters away from everyone, walked down a hill and disappeared.

"Huh!" Luo Zheng sat up quickly, letting the fine sand on his body fall, and looked at Cao Xi worriedly. As he stood up, he shouted eagerly: "Come out, everyone. How are you doing?"

Lan Xue quickly stood up and saw that Cao Xi was struggling to move and was a little unable to get up. She quickly climbed up to help. Luo Zheng also rushed up. The two of them helped Cao Xi out of the sand pit, one on the left and the other on the right. Looking at Cao Xi with concern, Luo Zheng took out his own kettle and handed it over, asking eagerly: "How is it?"

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