The strongest soldier

Chapter 1833 Arriving at the Destination

Luo Zheng didn't understand anything about Yin Yang and Five Elements. The weather observation skills he learned in the army were of little use in this extremely harsh desert. He couldn't tell whether Cao Xi's words were true or false, but he didn't ask any more questions and waited patiently. , half an hour is not long, it passed in a short while, and the wind did start to weaken.

This result made Luo Zheng couldn't help but think highly of Cao Xi, and he became more confident in completing the task. He wanted to ask more about Yin Yang and the Five Elements, but considering that it was something passed down from Cao Xi's ancestors, this kind of thing was generally Not being able to talk nonsense, he suppressed his curiosity and said to Cao Xi: "You are right, when is the wind expected to stop?"

"It won't stop completely. It will be reduced to Level 3 at most. Level 3 winds will not affect the journey." Cao Xi said.

"Great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He quickly glanced at his brothers. They were all in good spirits, and shouted: "Brothers, while it's safe now, let's hurry up and hurry up. We'll think about rest after dawn. Cheer up and follow me." He said and walked towards the top of the hill.

Others followed up and continued on their way with the wind at their backs. After walking for about half an hour, the wind became lighter again, making walking less difficult. Everyone's speed was a little faster. After an hour, the wind strength was only about Level 3. , this result made Luo Zheng very happy, and others also admired Cao Xi's judgment.

With someone who can identify the weather, everyone can detect dangers in advance and avoid them, which greatly increases the morale of the troops. Luo Zheng thought that if Cao Xi can identify the climate, it should be easy to identify the terrain and dig tunnels. Wait a moment. , led the troops and continued on their way.

We didn’t encounter any unmanned reconnaissance planes along the way. As for the satellites, the distance was relatively high and it was dark, so it was difficult to take pictures. Everyone was wearing anti-infrared desert camouflage combat uniforms, so the possibility of being photographed was low. The satellites came over. At that time, everyone stayed lurking and waited for the satellite to pass by and continue on their way.

Unknowingly, the sky got brighter, and no one knew where they were. Luo Zheng led his troops to hide under a sand dune, and looked up at the rising sun. It was red, and the cold air was a little warmer. Except for the surrounding people, Sand dunes are flat sandy areas that glow golden under the sun, making them particularly beautiful.

"The troops rest where they are, replenish food and water, and maintain weapons!" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone found a place to sit down and rest, and brought out dry food and water. Luo Zheng also found a place to sit down, turned on the signal transmitter, and after connecting to the satellite signal, said: "It's me, locate it quickly."

"I understand, wait a moment, are you all okay?" Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset.

"Everything is fine." Luo Zheng took out the dry food and water, drank two sips of water, and heard Blue Star's voice ringing in the headset: "The positioning was successful. You are still about a hundred kilometers away from the target. No exposure has been found so far. There are signs that the squadron leader has already spread the rumors of assassinating Jackson and created some false impressions. Jackson is busy dealing with it in the capital of Sam's country, don't worry."

"One hundred kilometers, great. What's wrong with the garrison?" Luo Zheng agreed casually.

"There is nothing abnormal. There is a desert road about thirty kilometers east of your location. It is only used by the garrison. A convoy is heading to the base. After checking, it is a vehicle transporting supplies. There is nothing abnormal about the base troops. It is expected that there will be one in ten minutes. An unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is passing by you, please pay attention to air defense." Blue Star reminded.

"Ten minutes?" Luo Zheng looked up at the sky warily and shouted quickly: "Brothers, dig a hole under the sand dune and hide. In ten minutes, a drone may pass over our heads, so we have to be on guard."

"Understood." Everyone put away the dry food and water, put their weapons aside, picked up the folding engineer shovel, and dug a hole under the sand dune. Although the sand dune contained some soil, it was very soft and easy to dig and collapse. It's also very easy, so you have to dig carefully.

Five or six minutes later, everyone took out a small sound-hiding hole, hid in it and huddled up in a ball. They continued to eat dry food and water. After waiting for a few minutes, the drone appeared at a high altitude two kilometers away. As we passed, the sand dunes obscured everyone’s hiding place.

After the drone left, Luo Zheng walked out of the hiding hole, looked up at the drone flying high in the sky, and began to think solemnly. This desert is a military management area, and uninterrupted reconnaissance by drones is the norm. This gives Everyone's actions bring great risks, and it will be troublesome if they are exposed.

"What are you thinking about?" Lan Xue walked over and asked curiously.

"It's easy to be exposed when there are many people. A large army must find a place to hide." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it will take several days to dig the tunnel. You will encounter drones at any time during this time, so you really need to hide." Lan Xue also said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about hiding. The soil in places where tunnels can be dug is relatively solid. When the time comes, dig a big hole and everyone can hide. When we gather together, we can take turns helping." Cao Xi reminded.

"We are still about a hundred kilometers away from our destination. The troops will rest where they are in the morning. Let's all have a good sleep. We will continue our journey at noon and try to reach our destination before dawn tomorrow. Do you two have any problems?" Luo Zheng looked worriedly. Cao Xi and Shi Qian saw that they nodded without hesitation, smiled gratefully, and said, "It's best if you can persist. If you really can't persist, don't force it. If you get sick, it will drag everyone down. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry." Cao Xi said confidently.

Everyone chatted for a while and each went to find a place to rest. There was no chance of encountering enemies in this kind of place. All one had to do was avoid the reconnaissance planes overhead and leave two people to watch out for snakes and scorpions. At noon, the sun was blazing in the sky. The ground temperature was as high as about 40 degrees, as if all the moisture in the human body was squeezed dry. The large troops stared at the scorching sun and continued on their way. The special cold-proof and heat-proof clothing inside the combat uniforms blocked a lot of heat from the outside. However, the hot air was sucked into the body. Just as uncomfortable.

The troops walked slowly, looking for places to hide when encountering drones. They kept walking and walking, and before they knew it, it was getting dark. Luo Zheng did not dare to delay. After finding a place to rest for an hour, he replenished some food and water. We continued on our way and traveled all night. Fortunately, there was no strong wind tonight, so our journey went smoothly.

At dawn the next day, everyone came to a sand dune area. The sand dunes here were more than 30 meters above the ground. They were intricate and appeared a bit abrupt in the flat desert. Everyone hid in the sand dunes to rest. Luo Zheng turned on the signal to connect to the satellite and waited for the connection. After the call, he said: "It's me, locate it immediately."

"The positioning is successful. The destination is less than ten kilometers ahead. There are patrols within five kilometers. Please be careful." Blue Star's words quickly rang in the headset.

"Finally we're here." Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The alternation of cold and heat along the way made Luo Zheng's body unable to bear it.

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