The strongest soldier

Chapter 1810 Complete the mission

Half an hour later, Shi Feng arrived with a convoy, and then the master went straight to the airport. Luo Zheng drove the car himself, Shi Feng sat in the passenger seat, the master and his disciples sat in the back, and the cars were mixed in with the convoy. In the middle, the curtains were drawn, and the inside could not be seen from the outside. The police were clearing the way in front, the intersection was strictly guarded, and the speed was very fast.

Along the way, no one dared to take it lightly. The Twin Gates were destroyed, but Jackson, the vicious snake, was still there. Luo Zheng was alert to his surroundings while driving. He wore a police headset in his ear so that he could hear the situation of other people. Report and keep abreast of developments in a timely manner.

Not long after, everyone came to the viaduct and saw three or two police cars parked on the side of the road. Some people were making repairs. Next to them, Shi Feng explained: "That's where those bastards from Twin Gate did their thing. They used their car to turn around the police car that was clearing the way. Then they stormed up, but luckily they didn't have guns, it would have been even more troublesome if they had guns."

Luo Zheng and Shi Qian chatted and learned that traditional people in the world disdain the use of guns and have a natural rejection of guns. Organizations like Twin Gate have also inherited this. He smiled, did not answer, and continued to drive seriously. Not long after , the convoy arrived at the airport, and the airport had already coordinated. The convoy entered the runway area directly and stopped next to a plane. Everyone got off the car and quickly enforced martial law all around.

The master got out of the car, looked at Luo Zheng with a strange expression and said, "Remember my words." Before Luo Zheng could react, he took his disciples and boarded the plane.

"What did he say?" Lan Xue asked curiously in a low voice.

Luo Zheng watched the master board the plane and replied in a low voice: "The master said that I will suffer a disaster within a year, and I can go to Tianzhu Temple to find him to resolve it. I don't understand what it means."

"This master is not simple. I asked my little sister to check it out. Not to mention his high moral character and profound dharma. How old do you think he is?" Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Looking at his body and pace, he should be around eighty, right?" Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Eighty? I'm already one hundred and twenty-eight years old this year." Lan Xue replied in a low voice.

"No way?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise. Seeing that Lan Xue didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help but believe it, and continued with a sigh: "Seeing that he can eat and sleep, and his movements are not affected. Eighty is an overestimation, but you didn't expect it to be this big? He is indeed a strange person."

"So, you have to remember what he said and tell me the specific location of Tianzhu Temple later, just in case." Lan Xue warned with concern.

"I know." Luo Zheng agreed, but he didn't agree in his heart. If a soldier is in trouble on the battlefield, he will either die or be injured. What's the use of looking for the old lama? Not as reliable as Dr. Wu.

At this time, Shi Feng came over and whispered: "Although it is a special plane, the staff on the plane can easily be impersonated. Do you want to check?"

"No need." Luo Zheng smiled. Seeing Shi Feng looking at him with confusion, he explained: "First of all, this special plane was decided on a temporary basis. No one knew about it in advance. Jackson's people didn't have time to fake it. Secondly, Jackson didn't dare to take action on the plane. If something really happened, as long as we reveal that Jackson was responsible, wouldn't the people in the west who are clamoring for independence stop? To be honest, I still want Jackson to take action."

"Why?" Shi Feng asked curiously.

"Think about it, if the people who are arguing for independence learn that they are behind the assassination of their spiritual leader, what will they think? Will they still start to argue? If they continue to argue, we will directly suppress it with force. Without the country of Sam, With support, where can those radicals run?" Luo Zheng laughed softly.

"Yes, it makes sense." Shi Feng also chuckled. Watching the cabin door begin to close, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng and asked, "Where is Shi Qian? That bastard ran away?"

"He didn't run away. He is under my surveillance. We need his cooperation for something." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng curiously and suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, since you protected him, let him be spared once. Anyway, the thing is back, the case has been successfully concluded, and he has made many meritorious deeds, so this matter is over. I will be responsible for the subsequent procedures and will not leave a criminal record."

"Then I'll thank you on his behalf." Luo Zheng smiled.

"Don't thank me. I can only say that that boy is lucky and has been chosen by you. If he can contribute to the country, it will not be in vain for me to show favoritism for a while. If that boy is not honest, tell me later and I will take care of him." Shi Feng smiled.

"It's really unreasonable. I can only deal with it." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, your methods are better than mine. We have taken off. It's okay. Let's prepare to evacuate. Go back and have a good sleep first. I'll have a drink with you tonight. I can't drink this celebration drink without you. Brothers have all spoken. , if you don’t come, they won’t have the nerve to come.” Shi Feng said seriously.

"Okay, let's go then." Luo Zheng smiled.

During the chat, the plane took off safely and quickly entered the sky. Shi Feng gave an order and everyone got on the bus and headed back. After returning to the city bureau, Luo Zheng asked his brothers to disperse and took Lan Xue, Blue Star, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle drove straight to the hospital.

Ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the entrance of the hospital in Lan Xue's private car. Guishou came out to greet them, and asked solemnly: "How are the injured brothers?"

"I just finished the operation. The wound has been cleaned. There is no sign of poisoning. The injury is not serious, but you will need to lie down for ten or eight days. Dr. Wu is on the way. Don't worry. I will just take care of you here." Guishou He quickly explained.

"That's good." Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone came to the ward. Three injured brothers were lying on the bed to rest. When they saw Luo Zheng and others coming over, they lowered their heads in shame. They were injured by several thieves. Everyone felt that their faces were dull and they did not dare to see Luo Zheng. Zheng, Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood and gave a few words to everyone to take good care of their injuries. After leaving Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle to take care of them, he left with the Lan Xue sisters.

After they came out of the hospital and the three of them got into the car, Lan Xue drove out of the hospital parking lot and walked onto the main street and said: "Today you go to the city bureau to drink with them, my little sister and I won't go. Tomorrow on New Year's Eve, I have to go You have to stay at home to spend time with your family. The day after tomorrow, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, if it is inconvenient to go out to see relatives and friends, you can come home on the second day of the Lunar New Year."

"No problem." Luo Zheng agreed quickly, feeling warm in his heart. According to tradition, Lan Xue's arrangement for going to her parents' house on the second day of the second grade couldn't be clearer. Luo Zheng was not stupid and looked at Lan Xue and smiled happily.

"I really can't stand you two. Don't forget that there is a single young woman sitting here. Showing affection is cruel to me, right? So reluctant to leave, let's just spend this year together. We will all be a family sooner or later, sister. What do you think?" Blue Star said dissatisfied.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue blushed and smiled, but did not express his position.

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