The strongest soldier

Chapter 1809 Catch them all in one fell swoop

The battle in another room was over. When everyone saw Luo Zheng coming, they all got out of the way. Luo Zheng walked in and saw that the two twins were beaten into a sieve. In front of hot weapons, no matter how strong one's personal martial arts are, it is a joke. Unable to hold back a bullet, another man wearing a Tang suit was also shot. Shi Qian was squatting next to him and saying something. Three brothers were injured. He couldn't help but look at Guishou in shock.

Guishou said guiltily: "These three bastards are very fast, and their close combat skills are not inferior to ours. They were a little bit injured. The three of them were hit by hidden weapons. Fortunately, they were wearing bulletproof vests. The injuries were not serious, no." The key is, Shi Qian has asked everyone to take the antidote, and I will arrange to go to the hospital immediately."

"That's because you underestimated the enemy." Luo Zheng scolded angrily: "Forget it, hurry up and send him to the hospital." After saying that, he came to Shi Qian, looked at the injured person who was still breathing, his face darkened, and he whispered Asked: "Is it him?"

"Yes, this is the rebellion of the master." Shi Qian replied gratefully.

"Boy, what's your background?" the leader of the Twin Gates said with difficulty.

"Go down and ask the King of Hell with regrets." Luo Zheng said disdainfully, stood up, and continued to say to Shi Qian: "I'll leave the man to you, are you okay?"

"No problem." Shi Qian said gratefully.

"Everyone go and wait outside." Luo Zheng turned to look at his own people and said.

Everyone agreed and exited the room. Luo Zheng came to the original room. The Lan Xue sisters were fine, so he immediately arranged for a few people to guard the door. He went to the next room, knocked on the door gently, and shouted: "Master, it's me. "

The door was quickly opened by the middle-aged lama. Luo Zheng went in and saw that the master was chatting with a government official. There was no danger. He was relieved. Although the middle-aged lama was powerful, Luo Zheng did not dare to use it. He arranged another room for him. The master hid it and asked the middle-aged lama to accompany him for protection.

The official who was chatting with the master glanced at Luo Zheng and asked, "Is everything done?"

"Everything here is done, let's wait for Shi Bureau." Luo Zheng agreed.

In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Shi Feng and Luo Zheng discussed it, and Luo Zheng was in charge of the hotel, while Shi Feng secretly went to the airport to take charge personally. Luo Zheng took out the headset Shi Feng left when he left and put it on, and heard fierce gunfire. , couldn't help being startled, and asked: "Shi Bureau, what's going on now?"

"A large number of people are ambushing them halfway. They should be people from the Twin Gates. Don't worry, I'm still at the airport." Shi Feng's words rang in the headset.

"If it was people from the Twin Gates who ambush, then Jackson's people would have arranged a second ambush at the airport. Just now, Jackson and the leader of the Twin Gates launched an attack. The leader of the Twin Gates was captured alive, and the other two were Beat him to death, that bastard Jackson didn't enter the hotel, he smelled the danger in advance and ran away. He will definitely notify the men ambushing at the airport to cancel the plan, immediately mobilize everyone to support, abandon the airport, and make sure to wipe out all the remnants of the Twin Gates." Luo Zheng's expression He warned solemnly.

"Understood." Upon hearing this, Shi Feng immediately agreed and immediately changed his plan.

Thousands of police officers were used in this attack, most of them concentrated in the middle of the road. Under the siege of so many people, I believe that the people in the Twin Gates will not be able to escape. Luo Zheng was also very excited to be able to cut off the Twin Gates in one fell swoop. He looked at the master and said: " Everything is under control, please don't worry, it will be fine soon."

"Planning strategies, winning thousands of miles, the style of a general, yes, the Twin Gates are notorious, and being able to destroy them is considered a great merit. I will wait for your final news." The master smiled.

"Master is joking. There are my people watching outside. Please don't worry, master. I'm going to clean up." Luo Zheng said politely, turned around and left, came outside and said to a group of brothers: "Immediately ask the hotel to cooperate and clean up the entire building. The hotel, just in case, will deploy a safe passage in half an hour to cover the target’s evacuation.”

"Yes." Everyone agreed knowingly and dispersed.

Luo Zheng stayed in the corridor waiting, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Although the person who came to the door had been dealt with, there was no guarantee that Jackson would not arrange for someone to pretend to be a hotel staff to lurk and take action at the critical moment. Countless battle experiences told Luo Zheng that in Never let your guard down until the task is completed.

After a while, Shi Qian came from another room, and Luo Zheng asked curiously: "How is he?"

"The gunshot was in a vital part. He can't survive. Let's give him a ride and let him suffer less. After all, we are all members of the same family. You have done what you promised me. I won't say more words of gratitude. I promise you." Things can happen at any time, and my fiancée will arrive here in three days." Shi Qian said solemnly.

"Are you comfortable?" Luo Zheng asked politely.

"Not taking action for the time being?" Shi Qian asked curiously. When Luo Zheng nodded, he continued: "You don't have to worry about where you live. It's a rare trip back to China. I just happened to visit some seniors. I'll let you know on my phone. Come to me anytime if you have anything, and by the way, Shi Bureau won’t really arrest me, right?”

"Catching you is certain, the legal process is like this. However, if you cooperate with us, it will be different. You can enjoy privileges. The premise is that you must turn on your phone 24 hours a day and let us know your location until the cooperation is over. This is no problem. Right?" Luo Zheng laughed.

"Isn't that being monitored by you? Will the conversation be eavesdropped?" Shi Qian asked in surprise.

"That's not the case. We are not so boring. If necessary, it is easy to check your phone number and monitor you. Now that our cooperation has officially come into effect, you can leave. Don't forget to visit your hometown. I I will ask Bureau Shi to arrange for your brother to go home as soon as possible. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave when Bureau Shi comes." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you very much." Shi Qian said gratefully, gave Luo Zheng his phone number and left in a hurry.

Luo Zheng immediately found Lan Xing, said the phone number aside, and signaled Lan Xing to check the authenticity of the number immediately. Lan Xing immediately followed the signal and found that it was Shi Qian at the door of the hotel. The number was correct, so he called Luo Zheng Nodding, Luo Zheng smiled knowingly. As long as the number was correct, it would prove Shi Qian's sincerity to a certain extent.

After waiting for a while, Shi Feng's excited voice sounded in the headset: "Haha, this net has caught a big fish. Not one of the ten pairs of twins was missed, plus the two people captured in the hotel before and the two people you just killed. There are a total of twelve pairs of twins, which matches the information we have. In addition, the leader of the Twin Sect has also been punished. The Twin Sect has been uprooted and no one has escaped the net. "

"Congratulations." Luo Zheng smiled.

"I have to thank you, and the brothers are also very grateful to you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to solve the case so quickly. We'll treat you to a drink tonight to celebrate." Shi Feng shouted excitedly.

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