The strongest soldier

Chapter 1768 Willingness to Negotiate

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun fell over the vast primeval forest. Birds and beasts began to return to their nests, making strange calls from time to time, adding a bit of vitality to this peaceful primeval forest. Luo Zheng and others came to a canyon. Seeing the cliff ahead, there is a natural concave cave below. The highest point is about ten meters, the depth is about ten meters, and the length is more than twenty meters. It is a natural hiding place.

Luo Zheng saw that it was already getting late, so he asked the troops to rest in this cave. Without Luo Zheng's instructions, everyone spontaneously collected dry firewood in the surrounding woods to make a fire. The bonfire was burned in the cave. There was no need to worry about being discovered. Everyone would hunt along the way. Killed poisonous snakes, hares and other prey were roasted, and wild fruits were also shared.

After dinner, everyone spontaneously arranged their shifts and went to rest. Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter to communicate with the outside world, and quickly connected to the satellite signal. Blue Star's voice came from the headset: "Brother-in-law, this is a secret call now. In the afternoon, a helicopter took off to the west. It did not carry any explosives, so Chief of Staff Lee did not order an attack. When the helicopter landed, someone conveyed the password, saying that the commander-in-chief of Sam Country Trust wanted to see Hook and you."

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's probably peace talks. They can't fight anymore. If they continue to fight, they will be completely trapped. I guess this is not in their interests." Blue Star quickly explained.

"Ghost, it's me." A middle-aged man's voice sounded in the headset, it was Wu Jin.

"Good martial arts situation!" Luo Zheng responded.

"Well, you fought very well, and the superiors are very satisfied. I know everything about the situation. The commander-in-chief of Sam Country is a representative figure of ****. According to the analysis of the expert group, it should be that Sam Country does not want the war to expand and continues. I hope that through Let's solve the problem through peace talks. You can force Sam Country to the negotiation table. Well done. I'll treat you to a drink when you come back." Wu Jin said excitedly.

"Negotiation? The Sam Country is fully capable of fighting again and even wiping out all of us. Why do they want to negotiate?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise, filled with curiosity.

"Why have you become stupid?" Wu Jin scolded angrily with a smile: "War is a continuation of politics. How big the political interests are, the scale of the war will be. Waging a war for a rare metal like tantalum is destined to never happen. It's very large, because the gains outweigh the losses, don't you know? They have suffered heavy losses in this battle and are trying to find ways to cover up the truth. If the battle continues and causes greater losses, even their president will not be able to bear it and will have to step down early. You may even be punished by law, do you understand?"

"I understand a little bit, but how can we negotiate without fighting? They are losers, and they negotiate as losers? Then why should they get benefits? Wouldn't it be worse to end the battle in a hurry without any benefits? This is very contrary to common sense. Luo Zheng asked doubtfully.

"Threat, intimidation?" Wu Jin said with a smile: "Threat Huk to compromise by expanding the scale of the war. If they don't compromise, they can only continue fighting without retreat. This is also a fact that has to be faced. If the war can be ended peacefully, Okay, let’s try to make contact first and see what conditions they propose.”

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed. As a soldier, it is your duty to obey orders. If the country says peace talks, let's talk. It may not be a good thing to continue fighting. There must be a solution to the matter. As long as the interests of both parties can be reached, peace will be achieved. Resolution is also a good thing.

After chatting for a few words, Luo Zheng turned off the beacon and looked at the night sky and began to think deeply. He came to support the Huk tribe for two purposes. One was to rescue Rambo, Ghost Hand and other brothers, which has been achieved, and the other was to provide support. The establishment of the Huk tribe has put a knife in the Sam country's traditional interest areas and reaped benefits for the country. This is a good thing for the time being. If negotiations are held, this point must be maintained.

At this time, Lan Xue came over, nodded to Luo Zheng and said softly in Mandarin: "I heard the situation. There are two possibilities for the negotiation. One is that Sam Country takes the opportunity to delay, and we also need time to prepare. This is in line with our The interests are acceptable, and the other is true talk. After all, the Sam country cannot afford the losses. In this battle, we killed and injured thousands of them, right? The ruling party cannot explain to the people such a huge loss. If there is an excuse, this matter can be covered up, it is in their interests, and it is in our interests to have a successful negotiation, and we just have to fight again."

"You think as I do, our interests must be guaranteed, and Hook's interests must also be safeguarded. In the face of these interests, is Sam Country willing to compromise?" Luo Zheng said worriedly.

"Sam's country's interests are rare metals. I guess they will propose joint development. It depends on the situation. It is necessary to discuss this matter with Hook before deciding." Lan Xue reminded.

"Okay, I'll talk to him." Luo Zheng agreed, looking at his brothers who were sleeping soundly by the campfire. Whether they fight or not, they are all young lives. Although dying in battle is the best destination for soldiers, Who wants to die if he can live? Too many people have been sacrificed, so it would be nice to have peace talks. He glanced at Lan Xue and walked towards Hook.

"Old friend, let's talk." Luo Zheng said softly to Hook.

Hook looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and nodded. Seeing Luo Zheng walking towards a deserted place, he quickly chased after him. The two of them came to one side, leaning against a boulder. Hook asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Is that right? What happened? It’s so mysterious.”

"I just received information that the Sam State sent a representative to express their willingness to negotiate peace. They said that the new commander-in-chief wants to meet with us. This matter is too big. What is your opinion?" Luo Zheng whispered seriously.

"Peace talks? Are these bastards unable to fight? Killing so many of us is like peace talks. It's so beautiful. If you want peace talks, you can just get out of this forest." Hook said angrily.

"Can you calmly think about it, should you continue the peace talks or continue the fight? Tell me if you decide, and I will support your decision." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Hook was deep in thought, his expression constantly changing. After a while, Hook looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and asked, "Can we reach an agreement?"

"It's hard to say." Luo Zheng said truthfully.

"It's okay to talk. We can't block the road to peace. It's not good for us if word spreads. It will affect internal unity. It depends on what conditions they offer." Hook said thoughtfully.

"Brother, your political acumen is getting more and more mature. I mean the same thing. Let's talk first. It's best if we can reach an agreement. If we can't reach an agreement, it can boost morale. We share the same hatred, which is also good for us. It's a good thing for both sides. Why not Talk, I'll go with you, there's nothing to worry about." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, let's talk about it first. If we can't reach an agreement, we can fight." Hook said with a serious face.

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