The strongest soldier

Chapter 1767 News from all sides

As a super military power, Sam's country has strong strength, enough to make the whole world fearful. No one dares to doubt this. Although it hit the enemy with a counterattack during this period and seemed to win, it only won a local battle and did not win. Not having won the entire war, the direction of the war is still confusing. No one dares to underestimate the powerful strength of the Sam Kingdom. Hook does not dare, and neither does anyone else. Everyone looks at Luo Zheng curiously.

Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then said: "With Sam Country's strong logistical support capabilities, it can provide support anywhere in the world within two hours. It has already been a night. Maybe they have redeployed troops and various supplies. We are already in position, and we have already taken action here, and the enemy will react soon, so we must clean the battlefield as soon as possible, evacuate quickly, and go to the valley."

"Going to the valley?" Hook looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"That's right, go to the valley." Luo Zheng said with certainty. Seeing that Hook didn't understand very well, he explained: "The enemy's airdrop of supplies can be carried out at high altitude, but the distance is too high and the supplies will scatter. They will organize a large number of manpower to carry them. , let’s go see if there’s a chance to beat them up.”

"That makes sense, okay, let's go to the valley." When Hook heard this, he laughed. The consecutive victories greatly increased Hook's confidence. The haze of being attacked by the enemy was swept away. The others also smiled excitedly. As long as they can Everyone is very willing to kill the enemy and take revenge.

After waiting for a while, the people who went to clean up the battlefield came with news that all the medicine and food that had fallen down were medicines and food. Luo Zheng thought that the Sam country's combat troops had suffered a lot of losses and were in urgent need of medicine and food. He couldn't help but smile and said: "These are terrible They are all good things, and we can also use the medicines. Hook, arrange for your people to withdraw westward with the medicines."

"All?" Hook asked in surprise.

"Yes, all of them, put down the missiles and let my people carry them. All your people should take medicines and evacuate, and quickly set off to the west. Those medicines must be for treating injuries. We can also use them. Send them there as soon as possible to save lives. The stakes are too high to be delayed, let everyone travel day and night." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Hook looked solemn and agreed seriously. He turned around and called a few officers to give him some instructions. The officers agreed, signaled the troops to put down the few remaining missiles, and led the troops quickly towards the place where the helicopter landed. Go, each one is silent, but moves like the wind.

"You guys should go too, bring food. You'll need it on the way. Bring some useful ammunition if you can." Luo Zheng looked at his brothers and warned.

"Yes." Guishou and others agreed and rushed to the scene with their troops.

Soon, only Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Hu Ke were left at the scene. Luo Zheng looked at the empty woods and smiled: "It will take a few days to go west. Let your people bring some food for the journey. Don’t waste time getting food, this batch of medicines is life-saving stuff, a day earlier could have saved many more people.”

"Yes, I'll give them a warning." Hook agreed and picked up the walkie-talkie to explain.

Luo Zheng took advantage of Hook's instructions to connect with Blue Star and asked cautiously: "What's going on with the enemy?"

"A large number of reinforcements and supplies are being airdropped into the base, and the base is also under repair. The host country has sent engineers to help with the construction. They will not give up until they achieve their goals. How are you?" Blue Star's words rang in the headset, bringing people With deep concern.

"Are we okay? How is everything at home?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's okay, nothing happened, I'm following your orders." Lan Xing said with a smile.

"It's okay. I'm afraid we won't be able to go back in a short time. Have you reported the supplies and equipment that the troops need to replenish?" Luo Zheng asked casually.

"Captain Li has reported. No, Chief of Staff Li should be called now. Preparations are being made. It is expected to be airdropped to you within three days. I will keep in touch with Chief of Staff Li here. Don't worry. In addition, Li The chief of staff arranged for the wounded to be evacuated, and my dad is also on his way to the west, and a nuclear submarine has been sent to greet them." Blue Star replied seriously.

"That's good. There are high mountains to the west and the road is steep, but it's not a big problem. Beyond the mountains is the sea. You can pick them up and evacuate them anywhere you want. You don't have to worry about Uncle Lan's safety. The wounded will be fine. Even if he is injured, he is also one of my elite special forces, he has a gun in his hand, he is not afraid of any man or beast, and his ability to survive in the wild is very strong, so there will be no problem." Luo Zheng consoled him.

"Yes, I know." Blue Star agreed casually, but suddenly his tone changed and he added in surprise: "I just received intelligence sharing from the relevant departments. Jackson has returned to China for unknown reasons."

"Huh? Have you returned to China?" Luo Zheng was startled, then smiled and said: "This guy is a difficult opponent, just go back. If someone else comes up who is not familiar with us, it will be easier to fight."

"Yes, I have to say that his tactics of attacking in the east and attacking in the back are very deadly. If you hadn't decisively abandoned the valley in advance and fought hard with them, I'm afraid they would have suffered heavy losses. The victory will be theirs. This battle is listed as a case study above. Brother-in-law, you showed your face again." Lan Xing said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng cut off the call when he saw the troops returning. Soon, Guishou ran up, threw a few cans to Luo Zheng and said: "Eat some first, this stuff is good, these bastards The logistics are good, it’s almost done, is it time to hurry up?”

"Yes, if you don't leave, the enemy will come." Luo Zheng smiled, stood up, and gave Lan Xue a look. Lan Xue also stood up quickly, and the two of them walked towards the valley, eating cans as they walked, feeling very good. .

Hook arranged for his men to rush west with the medicine, and he caught up with Luo Zheng alone. When everyone saw that Hook did not go back, but followed him to danger, they couldn't help but look at Gao Gao a few times, nodded in greeting, and smiled tacitly. , the large troops headed towards the valley, pulling out a long formation.

After walking for a while, Lan Xing's words suddenly rang in the headset: "Brothers, according to reliable information, a large number of senior officials of the host country who were injured by you are important figures in the country. After being injured, they will definitely retreat from their posts. Their military command system I’m afraid it will be difficult to recover in a short time.”

"Huh? Such a coincidence?" Luo Zheng was shocked, and then said happily: "Does that mean it will be difficult for them to send troops to join the war in a short time?"

"It's possible. In short, it's a good thing. Those injured are all hawks. The **** will definitely come out to seize power. Their country's military must be facing political turmoil." Blue Star said happily.

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