The strongest soldier

Chapter 1759 Attacking the Airport

The heavy rain fell endlessly, water splashed on the ground, mist filled the air, the sky was gray, and visibility was even lower. A team hunched over and rushed forward quickly, looking like hungry wolves hunting in the heavy rain. , The movements are agile, moving like the wind, but silently, the sound of footsteps is inaudible in the sound of heavy rain.

Running at the front of the team was the mountain eagle, with eyes as cold as knives. He held a pistol with a silencer in his hand and rushed forward with his waist hunched over. The individual night vision goggles on his head were working in the heavy rain. Soon the mountain eagle saw the barracks in front of them. There were soldiers guarding the door of the barracks. They were a squad, all with guns and ammunition staring ahead. Perhaps because of the heavy rain, these people's defenses were somewhat lax, and no one who had infiltrated was found.

The rapidly running mountain eagle slowed down and stared calmly at the enemy in front. Seeing that the enemy had no reaction, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly signaled to his own people who were following behind him, and everyone quickly dispersed, invisibly using the mountain eagle as the enemy. For arrows, charge in battle formation.

Soon, the mountain eagle found an enemy looking over his head in surprise, about to get the gun he was straddling. Knowing that suspicion had been aroused, he calmly shouted in a low voice: "Do it." After saying that, he raised his hand and shot, and the bullet hit the enemy. The distance between the target's eyebrows is no more than 20 meters, and this distance puts no pressure on everyone.

"Puff, puff, puff!" A dozen or so slight gunshots rang out. This sound was completely ignored in the heavy rain, but the bullets were like death, accurately drilling into the target's eyebrows, and all the sentries in a squad were eliminated. Everyone rushed forward, just in time to see the enemy's corpse lying on the ground. No one paid attention to it, and looked inside with cold eyes.

A short distance past the guard box was the airport. There was no special reaction inside. The mountain eagle quickly swept around and found no one was spared. No one touched the phone or alarm bell. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He saw the snow leopard and people rushing up and passed quickly. The headset said: "The gate guard is lifted."

"Okay, follow the original plan." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed knowingly, and looked at Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard nodded, waved his hand, and motioned for his men to move away the corpses around them. After waiting for a while, the two saw the scholar's people rushing up, and made a gesture to the scholar. Nodding knowingly, he led the people to quickly disperse and wait under the wall around the guard box. After a few minutes, a hundred people arranged by Hook also arrived. Everyone exchanged glances and quickly rushed towards the banquet hall.

The banquet hall is next to the airport command building, next to the canteen, and still some way away from the guard box. The people from Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard are leading the way, followed closely by Scholar and Hooker's people, distributed to the left and right, invisibly interacting with Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard's men attacked in a pin-shaped formation.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the visibility to the naked eye was less than ten meters. No one came out to move around. They were all in their rooms. The mountain eagles and snow leopards led the people and rushed up, like tigers coming out of the gate one after another. They moved like the wind. After a while, they rushed to a Near the large building are the canteen and banquet hall.

The canteen is a large steel frame structure, like a giant warehouse. It looks simple, but it is big and strong enough. Everyone saw many people crowded at the door talking about something. It was breakfast time now, Shan Diao guessed After everyone finished breakfast, but it was difficult to leave the cafeteria due to the heavy rain, his face turned cold, he signaled to the scholars behind him, and he rushed towards the banquet hall with others.

The banquet hall is also a large concrete structure building with many small rooms and dining rooms. It is where officers eat and receive receptions. It is about thirty meters away from the canteen. There are more than a dozen people guarding the door, standing like wooden stakes. Under the eaves, with a gun.

The mountain eagle did not expect that the enemy was not alert at all. Thinking about it, who would infiltrate and attack on such a rainy day? And it was still within its own territory. The mountain eagle was overjoyed and quickly gave an attack gesture to his brothers behind him. He raised his hand and pulled the trigger, and the others opened fire one after another.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Countless bullets penetrated the heavy rain and accurately penetrated into a guard whose name was like a wooden stake. In an instant, a large number of them were knocked down. Before others could react, the people led by Snow Leopard also rushed forward. They came up and opened fire one after another. The distance was only about twenty meters, and absolute shooting was not a problem for the people of the Snow Leopard Team.

Almost at the same time, the scholar rushed towards the cafeteria with his men with a cold face, his eyes filled with angry flames, and his mind filled with the hatred of his brothers. With a wave of his hand, more than fifty brothers behind him all aimed at the scholar. After opening fire, they also opened fire one after another. Everyone used pistols equipped with silencers.

More than fifty people opened fire at the same time. Everyone at the entrance of the canteen fell down before they could resist. Everyone continued to rush towards the entrance of the canteen. The people arranged by Hook also followed. Everyone rushed to the door and faced the people inside. The breakfast eaters opened fire violently, their faces as heavy as frost, and their eyes pulsating with hatred and anger.

The fighter jet not only killed the scholar's men, but also caused heavy losses to the Huk tribe's armed forces. We all belong to the same tribe. We usually don't look up and see each other. We are familiar with each other and are as close as brothers. When the brother was killed, everyone was holding back a feeling in their hearts. The anger in my stomach was all vented at this moment.

The cafeteria is large, and there are many people eating breakfast in it, but there is only one exit, and who has a gun while eating breakfast in the military camp? Suddenly they all became live targets for killing. The scholar and Hooker's men guarded the door and kept firing fiercely inside. Bullets were like rain, and grenades were like locusts. After the magazine was empty, someone would take over to ensure the continuity of firepower and hit them directly. The cafeteria was filled with panic and screams.

The banquet hall also launched an attack. After the scholar and Snow Leopard eliminated the guards at the door, the mountain eagle signaled his men to disperse the alert and let the snow leopard rush inside. This kind of close-range combat sniper was not as good as the snow leopard's people. The mountain eagle acted as a guard. He came, watched the surroundings vigilantly, glanced in the direction of the cafeteria, and saw that the scholar had led people to block the exit. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly said through the headset: "The perimeter of the cafeteria and banquet hall are under control, and fighting is underway."

"Great, Snow Leopard, catch as many alive as possible. I want to see what they are." Luo Zheng's surprised voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood." Snow Leopard's voice sounded in the headset.

Almost at the same time, one team rushed towards the airport command building, and another team rushed towards the front barracks and the sentry door. Luo Zheng glanced at the sentry on the ground coldly, and shouted to Wei Jian beside him: "Quickly attack the front camp, artillery fire Cover the brothers’ attack and be quick.”

"Understood." Wei Jian shouted with murderous intent, his blood boiling because of Luo Zheng's audacity. Hundreds of people actually attacked an enemy military airport stationed by a regiment, and they were almost successful. He shouted excitedly: "Brothers, take aim quickly. Fight!"

"Yes." Wei Jian's people roared excitedly.

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