The strongest soldier

Chapter 1758 Deployment Action

There was a heavy rain, and the whole sky seemed to have become a world of rain. The earth was gray and the visibility was extremely poor. My ears were filled with the sound of rain and howling wind. On a hill somewhere in the vast mountains, Luo Zheng and others were wearing draped clothes. Wearing a ghillie suit, he stood proudly in the rain, staring calmly ahead, his eyes full of fighting spirit. He originally planned to bombard the airport and kill the enemy's fighter jets, but Lan Xue's unintentional words made Luo Zheng change his plan. .

If it is really successful to seize the fighter plane, it will definitely be an exciting event. It will not only cause a huge blow to the enemy, but also turn the entire war situation around. For the Huk tribe, the military morale will definitely be raised to the maximum, which will have a lot to do with future discoveries. Great help, why not try such a good thing? It doesn't matter if the sneak attack fails, as long as the missile attacks the enemy's airport immediately, there will be no impact.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly made a plan. He looked at Ghost Hand and said, "Your people are responsible for destroying the cables. Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard. Your people will lead the charge with me. Wei Jian, lead your people and follow closely behind us."

"Yes." Everyone agreed quickly.

"What about us?" Hook quickly asked. Wouldn't it be a shame if we couldn't participate in such a big movement? Hook didn't want to miss this great opportunity to make a name for himself, so he quickly said: "My people have to go too."

"Everyone is going, but there must be a battle order and cannot be swarmed. Not all of your people have anti-infrared combat uniforms. Out of caution, this attack is ranked last. Scholars, farmers, monks, and gardeners are People are lined up in the middle, what questions do you have?" Luo Zheng explained.

"No." Everyone responded in unison. Even the scholar and others who were ambushing in the distance knew the battle plan through their headsets and agreed with all their heart, with a strong fighting spirit in their words.

"Guishou, you go first, the others quickly disperse and move closer to me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Guishou agreed, turned around and hurried back. At the same time, he contacted his troops and asked everyone to come and join him. He rushed towards the cable. Whether he could succeed depends on whether he could destroy the cable. Guishou knew very well that he Don't dare to be careless about the responsibilities and pressures on your body.

The cable is a bit far away from everyone, and it will take some time to move over. Everyone waited patiently. The heavy rain brought trouble to everyone, but it also provided concealment for the operation. As long as everyone stayed still, it was difficult for the enemy to find it. After about half an hour, , the large troops dispersed and came to join together. Each one looked like a cheetah in the heavy rain, calm and determined. The blazing fire of war was not extinguished by the heavy rain.

Everyone was hiding and waiting on the spot. Scholars, gardeners, monks and farmers rushed up from several different directions. Like a cheetah hunting in the heavy rain, one suddenly stopped two meters away from Luo Zheng and looked at Luo Zheng eagerly. The scholar said first: "Brother, let us take the lead?"

"Military orders are like mountains. You can't change what has been deployed. Otherwise, how will you command the war in the future? You are not capable enough to compete with us." Snow Leopard said dissatisfied. The first battle is the greatest contribution. It is the first merit. As a soldier, there is no People are willing to give up the top job to others.

"Okay, come on, let's see who can rush the fastest when the battle begins." The scholar knew the fighting power of the Snow Leopard team, so he didn't want to fight anymore, but he said unconvinced: "If my brothers rush in front of you, then Don’t blame me for being rude.”

"That's your ability." Snow Leopard said nonchalantly, not taking the scholar's words to heart. If the majestic soldier's troops were rushed to the front by the brothers' troops, Snow Leopard simply didn't believe this possibility would happen. He glanced at the mountain eagle and continued. Said: "Brother, you are good at shooting, just follow us and provide fire cover?"

"No need, we will rush forward to solve the problem." Shandiao said coldly, with a strong sense of confidence.

The snow leopard dared to challenge the scholar, but he did not dare to challenge the mountain eagle. The main reason was that the snipers of the mountain eagle team were good at hiding, and their marksmanship was extremely accurate. Such a heavy rain affected sight and hearing. If they hit the muffler, the snow leopard believed that the mountain eagle would Everyone in the Eagle Squad is a death-killing god of death, and they can definitely kill the enemy without any warning.

"Okay, stop arguing." Luo Zheng saw that the morale of the army was ready, and he was secretly relieved, and hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said: "Brothers each have their own strengths, there is no need to argue about this, Shandiao, your people can go up and settle the battle silently. , Snow Leopard, your people will follow to assist. Once the defense line is breached, you will immediately rush to the banquet hall and block everyone inside. No one is allowed to come out. Anyone who resists will be killed."

"Understood." Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard agreed quickly.

"Scholar, your men will follow and cooperate." Luo Zheng thought that the total number of Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard's men was only twenty, which was not enough troops. However, the scholar's men lost more than half, but still retained the fighting strength of about fifty men, and he felt depressed in his heart. It is most appropriate to let them follow in one breath, not only to vent the hatred in their hearts, but also to make up for the lack of troops.

"Yes." The scholar was overjoyed and quickly agreed.

"Hook, arrange another fifty people to assist them. Farmer, your people are responsible for the command center on the left. Monk, your people are responsible for the airport patrols and staff on the right. Gardener, your people are responsible for attacking the front and quickly kill the other side. As for the enemy in the barracks, Huk arranged for a hundred people to cooperate with the farmers, while the others stayed behind with us to protect the air defense troops and execute the second plan at any time." Luo Zheng continued.

"Yes." Those whose names were called agreed one after another. The airport is very big. According to the floor plan, there is the command center on the left and the runway on the right. There are not many people in these two targets. The farmer and the monk each have a hundred people. The special forces are enough to deal with such a target. The main threat is in the frontal military camp. Gardener is good at attacking. It is most suitable to give this task to Gardener. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Luo Zheng mobilized a hundred people from Hook to assist.

After assigning the tasks, Luo Zheng deduced the battle plan and found that the most critical one was the frontal military camp, where the enemy's troops were concentrated. There was still some distance from the gate. Once the enemy reacted, it would be troublesome. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked towards Wei Jian said: "Your people are ready for support. Once they rush to the airport gate, they must each launch a missile to blow up the enemy camp."

"Yes." Wei Jian knew the importance of this and solemnly agreed.

At this time, the news came from the headset that the ghost hand was already in position and could start at any time. Luo Zheng was overjoyed, glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and said murderously: "This battle is very important, we can only win, not lose." , the battle must be resolved as quickly as possible, everyone, be careful, ghost hands, take action, brothers, take action!"

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, with cold faces and murderous intent as cold as frost.

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