The strongest soldier

Chapter 1717 Discovering enemy traces

At noon, the primeval forest becomes even more sultry. The hot sunlight penetrates the dense canopy. The colorful beams of light shine in the woods extremely brilliantly. When they fall, they dance with the wind and become mottled, like butterflies flying around. A dense forest. During the scene, dozens of heavily armed people ran forward, constantly jumping over tree roots exposed on the ground, moving like the wind, as if cheetahs were chasing their prey.

The leader was wearing a ghillie suit with no face visible. He was holding an assault rifle in his hand. His body was slightly arched and his steps were firm and powerful. He looked like a bunch of fast-moving bushes. While running at high speed, this person suddenly suddenly The flying shovel suddenly stopped, his body rolled nimbly, he hid under a big tree nearby, and quickly made a gesture.

The people who were following behind quickly stopped and dispersed, each finding a place to hide. In the blink of an eye, everyone seemed to have evaporated. The forest was silent and eerie. After a while, the leader beat a few people. With the gesture, the person behind him hunched forward and rushed forward, his feet moving as fast as flying, and extremely dexterous, like a civet cat.

Soon, this person also came to the hiding place where the person in front was hiding. The tree was big enough to hide the two of them without any problem. The person who followed him looked ahead warily and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's going on?" It was Luo. Zheng.

It was Xuehu who was exploring the road ahead. Xuehu lowered his voice and said, "I haven't noticed anything, but I feel that there should be someone in front of me. I can't be 100% sure."

"Oh?" Luo Zheng has always attached great importance to this kind of intuition on the battlefield. Hearing what Xue Hu said, he couldn't help but frown slightly. He looked around vigilantly and thought deeply. If there is really an ambush in front, then the possibility of a sniper It's very risky, that is to say, the enemy we are chasing is in front of us. Did they stop to rest?

Luo Zheng looked at his watch. It was exactly twelve o'clock at noon. It was entirely possible for the enemy to take a temporary break for lunch. With the enemy's ability and caution, they would definitely arrange someone to act as a secret sentry behind. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help lowering his voice and said: "Shadow , on the left, Xue'er, on the right, Xuehu and I are in the middle, Drunkard, follow Xueer to cover, the others' search formation spreads out, Hook, you lead the people behind, take action."

"Understood." Everyone quickly lowered their voices and agreed.

After Luo Zheng gave the order, he gave Xue Hu a look. Xue Hu nodded knowingly and quickly rushed forward a few meters. He ducked behind a big tree and signaled to Luo Zheng to alert him. Luo Zheng looked at the trees in front of him. After confirming the location and distance of the hiding spot, he kicked his feet hard and rushed forward like a shell. In an instant, he rushed to the predetermined location and hid. He watched the surroundings vigilantly for a while and signaled to Snow Fox.

Xue Hu nodded knowingly and continued to rush forward. The two of them took turns to cover and rush forward, each time not exceeding ten meters. This distance was only a matter of seconds for the two of them. At this speed, even if they were exposed and discovered by the enemy, It's hard to lock on, and there's no chance to shoot. It's hard to say if you run farther or longer.

The two of them alternately rushed about a hundred meters. Xuehu suddenly made a hidden gesture. Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and did not rush forward. Instead, he observed the surroundings vigilantly. He did not find any danger, but found Xuehu. Suddenly, he pulled out the military dagger and held it in his back. He thrust it into the big tree as a stepping stone. Stepping on the military dagger, he swooped up and climbed up the branches of the tree. He continued to climb up with flexibility.

The field of view in the woods is not wide. If you want to see further, you can only climb a tree. When Luo Zheng saw Xue Hu's action, he immediately realized the danger. He quickly tapped the headset twice to send out a danger signal. People behind him started to panic. He took cover on the spot, hiding behind a big tree and waiting for orders.

Snow Fox quickly climbed up the big tree, hid behind a branch and looked out to observe. After a while, Snow Fox quickly huddled up, leaned against the big tree and looked at Luo Zheng, and saw Luo Zheng looking at him. Finally, Xun bent his fingers as if holding a cylindrical object and put it in front of his eyes, just like a sniper observing through a scope. This was the combat sign language for discovering an enemy sniper. When Luo Zheng saw that there was indeed a sniper, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and raised his wrist. He raised his cheeks together like a fist, and made a clear sign language with his palms facing the person giving the order.

Immediately afterwards, Xuehu made a series of battle sign language. Luo Zheng watched carefully. After Xuehu completed the gesture, Luo Zheng smiled. Xuehu's sign language clearly and accurately told Luo Zheng that the enemy was fifty meters ahead. Underneath the dead trees, the dead trees were thick together and more than ten meters long. They must have been rotten by the big trees struck by lightning.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when the target position was clear. He quickly looked at the mountain eagle ten meters away behind him. His forearms were perpendicular to his body and his palms were swinging downwards from left to right. He gave the mountain eagle a command to move forward in a V-shaped formation. The mountain eagle nodded knowingly. He signaled to the team behind him.

Luo Zheng gave Xue Hu a cover gesture, and Xue Hu nodded knowingly, stood up, put the weapon on the branch of a tree and looked ahead vigilantly. Luo Zheng picked up the sniper rifle and looked ahead vigilantly, about eight meters away from him. There was a larger tree on the left and right, which was suitable for hiding. I kicked my feet hard and my body rushed forward.

After a few steps, Luo Zheng pounced near the big tree like a cheetah, rolled to the ground and hid, with his back against the big tree. He looked around vigilantly, and noticed that Shadow and Lan Xue were following from the left and right sides. He quickly attacked the two of them. He made a few hand gestures to convey the enemy's location and signal for outflanking.

The two nodded knowingly, quickly changed direction and penetrated forward quickly. Facing the master Luo Zheng, they did not dare to be careless at all. They raised their ears vigilantly and eavesdropped. There was too much noise in the dense forest, and the calls of various birds and beasts made people nervous. Feeling upset, Luo Zheng took off his helmet and slowly stretched toward the side of the tree.

The helmet was partially extended, but no one fired. Luo Zheng took the helmet back and put it on again. He estimated that Shadow and Lan Xue were already in place. With a sudden thought, he decided to use his body as bait to attract the enemy to shoot. He stood up holding the gun. Come on, duck out of the bunker and rush forward.

Rub rub rub, Luo Zheng walked as fast as flying, running for more than ten meters, his body slammed forward, and after falling to the ground, he quickly rolled under a big tree. The enemy did not fire, which made Luo Zheng's face become solemn. When tempted, a sniper who is good at forbearing is definitely difficult to deal with.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard some unusual noises. He cautiously looked out in surprise and found that Shadow had touched the target and was fighting closely with the target. He was shocked and quickly raised his gun to aim at it, only to find that the opponent had exchanged blows with Shadow. After a punch and a kick, his body exploded and he retreated wildly behind.

Luo Zheng was surprised to find that the opponent was very fast. He dodged a few times and moved to a dozen meters away. Every time he landed, he could use the surrounding trees to hide his body. He had no chance to shoot. His face darkened and he lowered his voice and asked eagerly. Said: "Whoever has a chance, open fire immediately and kill him."

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