The strongest soldier

Chapter 1716 Snow Fox Tracking

An hour later, in a defense area outside the valley, thirteen corpses were lying on the open ground. Some people were paying their respects in silence around them. The sun shone through the leaves and fell on the corpses, making them look like colorful dancing butterflies. They danced gracefully, but the angry expression of the deceased ruined this harmonious scene. Soon, a team rushed over from behind. More than a dozen people were all wearing ghillie suits, and no one could be seen. There were some people mixed in this team. The natives were familiar to everyone, so they all got out of the way.

The team hurried over and stopped next to the corpse. The leaders were Luo Zheng and Hook. Hook was also wearing the combat uniform that captured Jarhead. After the reorganization of the guard team, there are currently only ten people, all of whom are the strongest selected by the guard group. The soldiers were also wearing captured Jarhead equipment. At first glance, they looked like well-trained special forces.

Luo Zheng's people were all wearing ghillie suits, which was in contrast to Hook's people. The mountain eagle made a gesture, and the brothers quickly dispersed around to be on guard. Luo Zheng squatted next to the corpse to check the situation, his expression became serious, and he died. All of them were shot between the eyebrows. Judging from the bullet holes and wounds, they were probably caused by close-range shooting with silent pistols, which meant that no one knew when the enemy had touched them.

The people of Huk have been living in this primitive forest since they were young. They are very vigilant. The enemy can actually touch them. This shows that the jungle warfare ability is very powerful. Even the special forces of Sam Country cannot absolutely avoid the vigilance of the Huk tribe. They can do this. There is only one, and that is the Jarhead Special Forces, the King of Soldiers of Sam Kingdom.

Luo Zheng's blood boils at the thought of fighting against Sam King's troops again. He had ambushed Guogai twice before in the open area. That was the envoy's strategy, not a real head-on confrontation. This time Luo Zheng is absolutely After having a good fight with the opponent, thinking of this, Luo Zheng stood up slowly, looked at Hook and said: "Go ahead and dig more bunkers, tunnels, and arrange more secret sentries for defense. I'm afraid it won't be safe during this period."

"Understood." Hook called the person in charge next to him and gave him some careful instructions before looking at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the three hunted jaguars. He walked a few steps forward and found two adult jaguars and one juvenile, but not too young. The jaguar is the top of the food chain in this forest. A strong man, good at field attacks, he didn't expect to be hunted down with a knife. Luo Zheng carefully observed the edge of the knife.

The knife edge was on the abdomen, creating a long gap, and the internal organs flowed out from the knife edge. The knife edge was neat and made with one knife. This requires extremely high knife skills and wrist strength. It can be seen that the opponent was a master of using knives. The three jaguars died in In the same place, it can be seen that it was not done by one person. In other words, there are at least three knife masters in this enemy infiltration team, so there is no need to underestimate them.

At this time, Shadow, Snow Fox and Drunkard walked up, glanced coldly at the jaguar on the ground, and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng stood up, clapped his hands, looked sharply at the surrounding forest, and whispered with a serious face. Said: "Brothers, what do you think of this matter?"

"The jaguar is also called a jaguar, but it is the top hunter here, the top of the food chain, the best at night raids, can climb trees, and has very powerful attack speed and attack power. I didn't expect to be killed by a knife. The opponent is not easy. It's interesting." Shadow said, looking sharply at the surrounding forest, with a strong fighting spirit erupting from his body.

"There are more than one cold weapon masters. People who can accurately shoot Hook at close range in the face of machine gun fire. There are more than one useful gun masters. In other words, this team is not simple. We have something to play with, Xue." Fox, you are known as the fox in the snowy jungle, and you are more proficient in jungle warfare than me, why don't you open the way?" the drunkard said with a smile.

"No problem, I've been looking forward to fighting Jarhead for a long time." Xuehu smiled excitedly and looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for Luo Zheng's final order.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, nodded to Xue Hu and said, "Be careful."

"No problem." Snow Fox agreed excitedly, and immediately looked around. As expected of a fox in the snowy jungle, he was very familiar with jungle combat. He quickly found the clues and motioned for everyone to follow.

Luo Zheng immediately reminded Hu Ke and led the team to chase him. He saw the snow fox walking around, looking here and there, smelling the air from time to time, as if there was something in the air. He couldn't help but said to Shadow in Mandarin in surprise. : "Why is he smelling the air? He has been gone for a long time, and the smell of blood in the air has long gone. Can he still smell the body odor of the Sam people?"

"You don't know, right?" Shadow chuckled: "His nose is smarter than a hunting dog. How else would he call it a snow fox? It's comparable to a fox's nose. We can't feel the smell left in the air, but he can smell it. , follow him, there is no problem in keeping it, this is called extraordinary talent."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect Xue Hu to have this ability, so he couldn't help but secretly thought: "It's really not easy to become a squadron leader of the Special Service Division. In addition to comprehensive abilities, everyone has their own skills. Shadow's terrifying speed and individual soldiers Combat power, Drunkard's "Deadly Acupuncture Technique", and Snow Fox's Jungle Tracking, it seems that I am slightly lacking now. If I want to become the strongest soldier, I still have a long way to go."

Under the leadership of Xue Hu, everyone ran forward, climbed over a mountain, and passed through a canyon. Luo Zheng suddenly discovered that the direction he was following was behind the valley of the Huk tribe. His face changed slightly, and his eyebrows furrowed. The enemy was taking action in front. , he immediately took a detour to the back after being exposed. What did he want to do?

"Drunkard, Shadow, this is the road to the rear of the Huk tribe. Could the enemy be trying to decapitate them?" Luo Zheng analyzed in surprise, his face becoming much more solemn.

"It's hard to say. This is what they like to do most. The missile base is destroyed. Of course they are not here to guide the missile to the target. We have Hongying 6. The enemy helicopters dare not come over. They are not here to find attack targets for the helicopters. , beheading is the most likely, so it is necessary to notify the headquarters." The drunkard reminded with a serious face.

Seeing that the drunkard's analysis was the same as his own, Luo Zheng nodded and immediately gave Shan Diao a look. Shan Diao asked the brother carrying the individual radio station to come up, dialed the headquarters phone number, and handed the phone to Luo Zheng. When I picked it up, I heard that the person on the other end was Captain Li. He quickly said, "Brother Li, the enemy may have detoured behind you to carry out a beheading operation. Please be careful."

"Have these bastards become successful? There are two options. First, search them immediately and scare them away. Second, let them in, close the door and beat the dogs. You are the commander-in-chief and you have the final say. However, I suggest you use the third Option two." Captain Li said, with a strong fighting spirit in his words.

"No, the enemy is too strong. You can't stop them, and you can't keep them. Enter the first level of alert. If you find the enemy, don't pursue it. Report it immediately." Luo Zheng hurriedly warned, rejecting Captain Li's proposal.

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