The strongest soldier

Chapter 1683 Fight back

In the void, the huge firepower network slashed hard like the scythe of the god of death, but it was all in vain. The bullets shot farther away, and the helicopter pulled up to avoid it and quickly retreated, widening the distance. Lan Xue Seeing that the enemy had escaped the sudden attack unscathed and retreated, his face turned cold and he roared: "Snipers stop shooting, Guishou, your people take over the heavy machine guns, replace them with special ammunition, one person per person, aim for me." Beat him hard."

"Yes." Ghost Hand roared, and immediately ordered his men to take over the heavy machine gun and replace it with special ammunition. The heavy machine gun's ordinary ammunition still has a certain lethality at a distance of 3,000 meters, but the range of the special ammunition can reach 5,000 meters. The enemy's helicopter is still far away from the original A thousand meters away, now retreating backwards, the distance is widened, and the sniper rifle can't reach it, but the heavy machine gun's special bullets are equally threatening. In order to cover Luo Zheng and others' attack, Lan Xue risked his life.

"Tong Tong Tong!" The heavy machine gun roared again, and the special bullets pounced accurately on the enemy helicopters flying in the air. A heavy machine gun locked on one, roaring one by one, as if the god of war was roaring, and the cry of killing resounded through the trenches, everyone The people's spirits were shocked when they heard this, and they quickly rescued other buried comrades.

The helicopter faced the direction from which the heavy machine gun was shooting. It raised its nose and flew backwards at a very high speed. The special bullets from the heavy machine gun could only hit the bottom of the helicopter. The bulletproof performance of the bottom was very high, and the distance was far away. It couldn't be penetrated at all, but it made a ping-ping-pong-pong sound, and sparks flew everywhere, making it extremely weird in the void.

"Asshole, don't run away if you dare." Lan Xue roared as he watched the helicopter flying inverted and retreating. He looked at Luo Zheng and others who were rushing out with concern, and found that they were still pursuing the wooden bridge that they had already crossed. She became worried. He roared angrily: "Let me keep firing the heavy machine gun, while others rush to rescue people, repair the fortifications, and prepare to fight."

With Luo Zheng absent, Lan Xue took over the command without hesitation. No one objected or refused. Everyone took action. Those who rescued people rescued people, and those who repaired the fortifications also took action quickly. The enemy helicopter was only temporarily repulsed. There will be a counterattack soon, so you have to hurry up.

Soon, the enemy helicopters were out of the range of the heavy machine guns and dispersed, forming an encirclement. They looked like they were going to counterattack. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene, and he quickly shouted: "Spread out and retreat to the trench."

Everyone didn't know what happened, but they had absolute trust in Luo Zheng, so they turned around and ran away. Then, everyone heard the terrifying sound of anti-aircraft cannon firing. They knew it was Minigan on the enemy helicopter who was showing off his power, and their faces changed drastically. , that is a Vulcan that can fire six thousand rounds of bullets per minute. Under this kind of firepower, no living thing can survive.

"Run faster." Luo Zheng was shocked, roared, and ran towards the direction he came from. Others did not dare to be careless. They ran away and ran as fast as they could, without daring to turn their heads. Once caught by bullets, they would definitely be smashed into pieces. Meat.

Everyone looked at this scene with shock on their faces. They were all panicked, their hearts in their throats, and they shouted anxiously: "Run, hurry up." Their eyes were splitting red, and their faces were flushed. Lan Xue was even more nervous and wanted to rush out to help, but was held tightly by Captain Li next to her.

Fortunately, the enemy helicopter was driven out five thousand meters away, and Minigun's effective range was 1,500 meters. The crazy shooting could only hit the woods and soil behind him. The distance was a bit far, but with the terrifying flying speed of the helicopter, the pursuit was It just happened in the blink of an eye.

Luo Zheng knew that the situation was serious. When he saw a trench in front of him, he roared with a cold face: "Jump down." He jumped towards the trench. His body hit the side of the trench and rolled down to a five-meter-deep trench. At the bottom, seeing more brothers jumped down and stood up quickly.

"All of them!" Suddenly, the terrifying bullets from Minigun poured down like rain, and the terrifying whistle sounded like the devil was grinning, roaring, and baring its teeth and claws at him. He couldn't help being frightened, and roared: "Get down! "

Everyone had just fallen down. After hearing the order, they instinctively fell to the ground, holding their heads in their hands, lying motionless. Their ears were filled with the terrifying sound of bullets, and their eardrums seemed to be pierced by the screams of bullets. They quickly used their hands. Block both ears, open your mouth wide and roar, reducing the attack power of the sound.

In the distance, Lan Xue was horrified when she saw this scene. She roared with grief and anger, pushed away a brother next to her, took the heavy machine gun and aimed at it. Captain Li saw the helicopter attacking madly, and Lan Xue who was out of control. , Dahao, rushed over quickly, rolled down the trench with Lan Xue in his arms, and roared: "Are you crazy?"

"Me? Ah -" Lan Xue was startled, and then shouted angrily, venting the tension and worry in her heart.

"It will be okay. Don't forget that the trench is five meters deep. Helicopters can only attack at an angle. There are enough safe angles for them to hide. Get up and command the battle. Your people will not listen to my command." Captain Li roared, Seeing Lan Xue's expression soften, she quickly stood up.

"Tong Tong Tong!" Suddenly, the terrifying screams of bullets came, as dense as a violent storm, as if the entire sky was smashed. Captain Li knew that Minigang was attacking, his face was horrified, and Lan Xue was attacked again. He fell to the ground and blocked Lan Xue with his body.

The helicopter roared past. Due to the angle, it could not directly attack the people hiding in the trench. Captain Li stood up with a cold face, looked at Lan Xue with concern and asked: "Sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay, you don't need to protect me, don't forget that I'm a soldier." Lan Xue stood up and looked up at the sky, but couldn't see the shadow of the helicopter.

"I know you are a soldier, but you are also my sister. How can I not protect you?" Captain Li scolded angrily: "You have been so strong since you were a child. Since you are so strong, then quickly take over the command and keep fighting like this. No, is there any way?"

"Who said there is no more." Lan Xue was absolutely convinced of Luo Zheng, and even followed her blindly, but it was different for others. She shouted with confidence, jumped on the combat platform, grabbed the machine gun and shouted: "All heavy machines The machine gun listens to my order, move to both sides, get out of the way, quick!" He picked up the machine gun and jumped out of the trench, running wildly to one side, his resolute face full of fighting spirit.

Guishou and the others were so familiar with Lan Xue that they understood the inner meaning of the order as soon as they heard it. They roared angrily and changed positions with their heavy machine guns in their hands. Captain Li gave a helpless smile when he saw this scene, and he somewhat understood Lan Xue's combat intention. , quickly picked up a box of special ammunition and chased after Lan Xue, while roaring through the headset: "Brothers, please take cover and don't open fire for the time being."

Everyone rushed towards both sides of the trench, and others around them gave way. While running, Lan Xue estimated that the helicopter that the enemy had just attacked should turn around, and roared: "Hide on the spot and prepare to counterattack."

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