The strongest soldier

Chapter 1682 Enemy planes wreak havoc

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, the blue sky was cloudless, and the vast primeval forest was blown by the wind. The tree crowns undulated with the wind, like rippling green waves. What was strange was that ten helicopters formed an attack formation in the sky, hovering in the sky. In the air, the billowing murderous aura filled the entire forest, making people shudder.

Suddenly, a missile suddenly ejected from under the helicopter at the front, rushing towards the entrance and exit of the canyon in the distance. With a terrifying scream, it tore open the space barrier, as if a devil was grinning, and hit the entrance fiercely. In the space area, there was a loud bang, mud splashed everywhere, red light exploded, and gunpowder smoke filled the air.

The terrifying missile attack blasted a big hole in the ground. The people hiding under the trench not far away seemed to feel that the entire ground was fighting. Countless soil was shaken down and fell on their heads and bodies. Everyone opened their mouths desperately. I shouted to reduce the impact of the shock wave on my ears, and became nervous. My whole body was tense and I didn't dare to move.

Luo Zheng had already guessed the means of Sam's country's attack. He would first attack from the air, then attack on the ground, and finally the troops would catch up. This has become a basic tactical pattern. Everyone's trenches are dug deep enough. Hiding in them is not a big problem, except for the sonic boom. It was deafening and extremely uncomfortable. When I saw everyone around me covering my ears, I sighed helplessly. In the face of absolutely powerful force, no matter how strong my personal ability is, it is useless.

"Boohoo!" Three more missiles roared in. Everyone could feel the missiles coming without raising their heads. The terrifying power that exploded was even more shocking. They all covered their ears, opened their mouths wide, and huddled in the trench. You cannot get out of the sloped air-raid shelter.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Three huge explosions sounded, and everyone felt that the ground was shaking much more obviously. More dirt and dust fell down, falling on the people below the tunnel. Everyone didn't care, and they were blocked to death. He shouted with his ears closed to vent the tension in his heart.

A missile fell on the tunnel, directly destroying the trench by more than five meters. The people hiding in the cave below were buried. Everyone was avoiding the missile. There was no time to rescue them. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. Shocked, he rushed forward like crazy, picked up the engineering shovel and quickly shoveled the earth to save people.

Others around him reacted and hurriedly helped, not caring about air defense. Without air, people couldn't hold on for a few minutes. Fortunately, the collapsed soil was not very much and was very soft. Everyone worked hard to dig, using both hands and feet. Luo Zheng The engineer handed the shovel to the person next to him, stepped back, jumped onto a platform in the middle of the trench and looked out, and found that the enemy helicopter had launched a missile again.

The trench is three meters deep. In order to facilitate combat, some platforms were dug in the middle that can accommodate people to stand on. With this platform, people can stand on it to fight back. The height is just right. When air defense is needed, just jump off the platform. The air defense effect of a three-meter-deep trench is naturally different from that of a one-meter-deep trench. If time permits, Captain Li would like to dig five meters deep.

The missiles that attacked again still landed around the trenches, blowing up a large area of ​​the trenches. Fortunately, everyone learned wisely this time and left when they felt the missiles falling on their heads, thus avoiding being buried alive, but more The ballistics began to attack, and everyone did not bother to clean up the soil, but found a place to hide.

Luo Zheng stared coldly at the arrogant missiles in the void, his eyes were splitting, wishing he could turn into a missile and fly over, blowing up the enemy helicopter. He clenched his fists tightly, his whole body tensed, his steel teeth clenched, and he shouted loudly through the headset : "Brothers in the trenches, pay attention, RPGs are attacking me."

The explosion was so violent that it was impossible to hear it without shouting. Luo Zheng somewhat understood the enemy's combat intention, which was to blow up the trenches directly with missiles, and then follow up with ground troops. It was very simple, but very practical. The only way was to use RPGs Drive the helicopter away as far as possible, or create trouble, weaken the accuracy of the opponent's helicopter attack, and save the trench.

The order was passed through the headset. The people in charge of the RPG were all Captain Li's people. After hearing the order, they all jumped on the combat platform and carried the RPG on their shoulders. Someone came up to help install the rockets. At this time, Li's voice suddenly sounded in the headset. The captain yelled: "The enemy plane is a thousand meters away and beyond the range of the rocket. It is recommended to cancel the attack. It is recommended to cancel the attack." The words were full of anger.

Luo Zheng's face was stern, and he immediately raised his sniper scope to observe the range. He found that the enemy plane was indeed a thousand meters away. The attack range of the rocket it carried was 800 meters. It could not reach the target at all. Luo Zheng felt a little angry. , quickly took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, and stared coldly at the dense forest ahead. The enemy was three thousand meters away, and it was impossible to hit him.

"Can we only be beaten passively? Is there any way?" Seeing the enemy helicopter launching missiles again, Luo Zheng shouted angrily: "The enemy's ground troops are three thousand meters away. Let me advance 500 meters with the RPG and explode them." The flies in the sky. Give me one."

As he looked around, he happened to see a Hook man carrying an RPG. He immediately jumped down from the trench and walked up, grabbed the RPG, rushed onto the platform again, jumped out of the trench, roared, and rushed forward. In the past, the enemy's helicopter was locked in the air with its eyes wide open.

When the others saw Luo Zheng rushing out, they didn't hesitate. They roared almost at the same time, and the murderous aura suddenly exploded, like an invisible missile. The explosion made everyone's spirits high, and their morale was like a rainbow. Carrying the RPG The people rushed out of the trenches, quickly dispersed, and rushed forward.

Seeing Luo Zheng rushing out, Lan Xue did not stop her, with a look of infatuation on her face. This is her man. Then her face turned cold and she roared: "Sniper rifle, heavy machine gun, aim at the enemy for me." Helicopter attack, fire interference, cover charge.”

"Yes." All the snipers and heavy machine gunners roared. They knew that this kind of shooting was of no significance to the helicopter, but they still roared and agreed. It didn't matter whether the helicopter interfered with the attack or not, the helicopter would naturally avoid firing if it avoided bullets. Missiles, the brothers carrying the RPG can take the opportunity to rush forward.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It fiercely enveloped the enemy planes in the air.

The enemy plane saw the people coming up and did not dodge. It was about to attack with anti-aircraft guns. Suddenly it saw sniper bullets and heavy machine gun bullets coming up. It immediately pulled up and evaded. The helicopter was still hovering in the air in a battle formation. Like a frightened bird, it quickly dispersed into the void.

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