The strongest soldier

Chapter 1661 Serial Sniper Killing

On the mountain ridge, in the dense forest, the lurking Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly, not caring that the mountain eagle missed the target with one shot. If the Jarhead could be easily hit from a thousand meters away, it would not be the Jarhead. Thinking of his brothers buried underground, Luo Zheng felt reassured and coldly lowered his voice and said: "Mountain Eagle, continue shooting to disrupt the enemy, cover Gangzi and Xunzi and rush up, change positions immediately after one shot, be careful of enemy snipers. ." Sam's country has Barrett's heavy sniper, which can shoot from a long distance. It is very scary and must be guarded against.

"Understood." The mountain eagle said in a cold lowered voice. He was very angry that he failed to hit the target with his shot. He took a deep breath and stared coldly ahead. He was about to shoot when he suddenly felt a trace of uneasiness welling up in his heart. This is a feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake, cold and strange. The mountain eagle was frightened, knowing that it was being targeted, and quickly rolled to the side without hesitation.

"Boom!" There was a terrifying sniper gun sound, and everyone saw a terrifying energy shock burst into their field of vision. The speed was faster than human thinking. Before they could react, everyone heard a crisp sound. There was a sound of metal breaking, and they couldn't help but turn their heads to look, but they were horrified to find that the sniper rifle in the mountain eagle's hand was hit by a bullet, and the barrel broke.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene in horror, reacted, and quickly asked with concern: "Mountain Eagle, are you okay?"

"The person is fine, but the gun is dead. It's bad luck. I was accidentally shot by this bastard." The mountain eagle responded in a depressed voice, with cold sweat covering his back. If he hadn't accidentally sensed the danger just now and made a timely move The correct evasive action may cause trouble now.

"It's good that everyone is fine." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and endless anger surged up. Hearing the gunshots, he knew that the enemy might be using a heavy sniper. Although he was not sure which one, he must not provoke it easily. His face became stern, and he quickly He raised the 88 sniper in his hand and quickly aimed at it.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng found that the target in the open area was getting up and rushing forward. His movements were as agile as a cheetah, and his identity was as erratic as a civet cat. It was difficult to catch him. Luo Zheng simply waited and whispered through the headset: "Everyone, please be careful, don't move. , Hide it for me."

Everyone's answers came from the headset. Luo Zheng adjusted his breathing. The muzzle of the gun moved with the movement of the target. After a while, the target jumped towards the place where the corpses were piled. Luo Zheng was waiting for this moment. He couldn't do anything in the air. After changing the direction, Luo Zheng accurately calculated the direction and landing point of the opponent's attack. Sen Leng's murderous aura suddenly exploded. He held his breath and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet roared into the sky with Luo Zheng's murderous aura, knocking down a few leaves on the treetops in flight, rising towards the open area, creating a terrifying death blast, and instantly sank into the target's chest. Although he was wearing a tactical bulletproof vest, which has strong bulletproof power, the strong impact force acted on the chest plate, and the target flew to the other side, rolled to the ground, flipped twice and stopped, and his life or death was unknown. .

"Boom!" Another shot rang out. Zhou Gang, who had already rushed to the edge of the forest below the mountain, seized the opportunity and attacked decisively. The sniper bullet rang out without any warning, but it struck with terrifying lethality and accurately hit the target's body. , the penetrating power of the 88 sniper small-caliber bullet is very terrifying, and the distance is only 800 meters, the penetrating power is very strong, a blood arrow spatters on the target's body, and it remains motionless.

Everyone saw that the target did not move after being hit again. They estimated that Luo Zheng was killed by the first shot. They couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng with shock on their faces, only to find that Luo Zheng was shrinking back, as if to avoid the enemy's sniper attack. The look of his hands suddenly reminded them of the thrilling scene with the mountain eagle just now, and they all became wary.

The enemies that were touched were killed, and the others huddled in the dense forest and did not dare to move. Luo Zheng observed vigilantly, and suddenly heard the warning sound of Snow Fox from the headset: "Not good, we found a large number of enemy troops, like regular troops. There are about two hundred people heading towards you, do you want to stop them?"

"No, let them come over." Luo Zheng said coldly.

The enemy's reinforcements were expected by Luo Zheng, but he didn't expect them to arrive so slowly. His cold eyes were fixed on the open area ahead. The enemy had stopped moving. This gave Luo Zheng a headache. Could it be that he wanted to wait for the reinforcements to arrive? Take action? If this is the case, then the enemy's armed helicopters should also be coming up.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became solemn. The ground troops are not scary. If the enemy's armed helicopters come over, the situation will be complicated. They must adjust their deployment before they arrive. Luo Zheng had an idea and whispered through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, bring the troops with you." Follow your men up in a roundabout way and kill the enemy in front."

"Let's go, we happen to be near the enemy." The scholar's voice sounded in the headset.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he said, "It's okay to take their back route and catch them up. You have to move quickly. We must deal with this team before the enemy's reinforcements arrive." As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zheng saw an enemy coming from the front. It rushed out of the dense forest, roaring and rushing forward, looking angry.

Immediately afterwards, several heavily armed men chased after this man, shouting something. Luo Zheng was startled, raised his sniper scope and looked at it in surprise, while shouting through the headset: "Don't move yet, wait." "

In the sniper scope, several people shouted angrily and rushed forward. Luo Zheng suddenly understood that the enemy was also a comrade. He couldn't bear to watch his brothers die on the battlefield and was about to rush up to snatch the bodies. He couldn't help but snorted coldly. , I heard Captain Li say coldly: "I have long heard that the Sam army is very united. Now it seems that it is indeed the case. They are worthy opponents. It's a pity. Is it my people's turn to take action? "

"Okay, I'll leave it to your people." Luo Zheng didn't expect the enemy to charge forward. He was a little confused for a moment and couldn't figure out why. In this case, rushing up would mean death. Why did the enemy do this? He casually agreed to Captain Li, looked closely at the open area and began to think deeply.

"What are you thinking about?" Lan Xue lowered her voice and asked in Mandarin.

"Why did they risk their lives to rush up?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"For dignity and honor." Lan Xue whispered. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't understand very well, he continued to explain: "First, they can't just watch their companions die there. If it were us, we would also find a way to rush forward. Grab people. Second, reinforcements are coming soon. They don’t want to be embarrassed in front of the reinforcements. Don’t forget that the enemy doesn’t know how many of us there are. If a Jarhead special team is frightened by a few snipers, no matter who is killed in the battle. Brother, how can we survive if we spread the news? For the sake of dignity and honor, they must take people down before reinforcements arrive."

"So that's the case, it makes sense." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, he looked coldly at the enemies who rushed to the ambush circle and shouted: "Attention, lurking brothers, prepare to fire."

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