The strongest soldier

Chapter 1660 A battle of wits and courage

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the midday sun is pouring down rolling heat waves. The entire primeval forest is sultry, like a huge steamer, which makes people breathless. The singing birds and insects also hide to rest, and even the tireless cicadas He closed his mouth because of the heat, and didn't know where to hide. The whole forest seemed to have fallen into deathly silence, with only the rustle of the leaves blown by the wind, as if a manic man was chattering and cursing the sultry weather.

Under the sun, in an open area, a heavily armed soldier trotted forward, hunched over, moving like the wind. After running a few steps, he immediately lurked on the ground. A hummingbird was controlled by someone to fly up again and continued to hover over the woods. , a heavily armed soldier appeared and set up a personal radar. Luo Zheng saw this scene through the sniper scope and was secretly frightened. These people were too cunning. Fortunately, he was not fooled.

The individual soldier radar can scan and analyze the surrounding terrain through the radar emission waveform. It can be analyzed even if the person is not moving. It cannot be hidden at all, unless the shape of the human body is changed so that the radar waves cannot be analyzed. However, Luo Zheng wanted to be on the safe side. Everyone hid behind the mountain a thousand meters away.

The enemy who came to support carefully conducted a reconnaissance and then sent people to check. Normally, they would not conduct reconnaissance again, but this group of people actually reconnoitred the surroundings again. After a few minutes, Luo Zheng was very happy. If he had just ordered The troops lying in ambush in the mountains and forests on both sides came forward, and happened to fall into the enemy's trap and were discovered.

"Attention all units, these bastards are very cunning, don't move." Luo Zheng quickly lowered his voice to remind, lest anyone rush up to check out of curiosity. If they happened to be discovered by the radar, it would be troublesome. All the previous efforts in the deployment would be wasted. Once Exposed, the consequences are dire.

The enemy who rushed up in front fell to the ground and waited for a few minutes before continuing to act. Perhaps he received a warning from his companions about his safety. It had been more than half an hour since the incident happened, and there was no one around. There was only one explanation, and that was that the opponent was all After evacuating, only a pile of corpses of comrades were left at the battle scene.

No enemy was found, but the support force was still very careful. Instead of swarming up, they asked one person to come forward to check, while the others hid behind. Only two people were exposed from the beginning to the end. This result made Luo Zheng wary and watched. As the enemy got closer and closer, Luo Zheng frowned and began to think deeply.

The enemy's cunning and caution posed a difficult problem for Luo Zheng. If he fired, he could kill this enemy, but other enemies would run away and the ambush underground would be exposed. What should he do?

Lan Xue became anxious when she saw the enemy getting closer and closer. Captain Li next to him also looked at Luo Zheng with a solemn face, waiting for orders. Luo Zheng's face was solemn, and big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his back also He was covered in sweat, the heat was uncomfortable, and his heart was even more restless. The enemy only sent one person forward and did not lose his calm. What should we do? To fight or not to fight?

"Brother, it's too late." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng stared coldly at the enemy who was getting closer and closer to the corpse. Once the opponent walked in, he might see the missile buried under the corpse. He couldn't delay it anymore. He had to make a decision. Luo Zheng's eyes flashed and he said coldly. : "Mountain Eagle, kill him for me. The others remain still and are not allowed to fire."

"Understood." When the mountain eagle heard this, he lowered his voice and agreed. He aimed towards the past and stood condescendingly. The front was not blocked by the woods, and the enemy was in the open area, so the sniper was not affected. The mountain eagle quickly locked onto the target, calmed down, and adjusted. Breathe well, the muzzle of the gun moves with the enemy's pace.

The enemy seemed to feel danger. He fell to the ground with a tiger pounce, rolled to a low-lying area, and curled up into a ball to reduce the attack surface. However, the mountain eagle was condescending and could still see the opponent's thighs. The mountain eagle adjusted Aiming at the angle, he decisively pulled the trigger.

"Whoops!" The 88 sniper roared out, roaring away with the fury of the mountain eagle, as if it was going to shatter the entire space, creating a terrifying energy impact, accurately hitting the enemy's thigh, with powerful penetrating power In an instant, he tore open the target's combat uniform, dug into his muscles, stirred, and came out from the other side.

Although the effective range of the 88 sniper is only 800 meters, the effective range is not the maximum range. It can 100% penetrate the 3 mm thick A3 steel plate at a distance of one thousand meters. Although the enemy is wearing a tactical bulletproof vest, it only protects the upper body. Unable to protect the lower body, the combat uniform and muscles were no match for the steel plate. The powerful 88 sniper bullet easily penetrated the target's thigh, bursting the blood vessels during the churning process.

The blood surged out like a gushing spring, which was particularly strange in the sunlight. The enemy screamed and quickly reached out to cover the wound, trying to stop the blood from gushing out. However, the wound was too big and damaged the arteries. He could not cover it at all. The enemy was miserable. He screamed and shouted something, looking so helpless in the open area.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, once an artery is hit, he cannot withstand it unless he is treated immediately. But this is a battlefield, not a hospital operating table. All the blood will drain out quickly, and the screams of grief and indignation echo in the mountains and forests. It was like a wounded beast roaring, running into the distance with endless unwillingness, anger and pain.

In the dense forest in the distance, the enemy who was checking the individual soldier's radar was shocked when he saw this scene. He dropped the radar and hurried up, shouting something. Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly and lowered his voice and said: "Shan. Eagle, you did a good job, this is a good bait, continue to look for opportunities to attack, kill the people who come up, and keep the brothers lurking in the foxholes on standby."

"Yes!" The person whose name was called responded in a low voice, and endless murderous intent spread through the radio waves.

"Gangzi, Xunzi, take advantage of the fact that the enemy can't pay attention to the individual soldier's radar, quickly detour from left to right, and find a place to hide at the edge of the mountain forest. Be careful, and you must be quick to penetrate." Luo Zheng whispered coldly.

"Understood." Zhou Gang and Liu Xun agreed in a lowered voice with understanding. They took up their weapons and rushed down the mountain. Their movements were as fast as a cheetah, and a few rabbits flew far away.

"Phew!" At this time, the mountain eagle opened fire again, and the sniper bullets whizzed away with a terrifying scream. However, the enemy who rushed up was very alert and evaded almost the moment the mountain eagle fired. He moved towards one side, his movements were incredibly fast, and he actually avoided the fatal blow from the mountain eagle.

This shot stunned everyone who was paying attention to the battlefield. Everyone had just seen the mountain eagle's marksmanship. It easily hit the target's thigh vein from a thousand meters away. The fatal shot was easily avoided by the enemy. At this moment, everyone suddenly realized When it comes to the gap with the Jarhead Special Forces, we can clearly see the terrifying strength of the Jarhead Special Forces, especially the special forces such as Captain Li and Scholar who came to support.

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