The strongest soldier

Chapter 1655 Clever bombing of enemy planes

The soldiers lurking in the foxholes did not receive orders and continued to lurk. Luo Zheng listened to Captain Li's reminder and did not immediately issue a retreat order. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind and he came up with a plan, which was a little bold and a little crazy. , with the mentality of a gambler, Luo Zheng couldn't help but move in his heart, and decided to take a chance, and immediately shouted: "Brothers who are lurking, don't move, they are all hidden, stand by, others will go to the mountains and forests on both sides to find a place to hide, Pay attention to air defense and move quickly."

"Yes." Everyone agreed.

Captain Li didn't understand Luo Zheng's plan, but out of his trust in Luo Zheng, he didn't ask any questions and stayed with Luo Zheng on standby. He ordered his troops to evacuate quickly in small groups. The scholar and others also led the evacuation. Shadow, Snow Fox and Lan Xue did not leave. Hook asked the other troops to disperse and evacuate, hiding themselves. He glanced at the increasingly approaching armed helicopters and hurriedly looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng did not move, his eyes widened, staring at the helicopter that was getting closer and closer. He found that the helicopter passed through the open area without any hesitation, roaring towards his hidden hilltop. He obviously knew his hidden position, but not He knew that he had air defense capabilities, otherwise he would not have been able to charge directly to his death.

"Hook, it's enough for twenty people to fire. Don't expose them all at once. Do it." Luo Zheng smiled coldly and roared. From the details of the enemy rushing towards him, he could see that his identity was not exposed. Luo Zheng was confident about the follow-up plan and issued the attack order without hesitation.

"Tong Tong Tong!" Twenty rockets roared away, emerged from the dense forest, and let out an earth-shattering roar. They rushed towards the enemy's armed helicopter first. With unparalleled momentum, the rockets stretched out. The tail flame seemed to burn the entire space, which was extremely terrifying.

At this time, the armed helicopter suddenly lifted up and made tactical evasive maneuvers. Luo Zheng saw this scene and immediately understood. The enemy had long been on guard against this move. No wonder he didn't fire just now because he wanted to draw out the rockets. It would take some time to reload. This time is enough time for armed helicopters to blow up the mountain.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was shocked and roared: "Quick, ten people go up, ten people go left, ten people go right, ten people go down, two fuselages in advance, hit again, see how they evade, hurry up !”

"Understood." Hook also saw the trick, roared angrily, and quickly conveyed the order.

"Everyone!" Forty rockets roared away in four directions. The helicopter was too fast, and they were all people with no special training. Everyone could only follow Luo Zheng's reminder and aim and shoot based on their feelings.

The two helicopters didn't know that after receiving Luo Zheng's reminder, they increased the advance amount of aiming. The helicopter raised to a certain level, avoided the previous rocket fire, and then suddenly descended, almost vertically. The speed was very fast, and the driving skills were very good. Skillful, but it takes some time to turn around and descend, which is enough time for everyone to fire again.

When the helicopter descended two fuselages, the ten rockets attacking downwards arrived just in time. One of them accurately hit the cabin of an armed helicopter. With a loud bang, the helicopter was instantly dismembered, and a huge explosion burst out. A ball of fire came, and the propeller was blown away, tearing through the sky with a whistling sound, and slammed into another helicopter ten meters away.

The helicopter had just avoided the rocket attack, but it was unprepared for the propeller that hit it. The cockpit was smashed, and the pilot was directly hit by the propeller that smashed down. He was killed on the spot. There was no man in the cabin of the armed helicopter. Black smoke came out of it, flying around in the void, spinning, staggering towards the ground, and soon hit a big tree and fell to the ground.

Perhaps the big tree buffered part of the momentum, and the helicopter did not explode after falling. Luo Zheng looked at this scene with a shocked face and let out a long sigh. Next to him, Hook shouted excitedly: "It's successful, great."

"Good luck." Captain Li also said with a smile.

"Yeah, you're lucky." Luo Zheng also echoed with lingering fear. The armed helicopter came well-prepared and had already guarded against the rockets. If he hadn't had an idea just now, he asked forty people to seal off the four directions. If the helicopter collides with an enemy plane, I'm afraid it will be in trouble. Once the helicopter slows down, just pressing the button will be enough to flatten the mountain and everyone will die.

No matter what, everyone won. Although the victory was a bit thrilling, Luo Zheng looked at Xuehu in surprise and said: "Brother, please take a few people to see the helicopter."

"No problem." Xuehu agreed and took a few people over.

"The enemy's missiles or fighter jets are coming soon. What should we do next?" Lan Xue reminded.

"Don't worry, our people disperse. The enemy is reluctant to use missiles for dozens of people. Next, they should send unmanned reconnaissance planes to investigate, and then let the bombers come over. Once they find that our people are well distributed, the bombers will probably not be used. , and then send armed helicopters and ground troops over." Luo Zheng analyzed coldly.

"That makes sense. Do you want to fight the enemy here?" Captain Li immediately reacted and asked.

"Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No problem, you have the final say." Captain Li smiled, his face full of excitement, gearing up, and looking like he was ready for a big fight.

"Hook, immediately divide your men into two and go to the mountains and forests on both sides of the open area to hide. You must be well hidden, well camouflaged, pay attention, spread out as much as possible, distribute in echelons, guard the commanding heights and important roads, every step of the way. You can't have too many people in each place. You decide the details. You are the most familiar with your troops. However, the distance between people and horses at each place must be more than three hundred meters, so as not to touch the missile's brow." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Hook agreed knowingly, glanced at the air defense troops, and asked, "Where are they?"

"They wait a moment, you give the order first." Luo Zheng said quickly.

Hook immediately agreed and hurriedly sent the order. Luo Zheng glanced at the air defense troops, looked at Captain Li and the others, his face darkened, and he said, "I am preparing to fight the enemy here. I hope everyone will support me."

"Tell me, what do you want us to do?" Captain Li said excitedly, and the others also followed suit, gearing up and getting ready for a big fight.

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Luo Zheng said gratefully, and asked through the headset: "Xuehu, what's going on?"

"The man is dead, the ammunition is fine, and there is a Minigun, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, the helicopter is broken and cannot be used." Xuehu quickly replied.

"Great, everyone obeys the order." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly, his eyes bursting with confidence, and endless murderous intent burst out.

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