The strongest soldier

Chapter 1654: Luring the enemy with oneself

The powerful enemy was successfully attacked by the soldiers lurking in the underground foxholes and was killed instantly. This result was as expected by Luo Zheng. It was not that the enemy was too weak, but that the enemy did not know that he had entered the battlefield and was a little underestimated. Hummingbird The Huk tribe's armed forces could be found, but the lurking soldiers could not be found. If the enemy knew that they were on the battlefield, they would never make such a fatal mistake.

On the battlefield, a negligible mistake is enough to put someone into a doomed situation. A sudden attack at close range, and the only sniper in a million is ready to fire. No one can escape, even if the opponent is the Jarhead Special Forces with amazing combat power, but... That forbearing sniper made Luo Zheng fearful. He could choose to be forbearing when his comrades were killed. The other person was either indifferent or good at controlling emotions. Luo Zheng believed in the latter. Indifferent people can only fight alone and cannot integrate with the group. One body.

A sniper who is good at controlling his emotions is feared and fatal in this jungle. Luo Zheng did not dare to let his brothers come out of the foxhole. That would be tantamount to death. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and force himself to calm down. He stared at the dense forest ahead, eager to find any clues, but the dense forest and jungle ahead blocked his vision, making it impossible to find any flaws, which made Luo Zheng worried.

The news of the enemy's sneak attack will soon be spread by snipers, and air support will arrive soon. What should I do? Next to him, Hook suddenly whispered: "Old friend, I'll lure him out, and your people will be responsible for sniping the target. How about that?"

"What can you do?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"This method is harmful to Tianhe. You are not suitable. My people can do it. There is no problem. Your people may not be able to find each other for a while. It is too late. If it continues, everyone will be very passive." Hook said eagerly, The eyes that looked at Luo Zheng were full of determination.

"Okay." Luo Zheng didn't understand what Hook was going to do, but he still agreed. This was Hook's war, and Hook had the power to decide how to fight. He warned through the headset: "Attention, Mountain Eagle Team, Hook's people are leading out Enemies, you are responsible for sniping and killing, you must succeed, so be careful."

After getting Luo Zheng's reply, Hook said something through the walkie-talkie. The armed men hiding in the woods on the edge of the open area rushed in and out. One person looked a little injured and had difficulty moving on one leg. He was using a tree stick to support himself and walked forward. , with a sense of absolute determination and indignation.

The armed man took the initiative to expose himself, but did not attract fire from the enemy sniper. He continued to walk forward and unknowingly came to an enemy. He picked up the enemy's weapon, pulled the gun bolt and looked towards the dense forest ahead. It was the direction where the enemy sniper was hiding. The armed man suddenly roared, ah——! Bang bang bang! The steel gun in his hand roared, and countless bullets rushed towards the corpse on the ground, splashing out snowflakes. It was a strange moment.

Luo Zheng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He turned to look at Hook. Hook smiled bitterly and said, "Don't look at me like this. Do you have a better way to lure out the enemy? Besides, these bastards have killed more than a hundred of me." , the survivors need to vent, I can just do this kind of thing that hurts the world. How many innocent people have they killed in my tribe? What does it mean for me to do this? As long as it can attract enemy snipers, that's all I want."

There is no moral bottom line on the battlefield, but it depends on who is right. Luo Zheng somewhat understood Hook's approach. He patted Hook on the shoulder to express his understanding. He said nothing and continued to look ahead. The armed man removed the corpse on the ground. After sieving it, until all the bullets in the magazine were used up, and seeing that the enemy had not yet taken action, he walked over to another corpse, picked up the gun on the other side of the ground, and brought it to him.

"Ouch - bang bang bang!" The armed man roared and continued to shoot at the corpses on the ground, venting his dissatisfaction and anger, like a wounded wild beast. The injured body seemed to be stronger at this moment. A manic momentum broke out.

"Boom!" A sniper gun sounded, and the armed man was shot in the body. He was beaten like a bowed shrimp and flew backwards. The bullet entered from the chest, but endless blood spurted out from the back, like a stream of blood in the void. A huge blood-colored morning glory seemed to dye the entire sky red, which was extremely terrifying.

The armed men fell heavily to the ground, staring at the sky, their eyes full of nostalgia and expectation, nostalgia for life, and anticipation of hunting the enemy. Their faces showed a peaceful look, motionless, lifeless, and there was a surge in their chests. A large amount of blood came out, dyeing the ground red.

"Found it." The voice of the mountain eagle rang in the headset.

"Kill him." Luo Zheng was moved by the tragic and indignant feat of this armed man. In order to attract the enemy's snipers to expose him, he did not hesitate to take risks with his own life, and even abused the corpse under the name of infamy, but it was an honor to die.

"Boohoo!" Several sniper shots sounded in the headset, and then the mountain eagle roared angrily: "This bastard is going to run, catch up and kill him." The other people agreed, ran and gasped, and several more A sniper shot sounded.

After a moment, Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

"Killed." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"Bring it here." Luo Zheng said coldly. Suddenly he heard a faint roar. He looked up in surprise and saw two armed helicopters roaring towards him. His expression changed greatly, but he came anyway and shouted: "Prepare for air defense. "

"Understood." Hook also saw the armed helicopters rolling in the distance, as if the god of death was roaring and roaring. His face became solemn, and he quickly called through the intercom.

Soon, the air defense personnel who had been on standby carried the RPG, and someone loaded the rockets on them. Everyone began to aim and prepared for launch. Luo Zheng looked coldly at the approaching armed helicopters. There were only two of them. The prevention and control personnel here have a hundred RPGs, which are more than enough to deal with these two. However, Luo Zheng felt uneasy for no reason, as if there were endless dangers waiting for him, and he couldn't help but be frightened.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked softly in surprise.

"It feels wrong." Luo Zheng whispered.

Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng had a very keen sixth sense, so she frowned and whispered, "If we don't let the troops disperse, there won't be fighter jets or missiles, right?"

"It's hard to say. If we kill these two armed helicopters, the enemy will definitely know and send fighter jets or missiles to attack." Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he continued through the headset coldly: "Brothers, do your best. Spread out as much as possible, Hook, and let the other troops spread out as much as possible."

"Yes." Everyone agreed.

"Brothers in the foxholes, do you want to withdraw?" Captain Li reminded.

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