The strongest soldier

Chapter 1640 Completely Annihilate the Enemy Army

On the battlefield, you will die or I will die. The most taboo is hesitation. Hesitation will kill the three armies. As a commander, what you need to do is to make a trade-off and exchange the maximum benefit with the minimum cost. The tactics provided by Luo Zheng are based on this consideration. But it takes courageous people to adopt it. After all, it means letting some people die. Luo Zheng didn't expect Hook to make a decision quickly and couldn't help but laugh. Decisiveness in killing is the quality that a hero should have.

The order was quickly conveyed. The Huk tribe's armed forces who had crawled in front of the enemy's formation suddenly got up from the ground, roared and rushed forward, continuously firing fiercely at the enemy. The enemy and we were about fifty meters apart. If we could advance two or three more Ten meters, that is definitely a fatal threat to the enemy, but it takes time, and what everyone lacks most is time. Enemy reinforcements will come at any time. As a last resort, we can only use this method to attack.

The nearly a hundred armed men who suddenly rushed up caught the enemy off guard, but they still fought back tenaciously. Hook's face turned cold and he roared several times. The reserve team rushed out of the bunker with a roar and rushed forward, each one letting out strange sounds. The cry, the sound spread far under the night sky, as if the god of death was screaming, it was extremely terrifying.

The armed men in other places also attacked desperately, rushing forward and beating without fear of death. They roared and screamed fiercely, like monsters. The sound of gunshots, explosions, and shouts of killing were all intertwined together. , spread far away, and the bloody murderous aura spread out, filling the entire night sky.

In this life-and-death battle, in order to survive, both the enemy and us have unleashed their terrifying potential and become red-blooded, but the Huk tribe has the advantage in numbers and their weapons are not bad either. They are all automatic rifles, plus Luo Zheng. His tactical command was in place, and the enemy who suddenly rushed forward and killed him panicked.

Soon, the reserve team also pounced on them, and the dense bullets immediately confused the enemies who were defending from the front. Some people began to retreat, but they were quickly shot to death, and more people were suppressed by firepower in the fortifications. The people below did not dare to move. The first people to climb up roared up and rushed into the enemy's fortifications like hungry wolves. The enemies raised their guns and surrendered, shouting something at the same time.

Surrendering is nothing to the Sam Country, where human rights are supreme. It is also allowed by the country. The army is not ashamed of surrender. However, the people of the Huk tribe were red-eyed and could not understand the other party's words. They rushed up and fired randomly. , directly beating the people in front of them into sieves, scaring more people into running around in panic, but where can they escape the bullets?

The enemy was defeated like a mountain. After being breached from the front, the people of the Hook tribe roared away, howling strangely, and pounced on the enemies who were still resisting. Luo Zheng was determined in his heart. Under attack from all sides, the enemy could not reverse. Seeing that the Hook tribe His face was gloomy, and his eyes kept scanning the dead people, looking very painful.

Giving orders is one thing. When seeing brothers die in battle because of their orders, no one can remain calm. Luo Zheng did not step forward to comfort him. Some things must be experienced and felt by oneself. Once you survive, you will become stronger. He has become more capable of being a commander. This is the price of growth, and it is something that heroes must experience.

Hook also slowed down and did not issue an order to gather the prisoners. Naturally, the tribal armed forces would not stop and continued to pursue the target. Troops surrounded from all sides also rushed up. The battle gradually came to an end, with only a small group of remaining troops still there. Fighting desperately, when there is no way out, the explosive power of a person is amazing.

However, these resistances were not a big threat to the Huk tribe who were also furious. Everyone rushed forward and fired grenades, and the entire battlefield quickly became quiet. Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly and stood silently. Next to Hook, I felt that Hook's aura had changed. I couldn't help but look over and found that Hook's face had become much firmer and his eyes were filled with murderous intent. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Hook, who survived, was not defeated. Instead, he acted stronger and more decisive. He shouted a few words coldly with a walkie-talkie and conveyed orders to junior officers. The troops immediately took action and dispersed everywhere. Looking for something, Luo Zheng saw this scene and smiled. Hook's maturity gave Luo Zheng hope.

"Old friend, you taught me a vivid lesson, and I have to thank you." Hook said to Luo Zheng gratefully, his expression softening a bit.

"We are strangers, we are friends and brothers." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"You are right, we are brothers, and you will always be my good brother. I have given orders for everyone to clean the battlefield, collect weapons, and ask my guards to look for RPGs, heavy machine guns and other anti-aircraft weapons, and build air defenses immediately. Position, is there anything missing?" Hook said gratefully.

"Don't clean up the battlefield yet, immediately strengthen the fortifications and do air defense." Luo Zheng said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard cheers. Luo Zheng looked in surprise and saw a group of people rushing over happily carrying RPGs, and some people were holding rockets. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and shouted to the three brothers: "The three of you go over immediately and help them set up air defense positions."

"Yes." The three people agreed quickly and hurried forward to greet them.

Luo Zheng's order was spoken in international common language. Hook understood it clearly and immediately contacted his troops through the walkie-talkie, asking everyone to follow the three men's command while asking others to immediately reinforce the fortifications. Luo Zheng did not stop him and waited patiently. , glanced at the battlefield with cold eyes, suddenly looked at the corpses on the ground and had an idea, and said: "Hook, use all the enemy corpses and put them on the fortifications so that the enemies can see them. The enemies will not shoot when they see our own people."

"Good idea." Hook was overjoyed and quickly conveyed the order.

Everyone took action, the collapsed fortifications were repaired, enemy corpses were thrown on the fortifications, piled up in random directions, and the air defense positions were also stepped up deployment. There were three positions in total. Each of the three brothers commanded one position, and the air defense members were all composed of Hook's bodyguard is in charge, each position consists of about thirty people, all RPGs. As Hook's bodyguard, everyone knows how to use this weapon.

Everything was going on nervously and orderly. Luo Zheng stared at the night sky coldly, his heart twitching. The enemy would come at any time. Whether he could survive it all depended on when the enemy came. If there were ten minutes, Luo Zheng would Zheng believed that there would be no problem at all, unless the enemy directly dropped fighter jets to join the battle, or deployed tactical missiles to bomb, then there was nothing he could do. Nervous emotions filled his brain, and his eyes became sharper.

Faintly, Luo Zheng saw bright lights twinkling in the night sky, which looked like stars at first glance. He couldn't help but was startled, but he quickly reacted and hurriedly shouted: "The enemy armed helicopter is coming, everyone is hiding, no running around. "

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