The strongest soldier

Chapter 1639 Tactical Command

The armed Huk tribe in the dense forest had no fear or concealment. They rushed forward. Someone beside them was hit by a stray bullet and fell to the ground without saying a word. They clenched their teeth in silence and refused to shout. Someone came up immediately. Check, drag the wounded person behind a big tree and hide it, and continue moving forward.

Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly and visually measured the distance. The people of the Huke tribe only had to rush forward about fifty meters to get out of the woods. There was an open area in front of them, about two hundred meters away, and they faced the anxious-looking Huke. Hook nodded, and Hook picked up the walkie-talkie and roared something.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The armed men of the Huk tribe were charging. They were about to reach the edge of the woods. After hearing the Hook's order to attack, everyone found a place to hide and fought back. Three hundred people fired at the same time. Bullets rained down, catching the enemy by surprise.

There are only three to four hundred troops stationed in the valley. They need to defend four directions and have to work in shifts. The number of people in each direction is only a few dozen. There is no way to stop more than three hundred people from counterattacking at the same time. The firepower is suppressed, and the valley camp is bright. Like daylight, the positions of all enemies are clearly visible, but the people of the Huk tribe are hiding in the dark and cannot be seen at all. Invisibly, the Huk tribe's armed forces have an advantage.

The two sides fought to the death as soon as they came up, firing fiercely as if bullets were free. The Sam country garrison camp was well fortified, well-defended, and the firepower was cross-distributed. They fought tenaciously and actually blocked the attack of the Huk tribe. Luo Zheng looked at it coldly. After observing this scene for about two minutes, his face darkened and he shouted: "Hook, let the main attack force climb up from the ground. Move quickly, attack at close range, and reserve fire cover."

"Understood." Hook's eyes lit up, he agreed excitedly, and immediately started giving instructions through the walkie-talkie.

Soon, a team held their guns and climbed up quickly under the cover of night. Each one used their hands and feet, their faces were as cold as frost, and they didn't even shoot. The person responsible for the cover started shooting violently, while making strange screams, and they were very excited. , bullets were fired in an overwhelming manner, making the enemies on the opposite side dare not expose the fortifications easily.

Luo Zheng calmly observed the battle situation and looked in other directions involuntarily. Suddenly he saw a team rushing up to support him. He was startled. He looked intently and saw that there were nearly a hundred people. He quickly shouted: "Hook, ask the others immediately." Why haven’t the people in the direction launched an attack yet?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zheng saw gunshots rang out from several other directions. The fire caused by the bullets was clearly visible in the night. It was as dense as rain and extremely terrifying. He couldn't help but smile and looked at the enemies who came to support. However, he found that the supporting troops suddenly dispersed and rushed in other directions, and his heart dropped completely.

At this time, the three brothers looked towards the direction of the battlefield with warlike faces, eager to try. Luo Zheng was startled and immediately ordered to come over. Not only was he angry that the brothers were captured, but the three brothers were also holding fire in their hearts. He couldn't help but say: "Are you three having itchy hands?"

"Yes, let us go?" A brother asked for a fight calmly.

"Well, go ahead and go up the tree to snipe and kill the enemy's heavy firepower and officers." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes." The three of them were overjoyed. After saluting with gratitude, they turned around and hurriedly got up. The sniper rifles they carried seemed to have come to life at this moment, exuding a terrifying murderous aura. The three of them were like three cheetahs moving forward wildly. After running a short distance, they each chose a big tree at the edge of the forest. Using their hands and feet, they climbed up dexterously, hid themselves in the crown of the tree, and took off the sniper rifles from their backs.

When Luo Zheng saw that the three of them were already in place and Lan Xue looked eager to try, he quickly said: "Forget it, just protect me here. I have to observe the enemy's situation and adjust my command at any time so that I don't notice the dangers around me."

"Okay." Of course Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng didn't need anyone to protect him, but he still agreed.

"Brothers have climbed up fifty meters." Hook shouted excitedly.

"It's not enough. Continue the fire cover. Don't be stingy with bullets. The enemy's combatants do not appear to be more than 300. They are scattered to resist and have no intention of retreat. I estimate that reinforcements will arrive at any time. Should we retreat after the fight or eat this group of enemies? ? You decide." Luo Zheng's face turned solemn and he warned.

"It's not worthwhile to withdraw. What's the risk of eating them?" Hook became serious and asked.

"The enemy's reinforcements must be armed helicopters. The ground troops cannot come so fast. We have no chance of winning against the helicopters." Luo Zheng reminded.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but even if we evacuate, we will be overtaken, and our brothers will suffer heavy losses by then. Is there any way?" Hook said thoughtfully.

"Then let's take a gamble." Luo Zheng said coldly. His huge fighting spirit burst out, as if he was about to ignite the surrounding night sky. A cold murderous aura pierced the night sky and shot straight into the sky. He shouted with a cold face. : "Press them all up, defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, and then quickly build air defense. It's best to find the RPG. After I confirm this base, then rely on the enemy's fortifications to counterattack the reinforcements, kill the armed helicopters, and then you can retreat calmly, but there are some risks in doing so. It may increase losses.”

"There is no way to fight without death. The key is whether it is worth it. If you just defeat the enemy, you will still be chased by the enemy's armed helicopters when you evacuate. Then you will be passively beaten and more people will die. That's the decision." Hook is worthy of his reputation. He was heroic and decisive in killing. He quickly weighed the pros and cons and made a decision. He shouted murderously through the walkie-talkie and issued the order.

Luo Zheng waited for Hook to give the order and looked at the battlefield. The attack by the Hook tribe's armed forces became more fierce. The troops crawling forward sped up. The people responsible for covering came out of the bunker one after another. They opened fire without fear of death and suppressed them with all their strength. Withholding the enemy's firepower and covering the brothers, they quickly climbed up, and people from other directions around them also launched a fierce attack.

The heavy firepower of the enemy's fortifications in the front misfired one after another, and the threat to the Hook tribe was much less. Luo Zheng knew that it was one of his own people who did it, and he couldn't help but became energetic. He looked at Hook and said: "Old friend, your decision is correct. Very good, let’s go too, it’s time to launch a general attack.”

"You take command here, and I'll take the people up. How do you think we're going to fight?" Hook said quickly.

Luo Zheng glanced at the people who had climbed up in front of the enemy's formation, and said coldly: "Your people have climbed about fifty meters in front of the enemy's formation. They are suddenly exposed. They can definitely catch the enemy by surprise. The reserve team can press forward in one fell swoop." , the enemy will definitely be defeated, but doing so will increase the losses of those who climb up."

"Understood." Hook agreed, his eyes flashing, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted a few words, his cold murderous aura burst out, his eyes flashed with a fierce light, which was particularly bright in the night.

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