The strongest soldier

Chapter 163 Ghost Team

Dense bushes, knee-deep rivers, dense forests on hillsides, and piles of rocks are all unsuitable for running, let alone running with a load of ten kilograms. This is definitely an off-road route that challenges people's limits, and it also tests people's willpower and exercise. On the route of body skills, the captain looked at the stragglers crawling hard, their faces covered with frost, but their eyes were beating with excitement, and he made up his mind to train like this in the future.

Luo Zheng didn't know that he had inadvertently inspired the captain's training pattern. He went down the river, then passed through a forest and returned to the camp. Standing on the training ground, Luo Zheng started to count his watch. The weight bag on his back, His training clothes were all wet, water kept dripping from them, and the ground was soaked.

The time waiting for the teammates to return was full of expectations, helplessness, and disappointment. About ten minutes later, someone appeared at the gate of the camp. He staggered, fell, got up, and trotted over in embarrassment. He was very exhausted. , when he saw Luo Luo, who was waiting with his watch, a fanatical light burst out from his blurred eyes, and the strength in his body seemed to come back all of a sudden, and his speed increased sharply.

When he rushed to Luo Zheng, he raised his hands and shouted the report with difficulty. His body was exhausted and he collapsed on the ground. He couldn't get up for a while. His eyes were full of respect when he looked at Luo Zheng. Along the way, everyone realized the hardships involved. , everyone has a clear understanding of Luo Zheng's strength. The strong will only believe in the stronger.

The people watching didn't understand what happened. They only saw Luo Zheng come back about ten minutes ago. There was nothing serious. However, the people who came back were like patients who had been drained of their energy. They were listless and couldn't even say a complete sentence when they were tired. ,what is this? Military doctors rushed forward to check and treat him.

Luo Zheng didn't stop him. The soldiers were embarrassed. They were all human beings, so why couldn't they do it themselves? He immediately pushed away the medic's hand, stood up tremblingly, stood up with difficulty, looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes were full of fanatical respect, consciously lined up in a line, took a big breath to regain his strength, and looked at his teammates who kept coming back.

After a few more minutes, the top ten were born. Luo Zheng walked up to Lao Chang who was watching and whispered: "Arrange people to go to the back to pick them up. Bring water. They probably won't be able to come back for a while. Tell them not to run away." ."

"Understood." Lao Chang glanced at the ten people staggering around, agreed with a smile, and left.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said, "Follow me." With that, he headed towards the shooting range.

Seeing that Luo Zheng hadn't taken off his backpack, everyone didn't dare to take it off. They staggered behind and murmured in their hearts, how can this gun still be accurate after this? Wouldn't the final round of eliminations start now? Thinking of this, everyone's expressions changed slightly, they secretly took a deep breath, speeded up their physical recovery, and their eyes gradually became firmer. At this point, no one gave up easily, let alone backed down.

Luo Zheng took everyone to the shooting range, arranged ten people in a row, and asked someone to bring a Type 95 assault rifle. Each person had a magazine, and each magazine had thirty rounds of bullets. Luo Zheng asked someone to help time it. , one for each person. After the arrangements were made, Luo Zheng glanced at everyone with a cold gaze and said loudly: "For the sake of fairness, I will call you to shoot at the beginning. Target, 400-meter target position, standing burst shooting, assessment standards, shooting Speed ​​and accuracy, the person with the most rounds in the shortest time will be selected, and everyone will prepare individually.”

Everyone loaded the bullet, stared at the right shoulder with the butt of the gun, aimed at the target, adjusted their breathing, and waited nervously. Luo Zheng asked the soldiers who helped with the timing to confirm one by one. After confirming that the timer was OK, he told everyone to start timing. After the players finished shooting, they stopped. When everything was ready, Luo Zheng took a deep breath. Thinking that his team members were about to be born, he became excited and shouted: "Everyone is here, listen to my command, let's start!"

"Bang bang bang!" Everyone aimed at the target and kept pulling the trigger. In the burst firing state, each trigger pull can only fire one bullet. To finish thirty rounds of bullets, you must pull the trigger thirty times. This requires At a certain time, rapid and accurate shooting requires a high degree of skill.

Soon, everyone finished shooting. Everyone looked at the target nervously with their guns pointed down. The soldier in charge of timing recorded the results. Luo Zheng asked the soldier in charge of timing to go over the shooting results with the players, and found a pen and paper to record the results one by one.

The results came out quickly, and none of the contestants raised any objections. Everything was fair, and their skills were inferior to others. Those who were not selected left sadly, while those who were selected stood together in a team with eager eyes, looking at Luo Zheng excitedly. It is everyone's dream to enter the elite team. , now that my dream has come true, I feel extremely excited.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and understood everyone's mood. When he saw the captain coming, he handed over the report card. The captain glanced at the report card, looked at the five elected soldiers with relief, and said with some excitement: "You all fought hard among forty people. You are all good. Although your shooting results are not very ideal, it is still acceptable to be able to shoot this result when you are exhausted and almost out of strength. However, you still have to pay tribute to Your captain is studying, I won’t go into details about the reasons, congratulations on your election.”

"Yes, thank you, captain." The five people shouted excitedly.

"Don't thank me, thank you captain, I won't talk nonsense." The captain said excitedly, looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes were full of joy, and said with a smile: "You kid taught me a lesson, when I I still don’t understand your training methods, but now I’m convinced, it’s very good, I’ll leave the first team to you, it’s a dragon or an insect, I’m waiting for your reply.”

"Captain, please don't worry, when have I ever let you off the chain?" Luo Zheng said, with a confident smile on his face, and his eyes looking at the team members were full of yearning and expectation.

The captain nodded with satisfaction, looked at everyone and said, "You all don't know. In the last game, my teammates gave me the nickname Ghost. Do you know what it means? It is synonymous with the God of Death. It stalks and pursues like a ghost, hunts targets like a ghost, and Disappear like a ghost. With a captain like this, your future life will definitely be exciting."

When everyone heard this, they all became enthusiastic. The eyes they looked at Luo Zheng were like the sun nine days away, shining brightly. It was the first time Luo Zheng heard this nickname, and he couldn't help being startled. He thought it was the captain who was trying to establish his prestige. , this nickname was chosen on purpose. After savoring it carefully, I thought it was pretty good. A ghost is a ghost. I smiled gratefully and did not object.

"I hope you will be like ghosts, disappearing on the battlefield and harvesting the lives of enemies. Therefore, the first team will be called the Ghost Team from now on, named after your captain's code name. I hope you will not live up to this name and serve the country and the people. Let's fight." The captain said excitedly, full of expectations for Luo Zheng.

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