The strongest soldier

Chapter 162 Rapid Cross Country

The warm sun was in the sky, and the birds were singing something joyfully, dancing in the sky above the tree-lined military camp. Suddenly, a loud roar sounded like thunder, and the frightened birds fled in panic. A team rushed out of the military camp, one person after another. Wearing jungle camouflage training uniforms, helmets, and carrying a ten-kilogram load-bearing package, they rushed out of the military camp under the leadership of one person.

The leader was none other than Luo Zheng, who had put on his training uniform again. In order to be fair and to convince the crowd, Luo Zheng also carried a ten kilogram weight and ran ahead, leading the team to start the first round of screening and rushing out. Behind the gate of the camp, there is a path leading into the forest. It is usually made by people during outdoor training.

Just when everyone thought Luo Zheng would run along the path, they suddenly discovered that the leader Luo Zheng was running in another direction. This direction was densely wooded and bushy, and there was no way to go. If he wanted to avoid getting hung up on his pants by thorns, he had to Continuously jumping forward, carrying ten kilograms on my body, jumping and running is very difficult.

Luo Zheng ignored it and rushed into the bushes at the lead. With the hunter's intuition, he keenly found the route to rush in. Where were the bushes thick, where could he stay, where was the open space, etc., Luo Zheng could tell at a glance. If you know clearly, you can always find a way forward that saves time and effort.

The team behind hesitated for a moment and then followed. After all, they were well-trained special forces. Everyone caught up with Luo Zheng, and no one was left behind. Soon, those who were interested discovered that the route Luo Zheng ran was erratic, but it was the most suitable one. , and the speed is strange, as if it is a cheetah that is familiar with everything around it.

After a while, everyone found that the distance between them and Luo Zheng was a little far away. According to habit, everyone would move forward at a constant speed to save time and effort, but Luo Zheng was the complete opposite, sprinting almost with all his strength. This way, the speed would be much faster in the front, but basically behind. Unable to run, everyone didn’t know what to do.

The smarter one suddenly remembered Luo Zheng's words and sped up to keep up with Luo Zheng. When the others saw this, they also sped up. Soon, everyone began to sprint with all their strength, running with ten kilograms of weight on their backs in the roadless jungle. It is very physically demanding and requires great skill.

Everyone was not lacking in skills or physical strength, but they were not used to this kind of all-out sprinting. After a while, the front opened up a bit, and a jumping river appeared. Everyone was familiar with this river and often came here to take a bath in their free time. Kuan Qi It is about eight meters deep, no more than knee-deep, with pebbles underneath. The terrain on both sides of the river bank is much flatter, and there are no shrubs. It is overgrown with weeds, but it does not affect running.

When everyone thought that Luo Zheng would run along the river bank, and were happy to adjust, they found that Luo Zheng suddenly jumped into the river, went upstream, and ran forward desperately, as if there were pursuers behind him. Everyone Surprised, someone was lazy and ran along the river bank. Seeing that Luo Zheng did not stop him, he looked at his comrades who had jumped into the river one after another. After thinking about it, he jumped in too.

When the captain who followed the team saw this scene, his face changed slightly. He couldn't figure out what Luo Zheng was singing, but he didn't stop him. He just urged the military doctor to follow him and looked at the soldiers who were screaming and rushing forward. , the captain suddenly understood Luo Zheng's intention.

After running along the river for more than ten minutes, Luo Zheng got ashore and rushed towards the opposite hillside. The hillside was about 100 meters above sea level. He had just run hard in the river for more than ten minutes and was exhausted. Many people had fallen behind. Look, everyone When Luo Zheng rushed towards the hillside tirelessly, his expression changed, but some people still gritted their teeth and persisted.

If it is a constant speed, this difficulty is nothing to everyone. This method of all-out explosion completely disrupted everyone's habits. It consumes a lot of physical energy and performs abnormally. The captain followed behind, feeling in his heart I was so happy and saw a whole new way of training.

Luo Zheng ignored the people behind him and ran on his own, treating this assessment as training. For more than a month, Luo Zheng has been running on this route almost every day. He has long been used to it. No one knows how to run like this better than Luo Zheng. It took a lot of energy and willpower. Luo Zheng clearly remembers that when he ran for the first time, he took two breaks in the middle. It was a miracle that everyone could finish the race at his own speed.

When he rushed to the mountainside, Luo Zheng paid attention to the people around him. There were about twenty people following him. Some of them were agile and seemed to be very familiar with the jungle. They could always find the most suitable place to stay. He was erratic, but he also knew how to use the strength of his hands to accelerate. He couldn't help but secretly note it, and continued to run while accelerating.

After rushing up the hillside, there is a steep slope of about 20 to 30 degrees ahead. There are dense trees, soft soil, and dead leaves scattered all over the ground. It is not clear where to stay. The inertia of rushing down in this kind of place is very large, and it is difficult to control the center of gravity of the body. , if you are not careful, you will hit a tree. If you step on a soft place, you will easily fall. If you step on a hollow place, you will be in trouble.

Luo Zheng continued to rush forward without stopping, as if he were walking on flat ground. He could always accurately judge where the soil was hard, where it was soft, and where he couldn't step on it. His body sometimes rotated, sometimes slid sideways, and sometimes jumped, heading down the hillside at an incredible speed. Rush over.

When the soldiers who followed behind saw this scene, their blood and competitive spirit were not aroused. They gritted their teeth and rushed downwards. Unlucky, their feet were airborne and their bodies fell. The dislocation was considered a minor injury, and the ground fell. Broken branches and tree stumps were fatal. The captain's face turned green as he looked at the soldiers who kept falling to the ground. He was secretly glad that he had been prepared and quickly called the military doctor to come up.

Luo Zheng didn't care about this and continued running without looking back. After descending the hillside, he continued running along the canyon. The canyon was a dry river bed. The ground was full of exposed stones, large or small, blocking the way. If you want to pass, the best way is to run on the stones, but the stones may not be stacked firmly, and sometimes you will lose your center of gravity and slide.

While running, Luo Zheng was like a dexterous monkey, using his hands and feet together to keep jumping forward. The ten kilograms of weight he was carrying seemed like it didn't exist. Every time he jumped and ran, he was very agile. When he stepped on a loose stone, Luo Zheng's body always felt... It can twist weirdly and continue to move in the opposite direction without caring about the center of gravity, just like a car running wildly that only knows how to move forward.

When the soldiers who were chasing after him saw this scene, they wised up and did not rush forward blindly. Instead, they observed Luo Zheng's running style. After he had a basic grasp of it, he rushed into the pile of rocks screaming and chased after him unconvinced. Go up, but at this moment, Luo Zheng has already broken through the pile of rocks on the river bed, rushed into the river just now, and started to go back down the river, putting a long distance away from everyone.

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