The strongest soldier

Chapter 1540 Entering the enemy camp

The gray moonlight fell on the vast wasteland, and the land was silent. There was only one valley with lights on, and there were a lot of people. There were patrols everywhere, guarding the valley as if facing a formidable enemy. There was some noise in the valley, especially in the open area. In the area, there were many wounded people lying in the tents, and there were also many wounded people outside. The sounds of painful groans, sighs, and unbridled chatter were intertwined, making it very lively.

The outer edge of this open area is an empty grassland. The grassland connects to the mountains. It is about thirty meters wide and dark. Within two minutes of a patrol passing by, two black shadows climbed up from the ground, like two Like a giant python, it moved quickly without making any sound. In a blink of an eye, it came to the shadow of a tent and hid there.

There were some armed men gathered around chatting, making strange laughter from time to time. The cigarette butts in their mouths flickered. Some wounded people also gathered together. No one paid attention to the black shadow lurking in the shadow of the tent. After a while, A dark shadow slowly poked its head out to observe the surroundings. Its bright eyes were particularly clear in the dark night. It was Luo Zheng who was touched.

Seeing that the enemies around him didn't suspect anything, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately retreated and pulled out his saber. For convenience, the weapon had been hidden in a bush somewhere on the way here. The two of them only brought sabers for self-defense. The ghost hand lurking next to him also pulled out his saber. Luo Zheng pricked up his ears and listened for a while. He felt that someone was sleeping in the tent, so he made a gesture to the ghost hand, and the ghost hand nodded knowingly.

The two of them carefully opened the tent and looked inside. They found four people lying inside, all of whom were seriously injured and already asleep. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly made a silent fighting gesture to Guishou. Guishou nodded and the two of them were careful. He opened the tent a little and crawled inside along the opening.

People outside never thought that someone would infiltrate and do something under their noses. The people inside the tent were sleeping soundly. How could they hear subtle and imperceptible noises? Luo Zheng and Gui Shou climbed in smoothly. Luo Zheng made a gesture of two to each other. Gui Shou nodded knowingly, and the two of them immediately took action.

Standing up is easy to expose, so they both chose to crawl to the target, covered one of them with their big hands, and cut the other's neck hard with the sharp saber. Then they pulled it, and a bloody arrow shot out. The target just bounced his legs twice symbolically. It stopped moving. After taking out one person, the two successfully killed the other target using the same method without making any sound from the beginning to the end.

The target was clear. Luo Zheng and Gui Shou each chose a target in tacit understanding. They took off the gauze and clothes on the other person and put them on themselves. Then they wrapped the gauze around their heads, leaving only one eye exposed, in order to make it more realistic. , stained a lot of the enemy's blood and smeared it on his head and body.

After doing all this, the two still did not get up, but continued to crawl away, opened the bottom of the tent and came out. Luo Zheng observed the surroundings for a while, and happened to see a patrol coming over, shining a flashlight everywhere, and couldn't help but be shocked. , quickly retracted with Guishou and hid in the tent.

The patrol greeted the people around the tent, laughed a few times from time to time, chatted for a few words and then walked away. Luo Zheng and Gui Shou lay tightly in the tent without moving, pricking their ears and confirming that the patrol was After walking far away, he let out a long sigh, opened the bottom of the tent and climbed out.

Perhaps it was because the patrol had just passed by, but the surrounding armed men were not wary and were still chatting about something unscrupulously. They laughed a few times from time to time. Luo Zheng didn't understand a word and was too lazy to listen. He quickly gave Guishou a slap in the face. With a gesture, the two climbed up along the shadow of the tent and headed inside.

After crawling a few meters away, there was no one around. The two stood up warily. The tent blocked their movements. Luo Zheng looked around warily and gave Guishou a look. Guishou nodded knowingly. The two lowered their heads. Head towards the center of the camp.

Walking a few meters forward, a dozen people gathered together to chat and smoke cigarettes. They just glanced at the two of them symbolically and didn't care. They continued chatting. Luo Zheng and Gui Shou were both tied with gauze, and their heads were covered with hair. It was blood stains, and his clothes were the same as everyone else's. He looked no different from a seriously injured person, and his face was wrapped in gauze, so he couldn't recognize the authenticity at all.

Seeing that the enemies around him were very relaxed, Luo Zheng probably didn't expect anyone to infiltrate in. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and made a hidden gesture to the ghost hand. The two of them walked forward with their heads lowered, not walking very fast to avoid causing trouble. Suspicious, a bearded man walked towards him, followed by two people, who looked like a leader.

The bearded man stood in front of Luo Zheng, pointed at Luo Zheng and muttered something. Luo Zheng was secretly shocked, lowering his head and not daring to look at the other person. He took a deep breath to force himself to calm down, and heard that the other person was impatient. He was still saying something, then he had an idea and mumbled a few words vaguely, as if his throat was not conducive to speaking.

The bearded man patted Luo Zheng on the shoulder and muttered a few words. Luo Zheng pretended to be humble and nodded quickly. The other party might be very respected by Luo Zheng and signaled Luo Zheng to leave. He laughed and walked towards the others. As he walked away, everyone else burst into laughter.

Luo Zheng couldn't understand what the other party said, and he guessed it was not a good thing, but in order to save others, he endured it and walked forward quickly, with Guishou following closely behind. After the two of them walked for more than ten meters, they found no one. We stopped and observed. The enemy's defensive measures were tight on the outside and loose on the inside. Almost all of them were wounded, sitting on the ground and sighing, or gathering in groups to smoke and chat. No one asked Luo Zheng and Gui Shou a word. .

"Over there." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Guishou nodded knowingly, and the two of them walked towards a large tent one after another. The continuous fighting caused heavy casualties to the Hariri tribe's armed forces. Many leaders were injured. The treatment enjoyed by the leaders was naturally different. There were special people to take care of the information. Higher-level bosses can also receive medical treatment, protection, and separate tents.

Yu Xin was a doctor, so he was naturally given information about these senior leaders, so it was much easier to find them. The two of them dressed up as wounded, and no one cared. They walked forward openly and unknowingly came to a tent. After observing for a while, I found that another larger tent not far away was full of guards. It was lit inside and waiting. It seemed that many people were busy with something.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly gave Guishou a look. Guishou nodded knowingly. The two walked up quietly, slowly approached the tent, and stopped at an inconspicuous place. There were guards around the tent. , if you go up rashly you will be exposed, you can only wait for the opportunity.

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