The strongest soldier

Chapter 1539 Infiltrating the Valley

Half an hour later, Hariri gathered a large number of armed men, so dark that they could not be counted. They marched out with torches. Judging from the direction of march, it was exactly where Barr was. The purpose was self-evident. Hariri was preparing for an all-out war with Barr. With Barr's strength, he could never stop Hariri's attack, but with intelligence support, it was different. Luo Zheng quickly turned on the signal transmitter.

After connecting to the satellite, Luo Zheng did not wait for Blue Star's greetings and said first: "Judging from the length and width of the enemy's march, it is estimated that there will be about 5,000 people. This should be Hariri's regular troops, heading towards the Bastow tribe. Go, notify your sister immediately, monitor the movements of this team at all times, and find an ambush point, using the tactics I used to deal with the enemy before, Barr has experienced it once and knows how to cooperate."

"That time when you killed nearly a thousand pursuers, right? OK, let me know right away." Blue Star replied quickly.

"Well, before that, all the medical teams must be sent away as soon as possible. It will take one night for Hariri's troops to march in a hurry, which is enough time to prepare. With Hariri's caution, it is impossible to march in a hurry. It is expected to arrive at the border tomorrow night. In the evening It's hard for everyone to take action. He can rest at night and recover his strength before fighting the next day. Tell your sister to take action when the enemy rests at night." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood, after a tiring day, once you fall asleep at night, your body will be completely relaxed and will not want to move, and your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. This is the best time to attack." Blue Star said with a happy smile.

"That's the truth. Contact us in time if anything happens." Luo Zheng saw that Lan Xing understood his intention and agreed.

After the call ended, Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and continued: "The enemy is out. At this time, the surrounding patrols are also the most careless. Let's go, go up in a roundabout way, and go far away to avoid causing trouble."

"Okay." Guishou promised with all his heart. As long as he could rescue Yu Xin immediately, Guishou agreed no matter how far he went.

The two quickly packed up and retreated from the hill. Taking advantage of the surrounding terrain to hide themselves, they detoured toward the south of the valley. They marched quickly, approaching the target quietly like cheetahs looking for food in the night.

Half an hour later, the two detoured behind a hillside in the south and lurked quickly. After observing calmly, they found that the last enemy team had also moved out. It was not possible to mobilize all the more than 5,000 people at once. It takes time, unless there is a swarm of swarms running around.

With Hariri's military literacy and prudence, he will definitely arrange the order of battle. Who will open the way in front, who will be responsible for the two wings, who will stay behind, etc. There must be rules and regulations. This all takes time. Luo Zheng raised his sniper scope and observed, making sure. After no troops moved, quickly move the sniper scope to search the open area ahead.

Many tents were set up in the open area, and the lights were bright inside. There were many wounded soldiers lying in the tents, and there were also many people outside. Many people were walking around, some were caring for the wounded, and some of the wounded were moving around by themselves to speed up their recovery. No one was watching. When he saw the person he was looking for, Luo Zheng's face turned serious and he checked carefully, not missing any details.

Soon, Luo Zheng found a larger tent surrounded by armed men, armed with live ammunition. No one else was allowed to approach. There were many people inside the tent. Luo Zheng was startled and looked carefully. Not long after, he saw a man wearing a The man in the white coat came out of the tent and took off his mask. He was an elder in his sixties, wearing myopia glasses, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this man. He was about to hand the sniper scope to Guishou when he saw a female doctor in a white coat coming out of the tent. She was talking to the elder in a low voice. She was Guishou's fiancée. , couldn't help but be overjoyed, quickly handed the sniper scope to Guishou, and said in a low voice: "At three o'clock, the distance is about 2,300 meters, determine the target immediately."

"Huh?" Guishou took the sniper scope in surprise and looked at the target determined by Luo Zheng. He was overjoyed and said excitedly: "The target is determined. It can't be wrong. That elder should be Dr. Zhong Hai, Yu Xin's mentor." , we must also rescue him, what should we do next?”

"It's more than 2,000 meters here. There are gentle hilly terrains along the way. There are no trees to block it, which is not conducive to a direct charge. We can only carefully penetrate about a thousand meters forward. The road behind can only be climbed over. See you when you get around. Let's act on our own initiative." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

The gentle hilly terrain is unobstructed. The target is too big to rush towards and is easily exposed. The two of them hunched their waists and ran forward quickly using their hands and feet. They rushed forward for a short distance and immediately found a place to hide. They observed for a while and then used the surrounding terrain to hide. Sneak in and make sure you don't get caught.

Under the night, like two cheetahs, the two of them moved forward silently, quickly and sensitively. Then the terrain was hidden. A few rabbits advanced more than a thousand meters and lurked in a bush. In the bush, Luo Zheng stared calmly ahead. The valley gradually returned to calm. No one paid attention here. However, the density of patrols increased a bit, and it was not easy to penetrate quietly.

It was quiet all around. The insects that were chirping just now were frightened and stopped chirping. The moon gradually emerged from the dark clouds. The earth became a little brighter and the visibility increased. This was very detrimental to the two of them. Luo Zheng looked at it with a solemn expression. Watch, at about ten o'clock, he lowered his voice and said: "Wait a moment and pay attention."

"Understood." Gui Shou replied in a low voice. When things got to this point, Gui Shou became calmer. His cold eyes were fixed on the valley in front of him, as if he was looking for his fiancée. His face was as serious as iron, his lips He was tightly closed like a blade, and his huge murderous aura was restrained. The whole person seemed to be integrated with the surrounding bushes, and it was difficult to find it until the next update.

With the concealment skills of Luo Zheng and Gui Shou, as well as the darkness and the disguise of their ghillie suits, it is not difficult to infiltrate the valley guarded by such tribal armed forces. There is not even a hidden sentry along the way. Although there are many patrols, there are only five hundred in the valley. Within meters, and he didn't look very alert.

The two of them observed for a while, Luo Zheng made a gesture, and the two of them climbed up along the terrain. Their eyes were cold, like the twinkling stars nine days away. Using their hands and feet together, they slowly approached forward like giant pythons, moving forward. The greater the possibility of exposure, the more no one dares to be careless.

After crawling for about three hundred meters, Luo Zheng suddenly saw the ghost hand about ten meters away from him in front of him stop. It penetrated one after another to ensure safety. Luo Zheng became suspicious and found that the ghost hand made a dangerous gesture. His face turned cold, and he quickly set up his sniper rifle to observe.

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