The strongest soldier

Chapter 1449 Snow Bear Responds

"The wild wolves may be hiding in caves or something like that. The enemy didn't know the truth. They sent ground troops to rush there, but they were besieged by a pack of wild wolves. Maybe the wild wolves were hiding in a den of wild wolves. The enemy might have thought that we Use the wolves to escape and dispatch fighter jets to support in a rage. The wolves have all been killed by missiles and the signal transmitter has been destroyed. There is no need to worry about the enemy using it to decipher." The other party quickly replied.

When Luo Zheng heard that his luck was so good, he couldn't help but smile. After turning off the signal, he told Lan Xue the situation. Lan Xue also didn't expect such good luck. Looking at the dark snowy mountains and mountains, he said, "Let's drive all night, we might as well go east." , the enemy will only think that we are going south, and we just need to walk a few more days."

"I have to thank you for the hard work." Luo Zheng said with concern.

"It's okay, you can hold on." Lan Xue said with a smile, not wanting to worry her lover too much, she gritted her teeth silently and persisted, put her backpack on her shoulders, and picked up her weapons and snowboards.

Luo Zheng looked worriedly at Lan Xue's preparations, sighed secretly, and quickly made preparations before departure. The two left the canyon, climbed up the mountainside, then used snowboards to move, and continued sliding towards the east. In the past, the speed slowed down a lot, but it was still several times faster than walking, and it quickly disappeared into the vast night of the mountains and forests.

Almost at the same time, the large and comfortable ward in the Snow Bear Base Camp was as warm as ever, with a bonfire burning in the fireplace. Noci sat quietly on the bed and listened to Cass' report on the situation. He was covered with a thin blanket, but his mood was cold, and his face was cold. There was frost hanging on the ceiling, but it didn't change much because of the warmth of the room.

Cass was also in an extremely bad mood, as bad as the eternal snowfield outside, but he still said truthfully: "Your Excellency General, we misjudged the enemy's escape direction from the beginning, so we missed three days of chasing gold. Period, three days later, clues were found in the west. After a day and night of tracking, we found clues in the east, which is enough to show that the enemy is playing tricks on us, using the strategy of claiming the east and attacking the west. "

"These are not important, what is important is your judgment." Nuoqi said coldly. Cass lost the target again. This result disappointed Nuoqi, so that his attitude towards Cass also changed slightly. People who make repeated mistakes and fail to bring honor to Snow Bear cannot be reused.

Cass also knew his status and consequences, but he accepted his fate. No one could defeat him. If he loses, he loses. Cass still has the courage to bear the consequences and responsibilities. He continued truthfully: "Your Excellency, the enemy, General First to the west, then to the east. The west may be the doubt formation, but the real location is the east.”

"I hope your judgment is accurate this time and tell me your reasons." Nuoqi said coldly.

"Yes." Cass quickly agreed: "The enemy retreated for three consecutive days and traveled more than 400 kilometers. Running so fast in the snow with the wounded soldiers must not be able to bear the team. They urgently need to rest and recuperate, so I judged that they were hiding. Get up, and then let people go to the west to deliberately expose themselves and cover the team heading east, so that the team can rest for one more day. For a tired army, this day is very important."

"It makes some sense. Why is it that there are no suspected soldiers in the east, but the enemy feints again and continues to the west?" Nuoqi raised his question coldly.

"I have also considered this issue. If the enemy chooses to retreat to the west, there is no need to expose the west side from the beginning. This will be detrimental to them. Moreover, there are wild wolves around the signal source in the east. Do you remember the Wolf Valley not far from our base camp? There are enemies living in it. This was confirmed three days ago. The enemy can use the Wolf Valley to hide once and twice, so I suspect that they are actually hiding around the wolf pack." Cass said seriously. explained.

"Then why can't we find anyone?" Nuoqi asked with a cold expression.

"This? The enemy may have evacuated long ago and left a signal transmitter behind. Moreover, according to the intelligence feedback from our ground troops, the traces of people passing by on the ground are snowboards. The enemy uses snowboards to travel, and the speed cannot be deduced by common sense. , I concluded that the enemy might have reached the border, and suggested adjusting the deployment and increasing the length of the border blockade to prevent the enemy from leaving the country." Cass said quickly.

"Already arrived at the border?" Nuoqi's slightly closed eyes flashed with a complex look of worry, and he began to think deeply. Cass did not dare to disturb him and waited patiently. After a while, Nuoqi suddenly said: "Maybe there are also suspicious soldiers in the east. , the enemy actually went west, or there may be suspected soldiers in the west, the enemy went east and then south, and has reached the border, any possibility may exist, so we must strengthen the blockade on the west and southeast."

"This?" Cass hesitated.

"What, what's the problem?" Nuoqi asked in a dissatisfied voice.

"Reporting to the general, there is a problem. The border is too long. The enemy has satellites. It is easy to find our weak points and force them out easily. They can even go around further and infiltrate from places we have no defense. We do not have enough troops. ." Cass quickly explained with hesitation.

"Not enough? If it's not enough, then transfer again." Nuoqi shouted dissatisfied.

"Yes, but the country has given a clear answer. China is also intensively mobilizing its troops and its missile troops have been deployed. If it mobilizes its troops again, it may trigger a war between the two countries. Your Excellency, the President, means very clearly and will not give us another The soldier was a soldier, and he said..." At this point, Cass hesitated.

"What else are you talking about? Say it!" Nuoqi was furious and shouted coldly.

"They also said that 50,000 troops have been mobilized, nearly a hundred fighter jets rotate around the clock for reconnaissance, three unmanned reconnaissance planes, and satellites work around the clock. If no one is caught, the general can take the blame and resign." Cass whispered awkwardly, While observing Nuoqi carefully, he found that Nuoqi's face was very ugly, and he quickly added: "General, there is no need to be angry. I have found someone to find out. Someone is taking advantage of the situation and wants you to abdicate."

"I knew it was a damn party struggle. Let's not talk about it. We still underestimated the cunning of the enemy. Such a powerful search failed to find us. It is indeed our dereliction of duty. It is reasonable for me to resign. Next, I will do what you said. Do it, since the enemy cannot be found, then simply stop looking and expand the length of the border blockade." Nuoqi said coldly with a livid face, with strong murderous intent and helplessness.

"Yes, I plan to expand the blockade by another two hundred kilometers to the east and west respectively. Satellites and drones will conduct round-the-clock surveillance along the border. Even a fly cannot fly over." Cass also said murderously, secretly shaking his head. Clenched his fists.

"No, expand the search to three hundred kilometers to the east and west, and get started immediately." Nuoqi shouted murderously.

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