The strongest soldier

Chapter 1448 Difficult Evacuation

The morning sun is warm and gentle, silently watching the ever-changing snowy mountains and forests, bringing a bit of warmth to the earth. The breeze blows slowly through the wilderness, and it is bitingly cold. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue slide quickly in the direction of the rising sun. Then, they rushed from one hillside to another, not daring to stop at all. They took the time to leave the scene. Everyone was waiting for a noise from the east to attract the enemy's attention. However, the two of them were not in the safe zone yet, so being exposed rashly would definitely be a dead end. One piece.

The two people, who were already sleepy, gritted their teeth and persisted. They had already taken off their night vision goggles and were on their way faster. The enemy's attention was still in the east, and the shadows were still lurking. The two of them knew very well mentally that they must defeat the enemy. Run as far away as possible before your attention is drawn to you.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and before they knew it, it was noon. The two of them came to the bottom of a cliff and found a hidden place to hide. Luo Zheng quickly turned on the signal device, without even having time to remove his equipment. , and after being connected, he gasped and asked quickly: "Report status."

"The enemy is still searching, Shadow can no longer hide, and the Wu Bureau and others are also anxious. What's your situation now?" Blue Star asked eagerly.

"Locate immediately, what's going on with the wild wolf?" Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Wait a moment." Blue Star agreed quickly.

Luo Zheng then took off his backpack and observed the surrounding terrain. Not long after, Blue Star's words rang in the headset: "The positioning was successful. The wild wolf moved south, about a hundred kilometers away from you. I didn't expect you to run so long for so long." Yuan, do you want to implement the plan?"

"It's time to start. You have to control the specific situation." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and said quickly.

"Understood." Blue Star agreed confidently.

After Luo Zheng turned off the beacon, he found a place to sit down. He had been running all morning and was physically exhausted. Lan Xue also came over to sit down and said softly: "As long as the beacon tied to the wild wolf is turned on for a long time. , the enemy will definitely discover it soon, it’s hard to say whether it can be diverted.”

"Yes, the enemy can definitely discover that it is a wild wolf through satellites or unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Unless the wild wolf finds a cave to hide before the enemy comes and the signal is blocked, then it will not be discovered. The chance of such an accident is too small, no We are delusional, but the enemy may think that a wild wolf has swallowed one of our brothers, and the signal device has also been swallowed in his stomach. No matter what, one thing is certain, the enemy will judge that we are in the east through the signal, and thus Send a large force to search for overwork." Luo Zheng explained with heavy breaths, his words were a little incoherent, he quickly opened the kettle and drank some, then he felt better, and handed the kettle to Lan Xue.

Lan Xue took it and took a few sips, then breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What you said makes sense. The signal source cannot appear in the east for no reason. The less visible the person is, the more attention it will attract to the enemy. Anyway, what happens next?" It just depends on luck, we have done everything we need to do, we have to rest here for a while."

"Okay, my bones are about to fall apart." Luo Zheng felt unstoppable pain all over his body. He leaned against his military bag and closed his eyes. He didn't want to move. He was too tired. When things have developed to this point, there is no telling what will happen next. The method is under control, just let nature take its course.

Lan Xue was too tired to move. She leaned on her military bag and said, "I really want to have a good night's sleep. It would be great if I just keep sleeping like this and wake up when I've had enough."

"Say, I'll be the sentry." Luo Zheng opened his eyes and said, and began to adjust his breath using the breathing method taught in his family.

Lan Xue already knew that Luo Zheng knew the breathing method, which could quickly relieve fatigue and restore physical strength without being pretentious. She closed her eyes and fell asleep with ease. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue with her eyes closed, feeling heartbroken and couldn't bear to look at it anymore. He turned his eyes away and looked at the surrounding canyon. The canyon was not deep or long, but it was enough to hide the two of them.

About an hour later, Luo Zheng felt that his body was no longer in pain, and his physical strength had recovered a bit, but he still didn't want to move. Suddenly he heard the roar of an airplane, which sounded like a reconnaissance plane. Luo Zheng still didn't want to move. Lan Xue woke up with a start and comforted her: "Go to sleep, no matter what it is."

"It makes sense. Even if the enemy lands in front of us now, we can't fight back. It's better to take the time to rest while I sleep for a while." Lan Xue said and sat up, got into Luo Zheng's arms, and held Luo Zheng tightly. He put his head on Luo Zheng's chest and closed his eyes again. He felt very at ease and fell asleep quickly.

Luo Zheng was also very sleepy. Fortunately, he was teased with the breathing method passed down from his family, and he gradually regained some energy. The sleepiness gradually disappeared, and he continued to watch. The weapon was placed next to him, and the bullets were loaded. If there was really any danger, Luo Zheng Being able to pick up weapons and go into battle immediately.

Fortunately, there was no danger until dusk. This result made Luo Zheng very happy. Lan Xue woke up and stood guard while Luo Zheng slept. When Luo Zheng woke up, it was already around ten o'clock in the middle of the night. Luo Zheng opened his sleepy eyes. Looking at the dark night sky around him, he gradually regained consciousness.

"Are you awake?" Lan Xue asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

"Fortunately, I'm fine." Luo Zheng agreed casually, while feeling carefully, his body recovered a lot of strength, he slowly got up, moved his body, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said, "Let's rest again Do you want to continue on your way in five minutes?"

"It won't be a big problem if you go slower." Lan Xue said.

"Okay, I'll contact the outside world." Luo Zheng agreed, turned on the beacon, quickly connected to the satellite, and asked: "Locate my position, what's going on now?"

"Yes." A male voice solemnly replied: "The enemy has withdrawn from the west. The Wu Bureau has taken people to the west. There is no danger for the time being. The position has been successfully located. The nearest enemy is about fifty kilometers away from you. The enemy is conducting a search. ,Please advise?"

Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng knew that the other party was the information engineer of the First Squadron. He guessed that Blue Star had been rotated to rest, and immediately said: "Are there any enemies to the east of my position?"

"Report, no enemy situation has been found, and there is no enemy situation to the south for the time being. The enemy is to your west, the nearest fifty kilometers or so. You can choose to go south or east. To the south, it is about three hundred kilometers from the border. There are heavy troops deployed. To the east There will be no enemy blockade after three hundred kilometers. When the time comes, we will turn south and we should be able to return home smoothly. Please give us instructions." The other party quickly replied.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Let's continue to the east and let the support troops go south to where we are to confuse the enemy and cover our continued retreat. What's going on with them in the Wu Bureau?"

"They are still retreating and cannot be contacted," the other party said quickly.

"What's going on with the wild wolf?" Luo Zheng asked.

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