The strongest soldier

Chapter 1430 Delaying time

The bearded man stared at the other party with disdain, not taking the squadron leader's threat seriously at all, and said coldly: "Boy, let me remind you, your squadron leader is only seriously injured, not dead yet, Snow Bear, it's not your turn to speak. I was invited by your captain, you try to move and see how your captain handles you, if you dare, you can shoot me?"

"Crack!" More than a dozen mercenaries around them raised their guns and aimed at the squadron leader. Their faces were cold, and endless murderous intent burst out. The air around them seemed to be frozen. It was full of gunpowder and only a little spark could detonate it. Staring coldly at the squadron leader without saying a word.

The tense scene immediately attracted more people to gather around. Not to be outdone, Snow Bear's people aimed their guns at the past, their sharp eyes filled with murderous intent. The squadron leader looked at the bearded man coldly and said: "Boy, you'd better be honest. Point, otherwise I don’t mind killing you first and then chasing the enemy.”

"Really? You can try it. Will you fall down when I fall down?" The bearded man said disdainfully, not taking the squadron leader's threat to heart at all. Sen Han glanced around and continued. : "For the sake of the captain, I won't argue with you, so what? Should we continue playing or chase the enemy?"

The squadron leader glanced at the opponent who had disappeared, and his face darkened. He thought that continuing the confrontation would only let the enemy escape, and killing the hateful person in front of him would not help. He waved his hand to signal his men to put down their guns, and said coldly : "We continue to pursue, what do you want?"

"I don't care. It's time to remind you. You still have the integrity to do things with money. If you don't listen to advice, if something happens, just don't blame me for not reminding you. Just go." Bearded Hu gave the squadron leader a cold look and turned around to lead the people. After leaving, and after he was surrounded by his own people, Xiushi said: "Brothers, we Samsara are not cannon fodder. The situation is obviously not right. Everyone, be careful and slowly fall behind the team. If the situation is not right, evacuate immediately."

"Understood." The people around whispered.

The man with the beard was the Snow Lion. He was rude and domineering on the outside but delicate on the inside. His intuition about danger was different from ordinary people. He looked coldly at the squadron leader who was leading the team to catch up. He was weighing the interests in his heart and soon had a feeling in his heart. Decided not to tie his life and death interests to the snow bear anymore, he also fell behind the team and slowly followed.

A team member trotted up to the snow lion and whispered: "The people in the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group also started to retreat. The Wolf King even turned around and went back with a few people."

"What?" Snow Lion was shocked. He followed his teammates' instructions and saw Tang Tian hurriedly leaving. His face darkened and he whispered: "This girl has dealt with the enemy many times. She is alert and very smart. I must have discovered something unusual, and immediately sent me an order to let the brothers gradually leave the team. We are here to seek wealth. If we rush forward even though we know there is danger, we will die."

"Yes." The other party agreed in a low voice and put it aside.

The squadron leader didn't know that the mercenaries were having second thoughts, and there was nothing he could do if he knew. As a soldier, Snow Bear had his own mission and dignity. He led the team and rushed forward. He gradually discovered the opponent in front of him and couldn't help but become confused, thinking of Snow Bear. As for the lion, the opponent would have retreated far away at his speed, so why is he still hanging on like that? There must be a conspiracy.

Thinking of this, the squadron leader quickly observed the surrounding terrain. The mountains were not very undulating, and the surroundings were clearly visible. There was no possibility of an ambush, and even if there were, he was not afraid. He was followed by more than a thousand people, and reinforcements were coming. There could be more ambushes. Your own military strength? The squadron leader became emboldened and commanded the troops to continue the pursuit.

At this time, Luo Zheng, who was leading the enemy in front, received the satellite intelligence from Blue Star and knew that there were nearly a thousand troops chasing after him. His expression changed drastically. The two teams started chasing each other. This was very detrimental to him. There was nothing he could do about it. What should I do if it’s a one-time solution?

Lan Xue also heard the information and said to Luo Zheng: "Even if we kill the first team, the others behind them will catch up, which will be equally detrimental to us. What will we do if we have no place to hide?"

Things were changing rapidly on the battlefield. The sudden appearance of the pursuers made Luo Zheng embarrassed. He thought for a moment with a solemn expression and quickly commanded through the headset: "Captain."

"Received, I already understand the situation. The situation is very unfavorable to us. It doesn't make much sense to kill the pursuing troops in front. We are still facing the pursuit of thousands of troops. You are the commander-in-chief. You can just tell us what to do. There is no time to discuss. ." Wu Jin's voice sounded in the headset, with deep anxiety.

"Okay, expand the burial length of button bombs. The two sides cannot be less than a hundred meters. Use all the inventory and complete the burial as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"I understand, don't worry." Wu Jin agreed.

"Brothers, show your skills and beat these bastards hard. Cover and retreat alternately at a distance of 100 meters. Be sure to slow down the enemy's pursuit and buy time for the brothers." Luo Zheng said coldly. .

"Understood." Everyone roared in unison, and the team was divided into two. One team stayed to snipe the enemies rushing in front, slowing down the enemy's pursuit. The other team quickly retreated a hundred meters to find a place to hide, and quickly He set up his weapon and continued to shoot at the enemy, while those in front immediately retreated.

Time is life on the battlefield. Everyone showed their special skills and kept shooting at the enemies who were catching up. Everyone knew in their hearts that once the enemy caught up with them, they would definitely die. If they could not kill the two groups of pursuers at the same time, the whole team would be in trouble. If the plan fails, everyone's life and death will face a great threat.

However, the surrounding terrain is open, which is not conducive to defense, and the enemy can outflank on both sides. Everyone has to take turns to cover and retreat while fighting. It is impossible to organize an effective counterattack and slows down the enemy's marching speed. Luo Zheng looked at the getting closer and closer. The enemy's face became more serious, but there was nothing he could do. He shouted in a low voice: "Brother Shadow, how far is it from the canyon?"

"About half an hour." Shadow said quickly.

Luo Zheng quickly calculated that it was very difficult to lay mines on the cliff. If there were too many people, they would trample the snow, which was not conducive to creating avalanches. Half an hour was not enough to complete the laying task. His face darkened and he shouted: "Brothers, hold on."

"Yes." Everyone roared in a low voice. Although the snow bear chasing in front is very cunning and difficult to hit, the bullet will still find a place to hide in the past, which can have a delaying effect to some extent. Moreover, the enemy's counterattack will also be delayed. It was very sharp, and everyone had to be careful. The fight was very difficult, but in order to achieve the strategic goal, everyone cheered up and continued to fight back bravely.

More enemies caught up, and the enemy's firepower became more intensive. It was already detrimental to everyone to continue fighting and retreating. Luo Zheng had to change his tactics, let the team speed up and run for a distance, and then used sniper fire after widening the distance. The long-range shooting advantage of the hand blocks the enemy and delays time.

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