The strongest soldier

Chapter 1429 Fight while retreating

Under the influence of Luo Zheng, the Fourth Squadron attaches great importance to speed and shooting. All the members of the Mountain Eagle Squadron are snipers, their marksmanship is good, and they run very fast. If they let go of their speed, the enemies behind them will never be able to keep up. But in order to achieve the purpose of attracting the enemy, he had to slow down a bit, while shooting, integrating hatred into the bullets, shooting skillfully and calmly, harvesting the lives of the enemies.

A strange situation appeared in the night. Thousands of people were closely chasing each other, but from time to time someone died under the gun of the person being chased. However, the person being chased kept running as if nothing was wrong, gradually widening the distance. In the gray Under the misty night, almost all you can see is a black dot of nothingness.

The pursuers were mainly mountain divisions. Conventional troops had no night vision goggles or telescopes, so they could not see far. They relied on the snow wolves and mercenaries in the crowd to use sniper scopes to observe the direction and warn them. Otherwise, they would have lost track of them long ago. This result Not only did it make the chasing troops go crazy, but it also made the mercenaries and the Snow Bear Special Warfare Brigade furious. These people quickly threw away the regular troops and rushed forward at a faster speed. There must have been two to three hundred people, most of them Snow Bears.

Without the obstruction of regular troops, the speed of these people was obviously much faster. This situation was discovered by Luo Zheng, who turned around and shot the enemy. He raised his eyebrows and coldly snorted: "Brothers, the snow bear is coming, everyone speed up." Speed, there is a hillside ahead, grab the advantageous terrain and get a vote."

"Yes!" Everyone roared excitedly, not taking the pursuers seriously.

With great momentum, everyone rushed to the hillside in front. They found a place to hide and formed a ring defense. They set up sniper rifles and aimed ahead. They took off their night vision goggles and focused, calmly, and looked ahead through the sniper scope with sharp eyes. Lock the target.

Five hundred meters, four hundred meters, Luo Zheng calmly stared ahead, frowning, calculating the distance of the enemy. The sky was gray, and the sniper scope could not see too far. When the enemy entered the three hundred meter range, Luo Zheng Zheng said coldly: "Incendiary bombs, only sniper kill, fire!" As he said that, he quickly pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" A sniper gun sounded, breaking the quiet night sky. The bullet casing bounced out and flipped in the air, like a dancing elf, singing a crisp song and falling gracefully to the ground. The bullet tip was tearing everything apart. The momentum screamed, forming a terrifying energy shock wave in the night. In an instant, it penetrated into the chest of a target, rushed out from the back, set off a large cloud of blood, and bloomed like a coquettish ghost flower. It was extremely weird.

This one used ordinary sniper bullets, which had extremely powerful penetrating power. After Luo Zheng fired the last sniper bullet, he immediately replaced it with an incendiary bomb and aimed again, only to find that someone had already hit the target with an incendiary bomb. The target He fell to the ground and burned, but he didn't let out a painful cry for help. He was worthy of being called a snow bear. His willpower was admirable, and he was worthy of the word "snow bear".

Luo Zheng snorted coldly and took aim quickly. He found that more enemies were spreading out and outflanking them from both sides. Unmoved, he immediately aimed at a tall target who looked like an assaulter. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng discovered that the other party was a black man, probably a mercenary, and there was no need to be polite to such a person.

Soldiers who defend the country are respectable regardless of national boundaries, but these mercenaries who work for money are different. They have no distinction between countries, no beliefs, and no positions. They work for money and work for whoever gives them money. , Luo Zheng quickly aimed at it and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Wha—!" The incendiary bomb whizzed away, pulling out a terrifying tail flame in the night sky. It grinned like a god of death and hit the target's chest hard. The target at the chest was large and easy to hit. The penetrating power of the incendiary bomb It is not as good as ordinary sniper bullets. It cannot even penetrate the breastplate inside the body armor and tactical bulletproof vest from 300 meters away, but the terrifying incendiary agent explodes instantly, adheres to the target, and burns quickly.

It is almost impossible for a target contaminated by incendiary agent to survive, and the death time is prolonged. The pain of being burned is beyond human endurance. Through the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw the target falling to the ground and rolling over. Someone immediately stepped forward to help put out the fire. , but it doesn’t help.

After killing two enemies in a row, Luo Zheng quickly surveyed the battlefield and found that the enemies were all lurking and preparing to counterattack. Luo Zheng snorted coldly and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, retreat!"

Everyone clearly heard Luo Zheng's order through the earphones, and agreed in a low voice. They all retracted their guns and retreated, turned around and left the hill, and ran forward under the leadership of the shadow, one by one, making it easier for the hungry predators to attack in the night. The wolf moved quickly and powerfully, and quickly disappeared into the night.

The enemy who had been hidden by the sniper did not find the target. They immediately realized what had happened, and they all got up and chased forward. A Snow Bear team member hurried to a squadron leader carrying a personal radio on his back. The squadron leader picked up the phone knowingly. Asked: "It's me, who?"

"Squadron leader, the captain was injured in the bombing. He just woke up. I strictly order you to kill all these enemies and avenge your brothers. Another support force has also arrived. The honor of the Snow Bear will be handed over to you. "Someone yelled angrily on the phone.

"Yes." The squadron leader roared, his eyes full of angry flames, and he quickly hung up the call. He glanced at the chasing Snow Bear Squadron and the hired people with a cold face. He waited a moment and took another look at the commander. The mountain division that was catching up shouted to the signal soldiers: "Go and tell them, sir, that the honor of soldiers needs to be defended with their lives, instead of jogging behind in fear of death. Speed ​​up."

"Yes!" the signal soldier shouted, turned around and left in a hurry.

A bearded mercenary came over, looked at the squadron leader with a cold face and said: "The other party only has fourteen people. With their speed, they can completely get rid of us and leave. I suspect there is a conspiracy here, so be careful. "

"If you are afraid of death, stop chasing and go back." The squadron leader roared dissatisfied. He glanced at the other party with a cold face, then looked at the Snow Bear Special Forces who were chasing after him, and continued: "This time the base camp was attacked. The attack resulted in heavy losses and the captain was seriously injured. This is a shame for our entire Snow Bear. If we don’t take revenge, how can we stand in the world? The shame of the country must be washed away with the blood of the enemy. This is our regular army and your mercenaries. difference."

"It's up to you, we won't accompany you any longer." The other party said coldly, without any fear of the squadron leader.

"You try? You work for money, and if you let me hear such words again, don't blame me for being ungrateful." The squadron leader's face turned cold, and he shouted coldly, aiming his gun at the opponent.

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