The strongest soldier

Chapter 1427 Detonating the enemy camp

"Well, as long as he goes in, with his speed and methods, infiltration will not be a problem." Luo Zheng said in surprise, and quickly put his eyes into the sniper scope to observe. Sure enough, he found that the shadow passed through the barbed wire fence from under the snow. Carefully Climb towards a dark shadow. The shadow is caused by the height of the building blocking the light. Entering the shadow is equivalent to approaching the building.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng smiled and lowered his voice and said: "Brothers, get ready to respond. In the first round of target searchlights, be sure to knock out all the enemies. In the second round of sniper incendiary bombs, target the enemy's outer tent building, where the enemy's mercenaries are. I aimed at all the soldiers stationed there and opened fire."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a low voice with murderous intent. Their fighting spirit was stimulated by Shadow's superb penetration skills. They all stared sharply at the valley ahead and locked on the target.

"Mountain Eagle, you and I are in charge of the enemy buildings, set fire to them, aim at the middle and the front, the back is where the brothers are detained, don't move." Luo Zheng continued to whisper, looking at Lan Xue.

Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng was asking her to attack the building complex, so she nodded knowingly and agreed. Luo Zheng smiled and continued to monitor the direction of the base camp and waited patiently. Time slowly slipped away while waiting, feeling depressed and heavy, and worried. If Shadow fails, all efforts will be in vain and the entire plan will not proceed.

After a while, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from a window in the building complex, and landed nimbly, like an agile civet cat. It did not move after landing, but looked around vigilantly. Luo Zheng quickly moved his sniper scope to observe. When he went over and discovered that it was Shadow, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. When he saw Shadow running quickly along the shadow, his face became solemn and he said coldly: "Brothers, get ready to work." As he said that, his index finger slowly pressed the trigger.

Shadow moved very dexterously on his own. He hid his body in the shadows and slowly walked out through the surrounding buildings and terrain. He quickly left the building, lay down on the ground and climbed up. He climbed slowly and carefully, trying to use the same method. Let’s figure out how to penetrate it.

But at this time, the two patrols crossed over, and Shadow was lurking on the ground trying to get through. However, a patrol happened to pass by Shadow's hiding place and stepped on Shadow without paying attention to his feet. Suddenly he realized that something was wrong. Shadow knew that he was hiding. Unable to hold on any longer, he suddenly burst into flames, a black light suddenly appeared on his hand, and a splash of blood came out.

After wiping out the enemy with lightning speed, Shadow knew that he had been exposed, so he went on a killing spree, dodged the opponent's rifle, pulled the trigger, and started shooting at the surrounding patrols. The enemy was confused by the sudden appearance. Everything happened too fast, and I didn't even react.

In the blink of an eye, five or six enemies fell in a pool of blood. The other enemies reacted and raised their guns to shoot. However, several more were knocked down by Shadow. The bullets were empty. Shadow threw the rifle at an enemy and kicked hard with his feet. The tiger He usually pounces on others, the saber in his hand flashes, setting off a series of deadly black lights, like a life-threatening talisman.

Luo Zheng knew something was going to be bad when he heard the gunfire, and opened fire without hesitation. The bullets whizzed past, breaking the silence of the night sky, instantly shattering a searchlight, and the enemies behind him were also killed. It flew out and exploded into countless blood in the night sky.

"Boom!" Shandiao's sniper team also opened fire. The ten team members, plus Shandiao himself and Lan Xue, twelve people instantly knocked out twelve searchlights, and the remaining few were also targeted by the team members. The target, the Snow Bear Base Camp, which was as bright as day, suddenly dimmed a lot. Sirens blared loudly, and countless soldiers rushed out of the barracks, shouting and running.

Luo Zheng did not turn to the searchlight anymore, but eagerly observed the shadows. He saw that the shadows were fighting five enemies and killed one of them in the blink of an eye. There were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground. He was relieved. Two patrols There were twenty people in the team, and in the blink of an eye, only a few people were left standing. Shadow's combat power was indeed terrifying.

"Shadow, resolve the battle and retreat as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said quickly, while replacing the sniper incendiary bomb, aiming at a wooden room in the middle of the building complex, and pulled the trigger unceremoniously, and the incendiary bomb drew a line in the night sky The terrifying tail flames screamed away with Luo Zheng's endless murderous intent and disappeared into the wooden house in an instant.

The incendiary bomb hit a huge pillar of the wooden house hard. The bullet exploded and the incendiary agent splashed out. It touched the surrounding wooden boards and burned. The scorching high temperature of more than a thousand degrees was enough to ignite everything around it, not to mention the ice and snow climate. In the wooden house below, the moisture has long since solidified into ice, and the wooden pillars and boards are so dry that they will burn at the drop of a hat.

After a successful attack, Luo Zheng saw that other places were also hit by incendiary bombs. He knew that it was the work of mountain eagles and Lan Xue. The remaining searchlights were also shattered. The base camp was bright and dark. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly moved his sniper scope. Looking towards the shadow, he only saw corpses on the ground and enemies running towards him from a distance.

Luo Zheng was startled and quickly moved his observation point back. Only then did he realize that Shadow had passed through the barbed wire fence and was running hard up the mountainside, like a tiger going up the mountain. It was very fast. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted quickly: "Brother Shadow, the distance is about the same." It’s about to explode.”

"Understood." Shadow's voice sounded in the headset.

According to the perfected plan, Shadow infiltrated and buried the button bomb, adjusted it to the detonation state, and then came out to detonate it. The distance was too far and the signal could not be received. After receiving Luo Zheng's reminder, Shadow fell down and touched the button bomb. He took out the remote control and pressed the detonation button.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, explosions sounded one after another. There were explosions everywhere in the base camp. Red lights suddenly appeared. The powerful shock wave formed by the explosion swallowed up all the surrounding buildings and people. It was extremely terrifying under the night sky. Searchlights After being extinguished, the base camp became as bright as day again, mixed with countless screams.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a bigger explosion sounded, forming a terrifying impact, blowing up countless buildings on the ground and flying far away in the night sky. The whole ground was shaking, and a powerful red light The smoke and gunpowder smoke swallowed up all the surrounding life with the breath of death.

Luo Zheng was shocked, and quickly moved the sniper scope to look over, only to find a large pit of nearly 100 square meters in the building complex. It was filled with smoke and bottomless. The surrounding buildings were directly razed to the ground, as if they were swept by a huge storm. , black smoke emerged from the pit, exuding a terrifying smell of death.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng looked at this scene in shock, looking at the big pit that seemed to lead to hell, his face became serious, wondering if the gas bomb was really found by Shadow?

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