The strongest soldier

Chapter 1426 Infiltration through snow

The bright moonlight shines on the snow-capped fields, falling on the snow on the ground and reflecting white light. The sky is gray, the visibility is about ten meters, there is no wind, and the forest is eerily quiet. There is not even a night bird, and Luo Zheng is lurking. You can hear your own heartbeat on a hillside. Looking up at the valley ahead, there is the Snow Bear Base Camp. It is brightly lit, as bright as day. Searchlights are constantly scanning, and patrols are constantly cruising around.

After being infiltrated twice, the people in the Snow Bear Base Camp became more vigilant. Luo Zheng was not sure whether he could infiltrate again, but he had to give it a try. He couldn't help but glance at Shadow who was making preparations. The mountain eagle was moving Snow to Shadow. He was slapped on his body and couldn't help but be surprised. What kind of tactic is this?

Not long after, there was a layer of snow on Shadow's body. He squatted on the ground and rolled, gradually forming a huge snowball. It was difficult to stand upright. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Brothers, what are you doing?"

"The enemy has stepped up their vigilance and it will be difficult to climb down. You will know in a moment." Shadow said casually, constantly moving his body inside the snowball, and after a while he said: "Here, help dig out four holes, I have to stretch out my hands and feet. "

Luo Zheng walked up to help, estimated the location and carefully dug out four holes with his saber. Shadow's hands and feet stretched out from the snowball, and he lay on the ground and said, "That's it. I'll go first." With that, his hands and feet Climbing up the hillside together, the whole snowball moved forward, like a huge stone covered with snow.

"Is this okay?" Luo Zheng was surprised and slowly crawled downwards in the shadow. He soon understood that there were huge rocks everywhere on the mountainside. They looked like wild beasts in the night, and the shadow was holding the snowballs. The shape is similar to the surrounding stones. The only difference is that it is moving slowly. No wonder Shadow chooses to infiltrate from here. Luo Zheng wanted to understand the reason. He admired Shadow's technical and tactical abilities and secretly exclaimed.

Ten minutes later, the shadow arrived halfway up the mountain. This location was already the area where the searchlight focused on the area. Soon, a searchlight came over. Luo Zheng looked at it nervously and found that the shadow suddenly stopped. The searchlight only hit him. You can see the snowball, but you can't see the person hiding inside. As for the hands and feet, they are hidden under the snowball, and the head is behind, so the searchlight can't see it at all.

The searchlight slowly swept over the shadow, and the shadow continued to climb down. The speed was not fast to avoid arousing the enemy's suspicion, but the courage and skill made the members of the mountain eagle team stunned and admired for being able to go down in this way. It requires not only a calm mind, but also superb skills, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Seeing that the searchlight did not see through the shadow, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at his watch and guessed that Gui Shou and Snow Leopard were nervously planting button bombs. With Wu Jin in charge and his understanding of Gui Shou and Snow Leopard, Luo Zheng was not worried about planting bombs. He asked Lan Xue, who was following him, softly and concernedly: "You came here before your body has fully recovered. Can you withstand it?"

"It's not bad, it's only a few days anyway, just go back and continue to recuperate." Lan Xue felt warm in her heart and said softly.

"Well, try to end the battle as soon as possible. The captured brothers will be in trouble if they don't receive treatment." Luo Zheng said softly, looking through the gray night sky towards the valley base camp. There were captured brothers there, but unfortunately they couldn't see clearly. , Luo Zheng raised the sniper scope and looked carefully. Seeing that his brothers were still there, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were all seriously injured, they were at least still alive. This was a great blessing among misfortunes.

After a while, the shadow came to the bottom of the mountainside and stopped in a depression. Luo Zheng moved the sniper scope to look over in surprise, and found that the shadow slowly crawled out from the snow. This was preparing to abandon this huge shell. , couldn't help but laugh, and said softly: "He's out."

"Well, in terms of combat skills and speed, we are no match for him, so don't worry." Lan Xue said.

"Yes, this guy is really powerful, and his ability to predict danger is also very keen." Luo Zheng said casually, continuing to observe the shadow crawling forward, wearing a white cloak, which was covered with snowflakes, making people Completely blocked, as long as you don't move, you will never be able to identify anyone under the cloak until you are in front of him.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng noticed that the shadows were crawling forward and more than a dozen people stopped. A patrol came over, leading wolf dogs, looking around vigilantly. He couldn't help being shocked. People might not be able to spot the shadows, but the wolf dogs were definitely fine. After sinking, he quickly said through the headset: "Attention all units, prepare to fight."

The sound of everyone's bullets being loaded rang out in the headset, and the cold night sky suddenly became filled with a chilling air. Luo Zheng stared coldly below, targeting an enemy and getting ready to snipe, but found that the team was almost towards the shadow. Walking up, he couldn't help but be shocked, and slowly pulled the trigger with his index finger. What he planned was decided by God. If the shadow was discovered, Luo Zheng would rather give up the plan than save people.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw the shadow lying motionless on the ground, but the patrol didn't notice it. What was even weirder was that the wolf dog reluctantly followed the patrol forward, as if he was afraid of something. The patrol They became alert, looked around calmly, raised their guns one after another, and slowly walked forward.

Soon, the patrol passed one meter in front of where the shadow was lurking, and the wolf dog went around angrily, not daring to bark. Luo Zheng was surprised, but his heart was relieved for no reason, and his index finger slowly moved Turn on the trigger and whisper through the headset: "The battle is over, lurk and standby."

"Yes." The low voice of the members of the Shadow Team sounded in the headset.

The annunciator has a satellite connection function and a Bluetooth connection function. When the satellite cannot be connected, everyone turns on Bluetooth. This special Bluetooth can be connected within a range of 2,000 meters. It is difficult to match the special signal source without knowing the code. For connections, there is no need to worry about being detected.

Looking at the shadow that continued to move forward and came under the barbed wire fence, Luo Zheng was amazed and said softly: "This guy is really not simple. Even wolves and dogs are afraid of him."

"Maybe it's because he has lived with wolves for a long time, and he has the smell of wolves. Didn't you say he was in Wolf Valley?" Lan Xue analyzed in a low voice.

"Yes, he said it himself. He spends most of his time in Wolf Valley, and the cracks in the ground are only occasionally used as a place to avoid pursuit. What you said makes sense. This kid not only lives with wolves, but also eats less wild wolves. Maybe he smelled like a wolf, and the wolf dogs were frightened by the smell and didn't care about barking." Luo Zheng said with admiration.

"Go in, prepare to fight." Lan Xue warned softly and coldly, with murderous intent suddenly appearing in her pretty eyes.

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