The strongest soldier

Chapter 1407 Horrible Monster

The person was in the air, the cold wind whistling in his ears, which was frightening. This feeling of not touching the sky or falling to the ground was not something ordinary people could bear. At the moment of life and death, Luo Zheng did not panic, and tried to keep his body still, waiting for him to get closer. After the slope, the feet were slightly bent, the soles of the feet landed, and the body rolled down the slope. It rolled for about three times in a row. When the bottom was empty, the body fell down again.

Everything was as Luo Zheng had calculated. Luo Zheng was falling without any panic or fear. He tried his best to open his eyes and look down. While controlling his falling posture, he tried to keep his head and feet down. With a huff, Luo Zheng hit. Luo Zheng broke through the dense crown of the tree and landed on the branch. The momentum of the fall bent the branch, but also lost a lot of inertia. Luo Zheng's body continued to fall, falling heavily on the snow on the ground, and his whole body was buried in it.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng felt unstoppable pain all over his body, frowned, and his bones seemed to be falling apart. He struggled to get up and moved his hands and feet that were in pain. Suddenly, he saw traces of a person falling not far away. There were also footprints of a long journey away, and I was immediately overjoyed. I finally made the right decision and found the clue.

The desperate pursuit paid off, and it was finally not in vain. This made Luo Zheng feel much better. He took a few deep breaths, endured the pain, picked up the backpack, picked up the weapon and checked it. There was no chance of pursuit. He picked up a three- to four-meter-long branch with dense leaves and used it as a broom, smoothed the surrounding traces and then chased after him. He smoothed the traces along the way to prevent the enemy from reacting and chasing from here.

After chasing for about half an hour, Luo Zheng found that the footprints disappeared. He was startled and carefully observed his surroundings. There were mountainsides on both sides, dense trees, and a canyon in front. Where would the opponent go? Luo Zheng hid behind a big tree vigilantly and continued to observe, thinking from his perspective.

If it were you, it is understandable that you would not care about the footprints along the way in order to get rid of the pursuers as soon as possible. After all, it takes time to erase the traces, and time is especially precious for those who are eager to retreat. There are two possibilities for the footprints to disappear here, one is to continue Moving forward, in order not to be discovered, he erased the traces along the way. The other way was that the other party was hiding nearby, maybe he had already locked onto him.

"What kind of situation is this?" Luo Zheng pondered in surprise, unable to decide. He frowned and carefully observed the surroundings, trying to find some clues, but the surrounding snow was flat and no traces could be seen. Looking further ahead, there were I found some traces of branches hanging from the snow on the ground. Are you moving forward?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng rushed up quickly and squatted on the ground to identify it carefully. The snow marks on the ground were very slight and looked a bit artificial. Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly. No one had been to the canyon. The snowflakes on the ground were very clean. With no traces visible except fallen leaves, there was only one explanation for the scratches.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng decided to continue chasing forward. He stood up, picked up the sniper scope and looked forward. There were dense trees ahead, and the tree crowns were covered with snow. From time to time, snowballs fell down and hit the ground, making a dull sound. The sound, the faint sound of someone on the cliff, should be the pursuit of soldiers.

The situation was unclear. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless, let alone shout to identify himself, so as not to attract the enemy's attention. He cautiously picked up the AK-74m rifle and walked forward, loading the bullet while staring at him with a cold gaze like a razor blade. Pointing forward, leaning slightly to the side, he quickly moved forward to pursue.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng keenly discovered that the slight traces in front of him had disappeared. He was shocked and immediately realized that something was wrong. He quickly stopped and searched the surroundings with his gun. Suddenly he felt his feet tighten, as if he was caught by something. He seemed to be paralyzed, and then his body's center of gravity swayed and he fell down.

"Not good." Luo Zheng suddenly realized that he was attacked by someone, and he was horrified. He didn't expect that someone was hiding in the snow and attacking him. Such a terrifying camouflage ability. Luo Zheng didn't have time to think about it. He took a closer look and saw a man covered with clothes. The man in the white cloak rushed towards him like a hungry wolf. The cold saber exuded the cold light of death and swiped at his neck as fast as lightning. His life was in danger.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Luo Zheng stood up hard and slammed his knee into the opponent's back, knocking the opponent sideways. He used the force to hit his head back, sinking more than a foot deep into the snow. Luo Zheng could feel the opponent. The saber almost cut across his neck. If he hadn't smashed his head back into the snow, barely avoiding the blade, he would have died.

The enemy and the enemy were unknown, Luo Zheng's fighting spirit also surged up, his eyes widened, and he took out the military dagger like lightning. The opponent's follow-up attack had already come up. It was incredibly fast and there was no time to resist. His eyes were as cold as the god of death, and his whole body was even more radiating. With cold murderous intent, like a demon emerging from hell, it is chilling.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly found that the other person looked familiar. He was shocked and shouted quickly: "Don't move, it's me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zheng keenly noticed that the other party's body stiffened and his movements stopped. The cold blade was pressed against his neck, and he tilted his head. His red eyes emitted a strange light as he looked at Luo Zheng without saying a word. I could feel the cold blade on my neck, and I was shocked. I didn't expect this guy to move so fast. If he hadn't shouted out, I might have turned into a corpse by now.

Luo Zheng looked at the other party in surprise. He had a full beard, a thin face, a face as cold as ice, thick eyebrows and big eyes. At first glance, he looked like a savage. He looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was. He couldn't help but be suspicious, and he also looked curious when he saw the other party. Looking at himself carefully, he obviously did not recognize him. This result shocked Luo Zheng even more.

"Who are you? Why do you look familiar?" Luo Zheng saw the other person's red eyes gradually turning cold and angry, and said quickly to prevent the other person from wiping his neck in anger.

The anger in the opponent's red eyes suddenly disappeared, and there was more surprise and scrutiny. He tilted his head as if he was thinking about something, but the arm holding the saber was as steady as a rock and motionless. Luo Zheng said quickly: "Can you understand? My words? Who are you?"

"Who am I?" the other party suddenly said, in a loud voice, with a bit of surprise, but in standard Chinese Mandarin.

"Don't you even know who it is?" Luo Zheng laughed angrily and asked angrily. He was confused by the other party. Seeing that the other party's face became painful, he couldn't help but continued angrily: "You put away the knife first, let's Find a place to chat slowly, the enemy will catch up here at any time."

"Enemy?" The opponent's face changed drastically, and a cold murderous aura suddenly burst out, as if it was as devastating as the Siberian cold current. If he used too much force on his hand, he was about to kill him.

Luo Zheng was horrified and quickly shouted: "Wait a moment, one of our own."

"One of our own?" The other party tilted his head and stared at Luo Zheng in surprise, his eyes emitting a strange red light. The military dagger had already cut through the flesh, and a trace of blood spilled out. It only missed Luo Zheng's blood vessels a little bit. .

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