The strongest soldier

Chapter 1406: Tracking along the way

Someone suddenly appeared and attacked an enemy who abused prisoners of war. This situation was very suspicious. Luo Zheng was 80% sure that the other party was one of his own. If it were other troops who came to trouble Snow Bear, they would not be able to expose themselves easily, nor would they be able to shoot such people. There is only one kind of worthless target, and that is his own brother. He didn't want anyone to abuse his comrades, so he couldn't hold back in anger and took action. Unfortunately, he couldn't see who it was from the back.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt a little lucky. If the enemy hadn't abused the prisoners of war, maybe that man wouldn't know how to shoot, and he wouldn't have known there were brothers fighting. Although this thought was a bit inappropriate, Luo Zheng took a detour back to a hill. Stopping for breath under a big tree, I saw that a large number of enemies had already chased them to the ambush point and were discussing something. Wolf dogs were barking wildly and rushing everywhere.

Luo Zheng was startled and suspicious when he saw this scene. The wolf-dog's sense of smell is very sensitive. There is no reason why it can't detect the whereabouts of a person. Could it be that the other person has the odor of anti-wolf-dog on his body? There are also footprints on the ground? While he was wondering, Luo Zheng found that the group of people split into two, and a large number of people pursued them. Some people retreated to the base camp. Luo Zheng didn't know what the enemy was planning, and he was not in the mood to understand, so he quickly took a roundabout way to catch up.

The enemy's attention was attracted by the person who suddenly appeared. No one paid attention to Luo Zheng, who was pursuing roundaboutly from the side. The situation was obscured by mountains and forests, so he could not see clearly. Luo Zheng could only pursue him. Soon, Luo Zheng discovered The enemy came to a cliff. The enemy did not go down to pursue them immediately, but discussed something. Luo Zheng cautiously went up from the side and hid in a forest on the hillside to observe.

Below the cliff is a canyon. The man who fired the gun has no shadow. He doesn't know where he is hiding. The cliff is too high and steep for people to go down easily. The enemy does not dare to go down the mountainside directly. After some discussion, the strength of the troops is reduced. It was divided into two and detoured to both sides.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise, which was a trip mine made from a grenade. Fragments were flying everywhere, and the enemies were densely packed together. They didn't expect that there would be traps on both sides of the cliff. Five or six people were immediately blown up, and they fell to the ground and started wailing.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Immediately afterwards, three more trip mines were detonated, making a devastating explosion sound almost at the same time. More than a dozen people fell in a pool of blood. All the enemies did not dare to move and carefully checked the surroundings. When the situation arises, some people go up to help the wounded treat their wounds.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he clenched his fists in excitement, his blood boiling in his heart, and he looked around with admiration, but did not find the shooter. If the other party was still ambushing nearby, this would be the best time to snipe the enemy. I'm worried about tripping mines, so I don't dare to move around. They're all living targets. It's a pity.

The enemy was so bombed that they did not move and were looking for traps. Luo Zheng was not in the mood to stop and observe. He quickly observed the surrounding terrain and judged that the shooter might have jumped off the cliff instead of escaping from the cliffs on both sides. However, if you fall into a trap that misleads the enemy, the most likely way is to quickly evacuate after jumping off the cliff. There are dense forests under the cliff and the view is blocked. It is not easy to see clearly even on the cliff. Please see below. It is easy to escape.

Not long after, the enemy discovered that there were no trip mines. After arranging some people to return to the base camp with the dead and wounded, the others chased on both sides. In the enemy's view, the trip mines were traps that hindered their pursuit. The cliffs were so steep that they could not go down at all. Soon, everything was clear on the cliff. Luo Zheng did not move and continued to lurk and observe.

One minute passed, five minutes passed, and there were no enemies on the cliff. It was quiet below, and no one could be seen. Luo Zheng guessed that the shooter had gone far away, but he didn't know which direction he walked in the canyon. It was not easy. After discovering the clues, Luo Zheng didn't want to give up and came to the cliff explosion site vigilantly.

The ground was stained red with blood, and the air smelled of blood. Luo Zheng came to the edge of the cliff and looked down. The trees below were dense and covered with snow. It was about a hundred meters high. It was impossible for Luo Zheng to get down without the help of external objects. Zheng looked down carefully and glanced to both sides.

Soon, Luo Zheng found a protruding stone on the cliff not far away. Luo Zheng walked quickly along the cliff and saw that the protruding stone was about ten meters high from the cliff. There was an unclear footprint on it. If he looked carefully, it was still clear. Being able to find it, Luo Zheng immediately understood that the trip mines on both sides were not confusing the enemy, but irritating the enemy, causing the enemy to pursue angrily without checking the situation under the cliff next to it.

In other words, the shooter had already prepared to retreat and was sure that the enemy would pursue him. After leading the enemy to the cliff, he did not jump immediately, but chose the other side. In order to avoid being discovered by the enemy, he deployed a The trip mine seems to be very effective now. The enemy is completely enraged and chases him.

There are irregular and irregular patrols from time to time within a ten-kilometer radius of the base camp. There are footprints everywhere on the snowfield. It is difficult to judge who belongs to whom based on the footprints. There are also many traces of people passing by on the cliffs. The enemy cannot accurately judge where the target is. Where to go, let alone pursue in a rage.

Luo Zheng looked at the protruding rocks below and estimated that he could jump down, but the risk factor was very high, and the height below was hundreds of meters high. It was impossible to rely on just one foothold. Luo Zheng looked carefully below and soon discovered that There was a footprint on the cliff under the protruding stone, which made me smile.

The shooter was able to get down from here, and Luo Zheng was sure that he could too, but carrying heavy objects would definitely not work. Luo Zheng took off his backpack, tied the weapon and backpack together, and threw it directly from the cliff, waiting for the backpack to hit a tree. After bouncing off the big tree and landing, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. The branches bounced off the momentum, so the weapon should not be broken.

In order to find the shooter, Luo Zheng risked his life, took a deep breath, jumped down suddenly, and his body fell quickly. After approaching the raised stone, Luo Zheng bent one leg, used a little more force, and used his body to move to the other side. It bounced off and continued to fall for about ten meters. The other foot stepped on a concave place on the cliff, and the body used the force to jump up. After resisting the inertia of the fall, the body continued to fall for more than ten meters. Suddenly, Luo Zheng was surprised. I discovered that there was actually a pine tree growing out of the rock cliff below.

The pine tree was as thick as an adult's arm but only one meter long. Luo Zheng didn't even notice it. He was overjoyed and twisted his body strangely. He grabbed the pine tree tightly with both hands and rotated his body 360 degrees to remove the momentum of his fall. After he stabilized, he looked down and saw that he was still about fifty meters away.

Luo Zheng looked around carefully and soon discovered that there was a raised slope under the pine tree, about 20 meters away from him, and about one meter protruding from the cliff. He was overjoyed and decided to risk his life. Luo Zheng took a deep breath. The body swayed like a swing, while calculating the distance and strength. After swinging twice, the body suddenly jumped towards the raised slope.

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