The strongest soldier

Chapter 1403 Keep moving forward

Night falls again on the barren snowfield mountains, bringing with it an atmosphere of endless sadness and chill. The mountains and forests covered with white snow are as quiet as death. Not even a bird can be seen. The surrounding silence is suffocating. The white snow reflects the moonlight, and the earth is gray. One by one, on a steep cliff, a huge stone was slowly moved, revealing a cave. A head poked out and stared at the surroundings warily, with cold eyes like cold stars nine days away.

It was Luo Zheng who came out. He was easily exposed during the day and was inconvenient to march. Luo Zheng hid in the cave and slept all day. At night, he contacted Blue Star and learned that some small groups of troops suddenly appeared before dark. Luo Zheng estimated that the hidden sentries were left behind, and the hidden sentries had all been withdrawn, indicating that the enemy had given up monitoring the surrounding areas, or had made other moves.

Regardless of the reason for the enemy's secret sentry to evacuate, Luo Zheng knew that he had to leave. He looked up at the night sky. There was no wind or snow. Although the visibility was very low, it was still a rare marching night. Luo Zheng put his backpack on his back and put his weapon on his back. With his shoulder, he pulled out the tiger teeth and used them as a climbing tool, and climbed up towards the bottom of the cliff.

It was not that steep below, but Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. He ran slowly and cautiously, like a giant python, striving to step firmly with every step. He was fighting alone with no one to look after him, and he could not have any accidents, even if he fell. If you fall down, you may die.

After climbing the hundred-meter-high cliff for more than an hour, Luo Zheng finally climbed down and looked around. The canyons were distributed from east to west. In front of him was a mountain peak. The mountain was so gray that he couldn't see anything clearly. Luo Zheng put on his He put on his night vision goggles, took a deep breath, and let the biting cold air pour into his body to stimulate his brain to stay awake. He loaded the AK-74M gun with bullets and walked forward.

The whole journey was peaceful and there was no danger. Luo Zheng hurried towards the Snow Bear Base Camp, climbing mountains and forests without stopping. Unknowingly, he arrived at a hill. Seeing that the sky was about to light up, he marched all night. After spending a lot of energy, Luo Zheng was tired and hungry. He knew he couldn't leave anymore, so he looked around and prepared to find a place to rest.

There were dense woods all around, a thick layer of snow on the ground, and it was eerily quiet. Luo Zheng came to a larger tree and squatted down, turned on the signal transmitter, put on the headset, and asked after connecting to the satellite signal: "can you hear?"

"Brother-in-law, I knew you would contact me. Wait a minute, we are locating you." Blue Star said in surprise.

Not long after the positioning was successful, Blue Star continued in surprise: "I didn't expect you to reach this location. It's still about ten kilometers away from the base camp. You have to be careful. Our investigation found that there are signs of troop mobilization within a radius of about five kilometers around the Snow Bear Base Camp. No. Know what the intent is.”

"Understood." Luo Zheng was secretly frightened. He was expected to be ten kilometers away from Snow Bear's base camp, but he didn't expect Snow Bear to publicly mobilize troops. It seemed that their dragnet was being adjusted. Thinking of the black smoke incident, he couldn't help but ask: "Have you found out the truth about the enemy's black smoke stronghold?"

"No." Blue Star said quickly.

Luo Zheng didn't know that it was the enemy's plan to lure the snake out of the cave. He got a little excited, thought for a while and continued: "Continue to pursue, we must find out the truth. If it is our people who did it, it means there are brothers fighting, and I must find him. If it’s for other reasons, I can’t act rashly until I figure it out.”

"I understand, Wu Ju means the same thing. His old man stayed up all night and just lay down." Lan Xing agreed.

"Captain Wu is now at the headquarters?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Well, the pressure from above is too great, and the Wu Bureau can't bear it anymore. However, with him in our hearts, we have more confidence. All the information personnel of the 1st and 3rd Squadron have been mobilized to form a joint command center. The bureau personally directs, we don’t have a big problem here, now it’s up to you.” Blue Star quickly explained.

"I feel relieved when Captain Wu is personally in charge." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Immediately investigate the situation ahead of me and contact you in the afternoon. I have to find a place to sleep."

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly.

Luo Zheng cut off the call, turned off the signal and looked around. He couldn't help but raise the sniper scope out of curiosity. The direction of the Snow Bear Base Camp was all mountains and forests. No other colors could be seen on the snowy ground, let alone anything. A living animal, Luo Zheng was about to put away the sniper scope when he suddenly felt something unusual in the forest ahead. He couldn't help but was startled. He raised the sniper scope with both hands to stabilize it and observed carefully.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that there was a patrol team in the dense forest in the distance. They were patrolling in the woods with wolf dogs. They were breathing heavily and walking very slowly. They looked around from time to time and carried an AK-74M on their backs. Gradually, After walking far away, Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect to encounter a patrol here. It seemed that the patrol route was ahead. What should I do?

There are two choices before Luo Zheng, one is to find a place to sleep and recover his strength, the other is to cross immediately as the patrol has just passed by. After the patrol leaves, the front is temporarily safe, which is the best time to break through. , Luo Zheng traveled all night, his body was tired and sleepy, and he was not suitable for traveling.

The fighter plane was fleeting, and hesitation was the most taboo on the battlefield. Luo Zheng made a decision after thinking for a while. He raised the sniper scope and continued to observe the surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger, he quickly rushed forward, went down the hillside, and ran along the woods. Minutes later, Luo Zheng passed through the area passed by the patrol and found a place to stop and observe.

The surroundings were quiet and no one could be seen. Luo Zheng knew very well that the further he went, the more dangerous he would be. He did not dare to be careless. He broke off a few branches and tied them together with vines, dragged them on his hands and continued on his way, leaving traces of his feet. Use branches to sweep away, leaving no trace for the enemy.

After walking forward for about an hour, Luo Zheng didn't dare to go any further, and his body couldn't bear it. He quickly found a hillside to stop and squatted under a big tree. Next to the big tree, there were bushes and piles of After the snow fell, Luo Zheng wore a white cloak and squatted on the ground like a stone. He blended in with the surrounding bushes and could not be noticed unless he was in front of him. He took out dry food and ate it while recovering his strength.

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng felt that his physical strength had recovered a little, and he felt sleepy, but he did not dare to sleep. He raised his sniper scope and observed that the surroundings were quiet. There was almost nothing except white snow and trees. It was so quiet. Collapse, even the wind stopped, as if the whole world had stopped

This kind of still forest gave Luo Zheng some illusions, as if he was in a closed space. There were no enemies, no wars, no life in this space except for himself. It was a very strange feeling. Luo Zheng shook his head to stay awake. He raised the sniper scope again and suddenly saw a few black spots shaking. He was startled and thought it was an illusion. He blinked and looked again, and his face instantly became serious.

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