The strongest soldier

Chapter 1402 A battle of wits and courage

It was getting dark, sparse snowflakes were floating in the night sky, and the temperature dropped sharply. Countless troops in the white snowy mountains were searching everywhere despite the wind and snow. Wolf dogs barked violently from time to time, and flashlights were fired everywhere. Soldiers occasionally Cursing a few words in a low voice, everyone became agitated on this cold night. If it weren't for the strict orders from above, no one would want to go out to carry out this damn mountain search mission.

Wu Jin arrived at the headquarters of the Fourth Squadron and watched this scene calmly through the big screen, but his heart was relieved. The enemy's search of the mountain meant that Luo Zheng was not found. This is good news. As long as Luo Zheng successfully hides, Wu Jin I believe no one can find him. Hong Meihua, who was standing next to him, also thought about this problem. He gradually relaxed his worries and said, "Fortunately, the military situation is calm. Now it seems that things are not turning around."

"It's not that I'm calm, it's that I feel reassured about that kid. He was born for the battlefield. His ability to control fighter planes is unparalleled. No one can easily find him. Don't worry, he should be fine. He is probably hiding somewhere. Then A cliff is the most likely possibility." Wu Jin said in a deep voice.

"The cliff is steep and covered with ice and snow. It's very slippery. It's impossible to get down without a rope, and there's no place to hide. I asked just now. Blue Star said that the enemy has searched this cliff. I'm afraid your inference is not accurate. He ran away early." Hong Meihua reminded.

"No, I'm sure he's on the cliff. This kid is so brave. There's nothing he can't do. The cliff is dangerous and easy to expose. We know that, and the enemy also knows that doing the opposite can have unexpected effects. As a result, just keep an eye on this cliff, don't worry, I guess he should be hiding and fast asleep by now." Wu Jin strengthened his judgment, felt relieved, and said with a calm smile.

At this time, Luo Zheng was indeed fast asleep. Anyway, the enemy did not find his hiding place. It was already dark and snowing outside, and he could not get out. Especially since Luo Zheng felt that the enemy was still searching around, You might be exposed if you go out, so you might as well recharge your batteries.

Early the next morning, the wind stopped, the snow stopped, and the sun came out.

Luo Zheng looked outside through the gap in the cave for a while, guessing that the enemy had almost left. After searching for so long, there was no result, so he wouldn't stay here anymore, right? To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter and put on the headset. The signal transmitter quickly connected to the satellite signal.

Soon, a voice shouted with deep concern: "Brother-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's okay. It's okay. Locate me immediately and check the surrounding enemy situation." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that he could connect to the satellite. As long as there is a signal, it will be easy to handle. There is no need to worry about intelligence issues.

"As expected, you are on the cliff. We didn't believe it when the Wu Bureau told you, but the Wu Bureau knows you. We have been monitoring the surrounding situation. The enemies all evacuated to the south early this morning. I don't know what happened. You are temporarily on your side. We haven't seen any enemies, but we can't rule out the possibility of lurking secret sentries, so be careful." Blue Star said quickly.

"Going south?" Luo Zheng was startled, became suspicious, and asked: "Trace it immediately to see what happened? The enemy has no reason to go south."

"I don't know. The Wu Bureau asked us to keep an eye on your location, and we can't take care of other places. Wait a minute, I'll trace it right away." Blue Star quickly agreed.

In order to ensure that the signal would not be detected by the enemy, Luo Zheng did not dare to stay on the phone. He quickly turned off the signal and looked at it. He picked up the weapon and inspected it, doing maintenance, pressing bullets into the magazine, packing supplies, and doing the last steps before departure. After getting ready, Luo Zheng turned on the signal again and connected to the satellite.

"Brother-in-law, I have checked. Black smoke is rising from a stronghold in the south. It seems to have been burned. The stronghold is very hidden. It is camouflaged in a dense forest. If it were not for the black smoke, it would not be discovered at all." Blue Star's The voice rang in the headset, full of curiosity.

"Black smoke? Has someone destroyed that stronghold? Immediately report the situation to the Wu Bureau, let him observe and analyze the results and tell me the results. I can't talk for too long to avoid the enemy discovering the signal. I have to be on my way. I will contact you later. ." Luo Zheng said in surprise, the polar bear's information warfare capabilities are not bad, so we can't be careless.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng moved the boulder blocking the cave in surprise. He couldn't understand why the enemy's stronghold was smoking. Could there be someone of his own fighting? Who could it be? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng perked up and couldn't help but stop moving and think deeply.

According to personal combat ability, if someone escapes, then this person must be Shadow. However, with Shadow's ability and means, he can definitely find a way to get in touch with the country. Why not contact him proactively? If it's not one of our own, who is it?

A dragnet has been set up around him. Luo Zheng doesn't believe that people from other countries are coming, let alone that the stronghold will burn down on his own. If it is really burned down by his own people, there is no reason for the search team to rush there, unless it is a conspiracy to attract him. Conspiracy exposed.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng hesitated. It was best to travel during the day, but it was also easy to be exposed. If the enemy sent observation posts to lurk around, if he went out, he would die. If he didn't go out, he would be wasting time. Go out or not? Luo Zheng thought for a moment and decided not to leave for the sake of safety.

In the conference room of Snow Bear Base Camp, the major general and several leaders gathered together for a meeting. The Blood Leech King glared at Tang Tian with dissatisfaction and said: "It was all your good idea. What did you say to lure the snake out of the hole? It's fine now. One of our strongholds has been exposed." The snake has not been lured out yet, and it will be dark soon. Where is the enemy? I now suspect that the enemy has touched it, so I am observing near the base camp."

"What do you mean? When I made this suggestion, everyone agreed. Now you are chirping, are you a man? If you have the ability, can you come up with an idea to arrest him? If you don't have an idea, just shut up." Tang Tian yelled and cursed without showing any signs of weakness.

"Don't argue anymore. The Wolf King's idea is indeed good, to retreat in order to advance. It's just that our opponents are more cunning. Maybe the Blood Leech King is right. The enemy has two possibilities. One is to continue to lurk in the same place. The other is that it has already penetrated. No matter where the enemy is, it is beyond our imagination. It seems that we have to activate the backup plan." The major general stopped him dissatisfiedly, with a touch of worry in his heart.

"It's up to you." Tang Tian said dissatisfiedly, determined in his heart that Luo Zheng was still lurking outside, but there was no need to go against everyone, hurting the superficial harmony would be detrimental to him.

"Since everyone agrees, it's settled. A defense line will be set up five kilometers outside the base camp, all light and dark sentries will be activated, satellite monitoring will be focused, and surveillance will be set up. I want to see how he gets in." The major general said with murderous intent.

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