The strongest soldier

Chapter 134 Murder and Seize Medicine

The moonlight was like water, hanging high in the sky, falling on the courtyard. The oblique shadows caused by the houses were getting fewer and fewer, and there were fewer and fewer dark corners for hiding. Luo Zheng hid in a corner and carefully observed the surroundings for a while. The situation was unexpected. Everything went smoothly, and the large force went after the scholar and others. The main armed force was left standing guard at the gate, and there were more than a dozen people in the backyard. The two forces defended from the outside and did not pay attention to the situation inside the courtyard.

In the compound, wounded soldiers were still queuing up for treatment. There were more than a dozen at the door and more than twenty in the room. Thirty or forty wounded soldiers were waiting anxiously. The price of their injuries made the wounded soldiers uneasy and their morale was low. I feel irritable and want to receive treatment immediately, not to mention paying attention to the situation in the hospital.

The compound was like an undefended back garden. No matter how Luo Zheng came in or out, the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group was still very vigilant and imprisoned the farmers in an inconspicuous miscellaneous room. Who would have thought of this? Moreover, for the sake of safety, a master guard was arranged. The slightest movement would attract the assistance of other armed personnel. It was supposed to be very safe. Unfortunately, he encountered Luo Zheng, who had quick thinking and acted unconstrainedly, and skillfully assassinated the guard.

In the dark corner, Luo Zheng took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and strode towards the treatment room. The situation of the scholar and others was unknown. The Wild Wolf Mercenary Group and the main force of the East Turkestan Movement might arrive at any time. Come on, you must find the medicine before they arrive. Otherwise, the farmer's leg injury will be very troublesome. Over time, the leg may become useless.

Luo Zheng took advantage of the chaos and came to the end of the queue. He straightened his black robe and made sure there was no flaw in his disguise. He gritted his teeth and walked towards the gate. Time waits for no one. Luo Zheng did not dare to wait too long. When they arrived at the door, the wounded soldier waiting at the door saw Luo Zheng trying to cut in line and yelled at him angrily. Luo Zheng didn't understand a word, so he squeezed past him with a quick stride, pushed the opponent away, and stepped into the door.

The wounded soldiers waiting in line at the back shouted angrily when they saw someone jumping in line. The scene became chaotic, and someone even pulled the bolt of a gun. It was a matter of life and death. No one wanted to let people jump in line. Luo Zheng had no choice and no time to queue up. You can only force your way in. Even if you queue up, you will be exposed. Because of the language barrier, you can only force your way in.

After squeezing in the door, Luo Zheng saw many wounded people lying in the room. Some were helping with intravenous drips, while others were busy nervously on the operating table. The operating table was just a desk. The conditions were simple and simple. There were people here who knew how to operate. The doctor was surprised. A hint of surprise flashed across Luo Zheng's resolute face. He saw that the other person's appearance was similar to that of a member of the East Turkestan Movement. He was obviously trained by them themselves.

The ETIM organization has been developing for decades and has become a climate. It is not surprising to have its own medical team. Luo Zheng could not take care of these many things. His cold eyes glanced at the counter aside, where various medicines were placed. Luo Zheng He strode forward, grabbed the syringe, and took a bottle of sodium chloride. He saw alcohol, gauze, penicillin, and a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao next to him. This medicine was very familiar to Luo Zheng. It was specially used by the troops to reduce inflammation. It is a good thing for treating blood congestion, activating collaterals and treating trauma.

An angry voice sounded next to him, and someone patted his shoulder. Luo Zheng turned around and saw that it was a doctor in a white coat. When he saw him, his face was full of shock. He was obviously suspicious, and his cold eyes flashed across his face. With a trace of murderous intent, there was no way to retreat or escape, Luo Zheng took the risk, the M9 saber in his hand passed by like lightning, and he pocketed the bottle of white medicine with his other hand.

"Poof!" Blood arrows flew flying, and the doctor in white coat covered his throat and made a roaring sound. His face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear and unwillingness.

Luo Zheng didn't care about this person's life or death, so he put all the gauze, syringes and penicillin into his pocket. Hearing the heavy footsteps and angry shouts behind him, his livid face burst out with violent murderous intent. He opened his bow without turning back and wanted to To survive, there is only one choice, kill!

"Ta-ta-ta!" Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation. The angry bullets roared away with Luo Zheng's endless murderous intent and hatred for the enemy, knocking down and tearing apart the enemies who rushed up. .

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone. After Luo Zheng killed five or six people who rushed towards him in one breath, he kept shooting with the AK47 in his hand, aiming at the wounded soldiers pouring in from the door. As for the wounded soldiers and doctors lying on the hospital bed, , they have no weapons in their hands, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

Shooting at close range, the terrifying penetration and destructive power of the AK47 are vividly displayed. When the 7.62mm bullet hits the body, it is a huge blood hole. There is no hope of survival. Even if it is not a fatal vital position, you will bleed to death. .

Luo Zheng looked coldly at the enemies who fell to the ground one by one. His resolute face did not change at all. There was only killing in his eyes. There was only one thought in his mind, kill everyone in sight, while silently counting the bullets in the magazine. , when he estimated that he was almost gone, he controlled the AK47 with one hand to continue firing, and decisively pulled out a magazine with the other hand.

The bullets ran out and there was a crisp sound. Luo Zheng quickly took out the empty magazine, dexterously installed another magazine and reset it. In less than a second, the gun in his hand continued to ring, as if there was no pause. Normally, with thirty rounds of ammunition per magazine, there were only a dozen or so people in line. After seeing Luo Zheng cutting in line, they all rushed in and blocked the doorway. Luo Zheng killed almost all of them with one magazine.

All the bullets from the newly replaced magazines were thrown at the people standing in the room, just like tigers and cheetahs, extremely ferocious. The most unlucky ones were those who tried to get guns in the corner. The East Turkestan militants were not trained enough in the first place. Injuries, inconvenience in movement, and low combat effectiveness were nothing to worry about. Those doctors were all non-combatants, and their combat effectiveness was even more limited. Seeing this terrifying scene, they all panicked, evading everywhere, and every one of them rushed to stop them.

After one bullet was fired, Luo Zheng quickly replaced the new magazine without continuing to fire. He glanced at the whole place with cold eyes and saw everyone lying in a pool of blood. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly heard a crisp gunshot outside. He couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that the enemy's main force was back?

Luo Zheng clenched his gun and walked to the door. He saw more than a dozen people rushing in from the door of the compound. The leader was shot dead. Luo Zheng turned around in surprise and saw that it was a farmer. He must have heard the gunfire and came over. Luo Zheng hit him After making a gesture to indicate that there was no problem, the gun full of death was once again aimed at the enemies pouring in from outside.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The AK47 roared again. Being chased by the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group made Luo Zheng hold back a sense of resentment. This resentment was all vented at this moment. The angry murderous aura blended into the bullet, and with an indomitable momentum, he shot The enemies that rushed up were knocked down one by one.

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