The strongest soldier

Chapter 133 Kill with a finger knife

The people inside thought they were really members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. The way they talked was so similar. When they heard that their own people had suffered heavy losses, they couldn't help but get a little anxious. In addition, this was the residence of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement members, and the entrance was heavily guarded. No one could sneak in. The other party also accurately told the story of holding hostages. He was obviously an insider. Otherwise, how would he know this? With the emphasis of some East Turkestan elements speaking international lingua franca, the doubts could not help but be reduced a bit.

Outside the door, Luo Zheng pulled out his M9 saber and hid beside the door to wait. When he heard the sound of unlocking inside, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He tied his whole body tightly, bent his body slightly, held his breath, and restrained his murderous aura to avoid being alarmed. The people inside, these mercenaries who have been walking on the line of death for a long time, are very sensitive to danger and cannot be careless.

The door was opened to a crack, and he was obviously on guard, but Luo Zheng couldn't care less about waiting. He rushed forward like a tiger and knocked the door open. The M9 saber in his hand drew a strange arc and hit the enemy behind the door. , as fast as lightning, with a full blow, the power is terrifying.

The members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group inside were very vigilant. They realized the danger the moment Luo Zheng launched the attack. They ducked down to avoid the fatal knife and were about to pull the trigger on their hands. The door still shook their bodies. Flying, he lost his center of gravity and missed the opportunity to shoot. This man took two decisive steps with his hind legs to stabilize his body. He saw a group of black shadows rushing towards him again. He angrily raised his foot and kicked it hard, releasing Fo Gang. It was like a whip, with a sound that broke through the air.

Luo Zheng knew very well that the opponent's fighting ability was very high and his reaction was very fast. If the fight continued, he would definitely be the one who died in the end. With a fierce attack, he rushed forward, wiped the opponent's throat with the saber in his hand, and blocked it with the other hand. The opponent whipped his leg.

However, Luo Zheng still underestimated this man's strength. As if he had long realized that Luo Zheng would fight for his life, this man leaned back thirty degrees and could barely avoid the fatal knife and the whip whip. His legs suddenly changed direction, and then with the force of his back, he violently attacked Luo Zheng on all three sides.

Luo Zheng was eager to attack the enemy. He used old moves and put his body weight forward. He had no extra energy to fight back. His cold eyes flashed with a determined killing intent. He did not retreat but advanced. He screamed with force under his feet, ignoring the opponent's fierce kick and whipped his leg towards him. The opponent rushed over and cut the opponent's heart with the saber in his hand.

The life-threatening fighting style shocked the opponent. The man retracted his feet decisively, took a strange step back, bowed his waist, and avoided Luo Zheng's life-threatening blow. He clasped his hands and attacked Luo Zheng. At the temple, Luo Zheng's body was about to rush forward. The old strength was gone, but the new strength was not born. He had no ability to fight back. He gritted his teeth and squatted down, intending to avoid the opponent's fatal attack first.

When masters fight each other, they will know the details of the opponent in one or two rounds. Seeing that Luo Zheng's strength was so inferior to his own, this man's livid face showed a trace of ridicule, his cold eyes became more murderous, and he suddenly changed his mind and planned to capture him alive. Using his hands, he changed his moves and reached straight for Luo Zheng's knife-holding hand. He grabbed Luo Zheng's palm and cut straight into Luo Zheng's heart with his other hand, preparing to knock him unconscious.

Luo Zheng felt his wrist being grabbed, and a huge force swept over him. He couldn't break away at all. He couldn't help but was shocked. Seeing that the opponent was attacking again, he couldn't avoid it. He gritted his teeth, turned his body slightly to avoid the position of his heart, and held the ball behind his back. The saber suddenly came to life. It flipped up deftly and turned into an upright grip. Immediately afterwards, the saber came out of the hand, like a flash of lightning. The finger knife suddenly appeared, with a cold murderous aura and the endless anger of the owner, and went straight towards it. The other person swallowed and left.

The incident happened suddenly, and the distance was less than half a foot. This person had no idea that Luo Zheng could control the knife after his wrist was controlled. The matter was beyond the scope of his knowledge. He was shocked and was about to dodge. However, under the full attack, The body's muscle transformation cannot keep up with the mind.

"Pfft!" The blade penetrated the flesh and blood spattered. The member of the Wild Wolf mercenary stood in a daze, covering his throat with both hands, trying to hold down the surging blood. His eyes were full of confusion, shock and unwillingness, and he stood upright. He suddenly fell to the ground and died with his eyes open.

The first time the finger knife killed an enemy, it had an unexpected effect. This made Luo Zheng, who only expected to be able to force the enemy back, a little confused. After seeing the opponent fall to the ground dead, he quickly reacted and then observed Looking at the surrounding situation, I found that this was a miscellaneous room. There were some dry firewood piled in the room, and a person was curled up on the ground, tied up with five flowers, and there was no movement.

Luo Zheng stepped forward quickly, took a look, and saw that it was the farmer. He couldn't help being ecstatic. He quickly ran over, pulled out his M9 saber, picked up the opponent's pistol, cut the rope in twos and twos, and pinched the lieutenant to save the farmer. He woke up and asked with concern: "Brother, how are you? Can you leave?"

The farmer looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, then looked around, and soon found a corpse lying somewhere, with blood still pouring from his throat. When he saw that the M9 saber in Luo Zheng's hand was covered with blood, he immediately reacted and said : "It's not a big problem, it's just my legs┅┅"

With the moonlight coming in from outside, Luo Zheng noticed that the farmer's leg was starting to get inflamed. He couldn't help but became anxious. After picking up the farmer, he helped him walk out the door. As he walked, he said, "We must get out of here as soon as possible." He sneaked in like this For a long time, except for the person responsible for guarding, no other members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group were found. They should have gone to hunt down the scholar and others. They will return soon. Then they will be in trouble, and they must leave as soon as possible.

The farmer also knew that the situation was unfavorable, so he endured the severe pain in his leg, gritted his teeth and walked quickly, while saying: "You are right, although those mercenaries did not kill me, it can be seen that they are very powerful, but... Why didn't they notice you coming in? What's going on with the gunshots in the distance? Did the brothers lure those mercenaries away?"

"That's right." Luo Zheng said quickly. When he came outside the door, he saw that no one was paying attention. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He closed the door, helped the farmer and ran quickly towards the dark place in front, and soon came to a place. In the corner, Luo Zheng signaled the farmer to take cover and whispered, "Wait a minute, your leg is inflamed. I'll go find a solution."

"We'll talk about the legs later. Let's think about how to get out. If it doesn't work, you retreat first." The farmer said gratefully, thinking that Luo Zheng felt very sorry because he was in danger.

"Stop talking about this, I have a way. Trust me, you must protect yourself before I come." Luo Zheng said calmly, thrust the pistol into the farmer's hands, and strode away without hesitation, his face extremely firm.

The farmer didn't know how Luo Zheng could leave, and his face was full of anxiety. Seeing that Luo Zheng had left, there was no way to stop him. , the farmer looked at the gun in his hand, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes┅┅

ps: I passed by and it was cool to see. I would like to reward you with something or leave a message of encouragement.

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