The strongest soldier

Chapter 1282 Discovering clues

Now that the mistress has been investigated, how could a person die at home for no reason? If it was a homicide, then the hostess should also be implicated, right? Luo Zheng was also confused by this weird thing and couldn't help but think deeply. The hostess next to him said with a painful expression: "Director Shi, please solve the case as soon as possible. Now, my husband's family members say that I am still him. I need the truth. please."

"I will definitely try my best." Shi Feng said seriously. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng was frowning in deep thought without any discovery, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and continued to comfort the hostess.

Luo Zheng carefully observed the master bedroom, not missing any detail, and constantly speculated on various possibilities in his mind. People cannot die for no reason. If it is not suicide, natural death, or accidental death, then there is only one possibility, homicide. , it’s just that the other party was clever and didn’t find out.

If it was a homicide, how would the other party do it? Luo Zheng's eyes gradually fell on the door. If the murderer wanted to kill someone, he would have to break into the room. For example, he would use smoke or other means to charm the people in the room, and then come in to kill. The hostess was also in a coma. There was no chance that the murderer would be exposed, so he was too lazy to kill more. , or deliberately set up a mystery to attract the attention of the police, and then escape unscathed, this possibility is not impossible.

A master will never leave any clues when he kills someone, but what did the other party use to kill the deceased? People must struggle before death. Why is there no struggle at the scene and no traces? If killing by force is ruled out, then the only way is to use poison. But Shi Feng said that poison was not used, so how did the deceased die?

People cannot die for no reason. Luo Zheng firmly believes in this. If the murderer breaks into a house and kills someone, he will definitely leave no clues in the room, but that is not necessarily the case outside. Luo Zheng looked out the window and saw a small garden outside. Luo Zheng couldn't help but wonder. Go to the window and look outside carefully.

Luo Zheng's move attracted Shi Feng's attention and also aroused the curiosity of the hostess. Just as the hostess was about to ask, Shi Feng quickly made a silent gesture. The hostess immediately understood that Luo Zheng's identity was not simple. He was about to arrive. He swallowed his words and waited patiently, with a little more anticipation in his eyes.

At this time, Luo Zheng opened the window and stuck his head out to observe the surroundings. He did not miss any details and his expression became more solemn. Shi Feng couldn't help but look at Guishou curiously. Guishou knew Luo Zheng and knew that Luo Zheng must have thought of it. What, but it was a critical period and I couldn't disturb him, so I quickly made a calm gesture.

At this time, Luo Zheng stared at the wall above his head, and after a while he suddenly said: "I need to go up to the roof to have a look, is that okay?"

Shi Feng looked at the hostess. The hostess was startled, and she felt a little more hopeful for no reason. She quickly said, "I'll get you a ladder. Wait a moment."

"No need." After Luo Zheng got the hostess's permission, he grabbed the window frame with both hands and got out. He jumped hard with his feet and jumped up with his body. He climbed up to the eaves with his hands and turned 180 degrees in a weird way. Climb up to the roof and squat down to take a closer look.

Shi Feng looked at Guishou expectantly. Everyone had inspected the entire building, except for the roof. He couldn't help but come to the window and poke his head out. He wanted to ask, but he was afraid of disturbing Luo Zheng's thinking, so he became anxious. Ghost Hand came up and patted Shi Feng on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I must have discovered something."

"Really? That's great." The hostess shouted in surprise.

Guishou could tell at a glance that the hostess was happy from within. It had nothing to do with the case. He looked outside and heard Luo Zheng shouting from the rooftop: "Brother, come up here."

"Okay." Guishou agreed, grabbed the window frame, and turned over like Luo Zheng. He saw Luo Zheng squatting on the roof to check. The roof of this kind of villa has some slopes and is made of strong and thick glazed tiles. People squatting on There was no problem above, Guishou came forward and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise.

Luo Zheng pointed to a piece of glazed tile and said, "Look carefully."

Guishou squatted down and looked at the glazed tiles. There was nothing on them except dust. He couldn't help but was startled. After careful observation, he found that there were traces of something having been on the tiles. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked, "It seems like there is something there." I’ve been here before, but I don’t see anything special about it, what’s wrong?”

"Look at this again." Luo Zheng said and stretched out his palm. On his palm was a scale the size of a little fingernail. Luo Zheng said seriously: "I have looked at what was found under this glazed tile, and this is the only one. A piece of it, without any other traces, what do you think it is?"

The glazed tiles were overlapped front and back to ensure that rainwater would flow down along the grooves and not penetrate into the roof. The ghost hand took the scales and observed them curiously for a while. He smelled the house under his nose, but there was no smell. He couldn't help but say: " They look like scales, but they don’t smell fishy, ​​so they shouldn’t be fish scales, I don’t know what they are.”

"This is a snake scale, a rare scaly snake. I saw it once when I was a child. It was about the size of a thumb. It poisoned a strong wild boar in one bite. How thick is the wild boar's skin? It can be seen that it is extremely poisonous. I have never seen it again. I heard from the old man A generation of people said that this kind of snake is rare to see once in a hundred years. It lives in the deep mountains and old forests, and makes a living by devouring extremely poisonous things. Wherever it passes, other animals break out, and even wolves have to detour. It is the king of snakes. , I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I can recognize these scales.” Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Hiss?" Guishou was taken aback, and his face became solemn. He pondered for a moment and said seriously: "Brother, there are four doubts. First, there are many scaly snakes in the primeval forest. I have seen a lot of them. How can you be sure? Are these scales the scaly snake you mentioned and not something else? Second, as you just said, this scaly snake lives in deep mountains and old forests. How did it come back here? Third, if it was really a scaly snake attack, why did it only bite the deceased? , the hostess was not hurt. Fourthly, why are there no signs of poisoning on the deceased? Didn’t you say that scale snakes are extremely poisonous?"

"This is also where I'm confused. I can't answer the next three questions for you, but I can tell you about the first question. All snake scales have half-moon shapes or flakes. Look at this." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. .

Guishou was startled and took a closer look at the scales, which turned out to be triangular. His expression changed greatly and he looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng nodded and said, "I have seen many kinds, but the only ones with triangles are scale snakes. Maybe I I am ignorant, but this is not important. What is important is that a poisonous snake appeared here and squatted on the glazed tiles. If it was passing through the border, the traces of its walking would be obvious at a glance. But if you look at the traces on the glazed tiles, they are obviously coiled. This means that the poisonous snake has been here for a while, why is this?"

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