The strongest soldier

Chapter 1281 Strange Case

As a soldier, he is not allowed to participate in any action without orders from his superiors. As a member of the National Security Strategy Bureau, Luo Zheng has the responsibility to protect national security, but he cannot participate in local affairs without the permission of his superiors. This is discipline. If it were someone else Luo Zheng would refuse the request without hesitation, but Shi Feng was different. The two had a friendship of fighting side by side, and Luo Zheng also knew that Shi Feng was an upright and proud man who would not ask for help unless absolutely necessary.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and whispered: "You can go and have a look, but you don't necessarily have to take action."

"I understand the discipline. I just went to take a look. It is purely a personal favor and does not involve official business. Just give me some ideas and inspiration." Shi Feng was overjoyed and said quickly, standing up with a vigorous and resolute attitude.

"Then let's go." Luo Zheng knew Shi Feng's character. He stood up and gave Guishou a look. Guishou nodded knowingly. Luo Zheng said to the little girl: "Go back first. If you have any questions, call me. Tell mom I might not be able to come back for dinner tonight.”

The little sister understood the importance, agreed, took her small bag and left, taking a taxi alone. Luo Zheng, Shi Feng and others walked outside, with Gui Shou following behind. Shi Feng saw Gui Shou and came over, and immediately understood Luo Zheng Meaning, I was overjoyed, there were ghost hands, many people and many ideas, everyone left in the car.

On the way, Shi Feng asked the relevant departments to prepare the conference room and related preparations. About ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the Municipal Bureau and went straight to the conference room. The conference room was ready. Everyone sat down. Shi Feng introduced what was happening at the meeting. The few people waiting in the room, including the new leader of the serious crime team, are all soldiers brought out by Shi Feng. Everyone has seen them.

"We are all acquaintances, so I won't say any more polite words." Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng, who nodded to go straight to the topic. Shi Feng then gave the new head of the serious crime team a look, and the team leader immediately opened the slide file. , Shi Feng pointed at the picture on the projection screen with a laser pointer and said: "In the northern suburbs, in a high-end villa area, the owner of the house, Qian Yong, a technology company CEO with a net worth of over 100 million, died in his own bed."

These are simple messages. Luo Zheng knew that things would not be that simple. During the meal, he said that it was a strange and major case, and there must be fun behind it, so he listened patiently.

Shi Feng organized some words and said: "The deceased died a week ago. He was a kind person in the company and did not offend anyone in business. Our investigation confirmed this. The deceased and his wife spent the weekend that night, and the couple had always had a good relationship. , ruling out murder. The next morning, the wife woke up and found her husband dead and immediately called the police. Strangely, the forensic doctor made an identification and found that the deceased died while sleeping. There was no pain, no struggle, and no clues before death. We have investigated the case of the deceased and there are no physical problems.”

Luo Zheng looked at the screen and saw that the deceased looked like he was sleeping peacefully, but never woke up. At this time, Shi Feng continued seriously: "According to the conclusions of the forensic doctor and the expert team, it is neither homicide nor suicide, nor is it a suicide." Natural death, but dead, a very strange thing, this is the first time we have encountered this kind of thing, we are completely confused, I am not afraid of your laughter, and there has been no progress so far, that is the general situation. "

"It's not homicide? It's not suicide?" Luo Zheng was startled, frowned and pondered, it was nothing, how did the deceased die? It can't be a natural death? How could a person with no physical problems die naturally?

"Could food poisoning cause accidental death?" Guishou asked beside him.

"Both husband and wife have eaten the food together. My wife is fine. The food has been sampled and checked. There are no problems. The possibility of accidental death can be ruled out. The body has also been checked and it is not poisoned. There are no traces of a third party at the scene. We will check everything that needs to be checked." No, there are no clues." Shi Feng smiled bitterly and looked at Luo Zheng expectantly.

There is no cause of death, but people are dead. This kind of thing is really weird. Luo Zheng frowned and began to think seriously. The conference room was quiet. Everyone did not speak, for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's thinking. There was a sense of depression. The breath of death filled the conference room. For a while, Luo Zheng still couldn't figure out the point, and said with a solemn expression: "Is the body still intact?"

"The autopsy has been done and the body has been cremated." He replied seriously.

"Can I meet the family of the deceased?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away, but I'll say something more. The best psychologists in the ministry have been sent to investigate, but they can't find any clues about the wife. In other words, the wife can be ruled out as a suspect. I'll take you there now. The deceased’s home.” Shi Feng said seriously.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

Everyone got up and headed towards the scene of the crime. On the way, Luo Zheng sat quietly in the car and pondered. The deceased could not have died for no reason. There must be a reason. The police could not find the cause of death, which meant that it was not simple. Common sense infers that there are many ways to kill people invisible in the world, and there are many such people. But the deceased was just an ordinary businessman, how could he provoke such an expert?

What is going on? Luo Zheng was thinking seriously. The convoy arrived at the villa area unknowingly and stopped at the door of a villa. Shi Feng motioned to his men to wait outside. It was not appropriate to go in with too many people. He knocked on the door himself. After a while, a man in clothes The elegant hostess opened the door, saw Shi Feng, and said with a wry smile: "Are you here? Do you want me to assist in the investigation? It's been a week, and you still haven't made any progress?"

Shi Feng smiled awkwardly and said: "I'm not here for investigation this time. I just want to take a look at the scene again. Please make it easier."

"Then let's see. As long as we can find the truth of the matter, we can cooperate in any way. I hope you won't let me down." The hostess said calmly, with a bit of disappointment and helplessness.

There was no result for a week, and even the cause of death was not found. As a police officer, Shi Feng really couldn't give the hostess an explanation. He smiled awkwardly, looked at Luo Zheng and Gui Shou behind him, motioned to the hostess to lead the way, and headed inside As he walked, Luo Zheng and Gui Shou followed closely, observing the surroundings carefully.

Luo Zheng looked at the living room. The room was very clean and tidy, which showed that the hostess was a person who knew how to live. Luo Zheng carefully checked the hostess. She was tall, with a good figure, and an average appearance, but her body looked Somewhat weak, the possibility of being a murderer is very low.

Everyone came to the master bedroom upstairs. The bedroom was a bit messy. The hostess apologized and said that she had just woken up and had not had time to clean up. Luo Zheng saw that the hostess was still sleeping in this room. This bed showed that the hostess was nostalgic. A person with an open heart would not dare to sleep on this bed if he was really the murderer.

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