The strongest soldier

Chapter 126 Named Ghost

An excellent sniper is pragmatic in nature and will never take action if he is not sure. The certainty is based on the understanding of things. The enemy evacuated in a big truck. The destination is unknown. It is unknown whether there is an ambush ahead. Luo Zheng did not answer the scholar's question. , but to analyze the psychology of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group.

Several people died one after another. With the strong revenge mentality of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, they will definitely do something. What will they do? ambush? Setting a trap? After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. He felt that the car started to slow down. Luo Zheng was startled when he saw the scholar stand up, lift the canvas and look outside. He also stood up and saw a bright light from a car in the distance.

"Great, it must be them." The scholar said in surprise, smashed the front of the car, and shouted loudly: "Follow us, but don't turn on the lights, so as not to expose our whereabouts. I'm going to skin these bastards alive." them". As he said that, he checked his weapons.

Luo Zheng also checked the weapons and loaded the ammunition. His face was as deep as the sea and calm, but his heart could not be calm. The East Turkestan Islamic Movement members were not scary, but the Wild Wolf mercenary group was too powerful. They had fought three times in the past two days, and once they came to explore. camp, the other party wanted to capture him alive, but he was shot at close range by himself. Once, the sniper attacked from behind and also wanted to capture him alive, but he was alerted in advance, counterattacked before death, and was shot randomly. Another time, the two of them worked together to During the sneak attack in the back mountain, he discovered it in advance and killed one person first. He created a panic and then counterattacked with a grenade and shot the opponent in the chaos.

It seemed that he had won the three fights, but Luo Zheng knew very well that in addition to the luck factor, the more important thing was that the enemy did not take him seriously at all. He was too confident in his own strength and underestimated the enemy. He was carelessly killed. He took advantage and failed three times in succession. It was impossible for the people of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group to make the same mistake again. Luo Zheng remembered the first time he dealt with the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. They were as strong as Lan Xue, and they were in their hands. Neither of them took any advantage. Luo Zheng knew that his strength was inferior to Lan Xue, so he couldn't help but tighten the gun in his hand.

"Are you okay?" the scholar asked in surprise.

"Huh? It's okay." Luo Zheng exhaled a breath.

"Are you worried about those mercenaries?" The scholar continued to ask, and when Luo Zheng chuckled noncommittally, he continued: "Actually, you don't have to worry at all. We fought three times, and you won in the end every time, whether it was due to luck. It’s still about strength, none of that matters, what’s important is that you win in the end, and if you can win three times in a row, it means you can beat them and continue to win, so you have to have confidence in yourself.”

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, as if they were shining stars in the dark night sky. His confidence increased greatly. He smiled, held the gun in his hand tighter, and said, "You really think highly of me."

"Crunch!" Daka stopped. Luo Zheng and the scholar exchanged glances, stood up in tacit understanding, lifted the canvas and saw a light on the plain in the distance. Luo Zheng set up his sniper rifle and observed it through the sight. , is a village with seemingly more than 2,000 households, so densely packed that it is too far away to see clearly.

"Did you see it? What's going on?" the scholar asked.

"It's a village. It's too far away to see clearly. Daka entered the village." Luo Zheng replied casually, while continuing to observe, he saw Daka driving into the center of the village and stopped in front of a building, which was too far away. Far away, only a blurry scene can be seen.

"Gardener, keep going, but don't make too much noise, or you may be exposed." The scholar suggested.

"No, I'm worried about an ambush ahead." Luo Zheng immediately stopped him.

Seeing that the two people had different opinions, the gardener was a little embarrassed, so he heard the scholar say: "That makes sense, let's check the situation first and turn off the engine." The gardener looked at the scholar in surprise, agreed, and turned off the engine.

Everyone got off the car and gathered on the side of Daka. The gardener asked: "Captain, what's the plan?"

The scholar did not answer, but looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Whatever ideas you have, let us hear them. Let's go over them together. It is a matter of life and death for the farmer brothers. We must not act hastily."

"The situation is unclear. I'll go in and investigate first. You guys can take care of it outside. We'll talk about it after we figure out the situation. How about that?" the gardener suggested.

"I'm afraid I can't do it alone. I will cooperate with you." The monk said.

"Don't worry, everyone, let's listen to Brother Luo Zheng's opinion first." The scholar suggested.

"Everyone, listen to me." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully: "I'll go in and check out the situation, and you guys will take care of me." After saying that, he took off the sniper rifle and two M16 automatic rifles on his body, then took out the magazine and put it on the On the ground, he continued: "Gardener, you are responsible for sniper cover."

"No, I know how to snipe, but I can't compare to you. It's better for you to do it. We have some confidence." The gardener immediately objected.

The scholar did not fulfill his duties as captain, for fear of making mistakes again. Without the leader, everyone had different opinions, and it was difficult to unify after a few arguments. They couldn't help but look at the scholar. After all, the scholar was the captain appointed by his superiors. However, the scholar was in a difficult position. It would be the same no matter who he was. They are brothers who live and die together. In the end, he smiled bitterly and said: "You are fighting for credit, and I am not a coward. In this way, the four of us will draw lots. Whoever draws the shortest will go, and I will draw the lot."

"Okay." Everyone agreed. The drawing of lots was fair and reasonable. The scholar picked up a few grass roots and quickly drew the lots. The gardener drew first, then the monk, Luo Zheng came third, and the scholar took the last one. Everyone competed. , Luo Zheng is still the shortest, so the candidate is decided.

Luo Zheng checked the pistol and bullets, and brought an M9 saber and a short knife used by the East Turkestan militants to cut and eat meat for self-defense. He left all other weapons behind. He didn't need too many weapons for the camp. After being prepared, Luo Zheng turned around and left, and the scholar's voice came from behind: "Brother, be fine."

"Okay." The gardener and the monk also shouted, their voices a little tragic.

Luo Zheng paused and ran forward quickly without looking back. A few rabbits and falcons disappeared into the night. The scholar and others were surprised. This speed was too fast. The gardener was also very satisfied. He said with a shocked face: "Captain, you have the fastest explosive power among us. Monk, you have the strongest endurance, but your explosive power is also weak. How do you compare with him with your speed?"

The scholar shook his head and looked at the monk. The monk's face was solemn. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The explosive power should be about the same, but the endurance is not comparable. However, his movement is light and elegant, elusive, like a ghost at night. Even if there is someone in front of him, It would also be difficult to locate him in an ambush."

"Ghost? What a good name." The scholar and the gardener glanced at the front in the night. There was no shadow of Luo Zheng, and it seemed as if he had completely disappeared. It was indeed as weird as a ghost, and they couldn't help but praise in unison.

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