The strongest soldier

Chapter 125 Winning Trust

Twenty minutes later, everyone changed the tires, started the car and left. The gardener drove the car, and the monk sat in the passenger seat to help check the traces on the ground to ensure that the pursuit was in the wrong direction. The scholar took Luo Zheng and sat in the back car, looking at his face. Luo Zheng looked solemn, and the scholar pretended to be relaxed and said: "Brother, don't worry, with the car here, we will catch up with the enemy soon. You fought very well just now, killing sixty-seven enemies. We have the nameplate on our hands." More than a hundred, it is said that there are about a thousand standing armed members of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, and we have killed one-tenth of their strength."

"Really?" Luo Zheng said noncommittally, his mind filled with images of the farmer being brutally beaten by the enemy.

"Are you worried about Brother Farmer?" the scholar asked. When Luo Zheng nodded, he continued: "Everyone here is worried, but you must stay calm, otherwise something bad will happen. I am responsible for Brother Farmer being captured. I will tell you the truth." He said, now I want to rush forward and kill him, this emotion affects my judgment, so I propose that you be the captain, you are calmer than me."

"Really? I don't think I almost lost control just now." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"Yes." The scholar said seriously. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't believe it, he continued: "Perhaps you don't think it yourself. Along the way, you are the one who makes the most moves and kills the most enemies. Every time there is a discussion, you You can calmly put forward different opinions, and your opinions will be proved to be correct afterwards, but I am emotionally involved to a certain extent. All decisions are based on ensuring everyone's safety, but the battlefield has its own laws, and all decisions should be based on the battlefield. , rather than personal wishes, the more you want to ensure everyone's safety, the more trouble will happen. The farmer brother's case is an example. I was wrong. My mistake was that I was emotional and I was not calm enough. You are different. You have the calmness of a sniper. I am not as good as me in this regard. You and the other brothers are not as good as you."

"Maybe." Luo Zheng said noncommittally, looking at the sunset, the afterglow was about to dissipate, and night was about to fall. If the enemy's whereabouts were not caught, the farmer's clues would be lost in the vast wilderness. When the time comes, the rescuer would be able to There is no way to talk about it.

"It's not maybe, it's definitely. On the way here, I told the gardener and the monk my thoughts. They both agreed with my analysis. It's not that they don't accept you as captain, but they don't know you well enough. What I just said You fought very well in the blocking battle, I believe they will accept you soon." The scholar said seriously.

"If you were a member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, where would you take the farmers?" Luo Zheng asked suddenly, with a serious expression.

"Huh?" Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't care about the captaincy, the scholar could only think about farmers. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng a little more. He looked at the darkening sky and said worriedly: "I will definitely bring him with me." Go back to their base camp, and then the rescue will be troublesome."

"Yes, the battle just now took ten minutes, and changing the tire took twenty minutes. In other words, the enemy ran for half an hour first. Calculated at a speed of fifteen kilometers per hour, this should be their limit. A normal person would be ten minutes. About two kilometers, they ran about seven kilometers in half an hour, and we chased them in the car for ten minutes. The current speed should be about 80 miles per hour, which is more than ten kilometers in ten minutes, but we haven't found anything yet." Luo Zheng analyzed worriedly.

The scholar looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. He didn't expect that Luo Zheng had been concentrating on all these calculations just now. He looked a little higher and thought for a moment before saying: "The view here is empty and the visibility is average. The visual distance is about 10-20 kilometers. , no trace of the enemy was found along the way, there is only one explanation, and that is that there was a car to meet us. "

"It makes sense. Judging from the surrounding terrain, the enemy has two choices, go east or west. Judging from the direction the enemy came just now, the possibility of going east is very high. However, the East Turkestan elements are entrenched on the border and are familiar with it. Based on the surrounding situation, it is safer for them to go west. Judging from the map, their base camp is more likely to be in the west, so I suggest going west to see if I can find any traces of the passing car." Luo Zheng suggested with a thoughtful face. .

"Dong dong dong!" The scholar hit the front of the car hard, and the car stopped. The gardener stuck his head out of the car window and asked in surprise: "No clues were found in the front. How are you doing?"

"Go west, pay attention to the car marks underground, the enemy may have a car to meet you." The scholar shouted.

"Okay." The scholar agreed and retracted. Soon, the car spun around and continued running wildly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will make a mistake in my judgment?" Luo Zheng looked at the scholar in surprise and asked.

"I'm afraid, but I'm afraid it won't solve the problem. Your judgment was very accurate in the past, which has been proven, so I plan to listen to you once and see what the result is. Of course, what you just analyzed is also very reasonable. Why don't I listen? Let’s go to the west first. At worst, we will turn around and head east. We won’t have any regrets. Anyway, our final route is to the east. Let’s not delay things. Since the enemy has captured the farmer alive, he will definitely not kill him immediately. With the ability of the farmer brothers, we will resist It’ll be fine for a few days, but you’ll have to suffer some physical pain then.” The scholar said seriously.

Luo Zheng nodded, closed his eyes and rested. The continuous fighting had consumed a lot of physical strength and energy. Just after squinting for a while, the car suddenly stopped. Luo Zheng opened his eyes and saw that the scholar was smashing the front of the car to ask about the situation. The gardener was looking in. He came out and shouted in surprise: "Hey guys, we found car marks in front of us. It seems that we are pursuing the right direction and almost missed it."

"You are right." The scholar said to Luo Zheng in surprise.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that he was right. He smiled awkwardly and said loudly: "Hurry up and catch up."

"No problem, these bastards can't run away. They have to turn on the lights as soon as it gets dark. It will be easier to find them then. Captain, God, if you hadn't warned us, we would have missed the opportunity to go east. These bastards How cunning, actually going west." The gardener shouted in surprise.

"It's not my god, it's brother Luo Zheng's suggestion." The scholar corrected him seriously, without any intention of being greedy for merit.

"Brother Luo Zheng?" The gardener shouted in surprise. Seeing the scholar nod, the gardener said sincerely: "Brother Luo Zheng, you are awesome, brother, I am convinced."

"Why don't you leave quickly?" the scholar said with a smile.

"Okay." The gardener agreed excitedly and started driving like crazy.

"Did you see it? They have accepted you, don't put it off any longer. I have thought about it carefully during this period. I am not inferior to you in terms of tactics and decision-making, but in terms of strategic decision-making, I am not as calm as you, so, It is most suitable for you to be the captain." The scholar said sincerely.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, but still didn't come up with the letter of appointment. As long as everyone trusts him, it doesn't mean much whether he takes it or not. But the position of captain is of great importance, so can he really be qualified? After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng said: "Let's wait until we rescue the farmer brothers."

The scholar looked at Luo Zheng seriously, did not insist anymore, nodded and asked: "What are your plans?"

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