The strongest soldier

Chapter 1195 Adjusting the plan

Early next morning.

The drizzle is continuous, baptizing the vast forest, the leaves are dripping green, turning and dancing with the breeze. The birds and beasts huddle in their nests and dare not come out. The forest is quiet, only the sound of raindrops falling on the ground, and the ground flows into a river. The sound fell from a high place, taking away the dead leaves and adding a bit of vitality to the forest.

In a dense forest of towering mountain peaks, a team was quietly hiding. Several leading people gathered together, looking at the empty mountains and the towering main peak ahead. The leading person was wearing a ghillie suit and a helmet, with a face on his face. He was smeared with thick black oil paint and had a pair of black and white eyes with a cold light. He was none other than Luo Zheng.

The pretty female soldier standing next to Luo Zheng is Lan Xue. Her face is as cold as ever, her eyes are firm and sharp, and she exudes a bit of confidence and cold arrogance. No one around dares to underestimate Lan Xue. They are all stern. Looking ahead, there is the Vietnam strategic missile base. This is not the first time for everyone. Looking at the base, everyone looks solemn in thought.

After a few minutes, Luo Zheng put down the telescope and handed it to Lan Xue. He said solemnly: "The situation is a bit strange. Have you noticed it?"

"It's indeed a bit weird. The biggest problem is that there haven't been any changes. Whether it's position defense or patrolling, there are just a few more than before. It's not very obvious. The officers and soldiers of the base are supposed to do what they are doing. They are just like normal people. Our battle last night was in vain. Already?" Guishou raised his doubts in surprise.

"It's really weird. In last night's battle, according to our initial estimate, the enemy killed not only 500 but 400 people. There is no response to such a huge loss? This is very unreasonable. In my opinion, there may be a conspiracy here? No. The base's top officer concealed the truth about his sacrifice and laid a trap for us. If everything goes abnormally, he must be a monster." Shan Diao analyzed calmly.

"No matter what the conspiracy is, just beat him out. Brother, what should I do next? Tell me, brothers haven't beaten Yin yet." Snow Leopard said nonchalantly, his sharp eyes showing deep confidence. Last night In the first battle, Snow Leopard took over an enemy's headquarters and killed countless enemies. Although there was a lot of luck involved, it also made Snow Leopard's self-confidence explode.

"Scholar, what do you think?" Lan Xue looked at the scholar and asked.

"The captain has already made a plan for this matter, so I won't do anything about it." The scholar smiled and looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes full of fanatical admiration. In the battle last night, no one among us was killed, and several people were slightly injured. That's all, but the results were brilliant, which made the scholar admire Luo Zheng even more.

Luo Zheng took the telescope from Lan Xue and continued to look ahead. Faintly, Luo Zheng felt a hint of murderous intent, as if there were countless deadly traps in front of him, but when he looked carefully, he couldn't see anything. Unreasonable, he started thinking about it seriously, but he had no clue. Seeing that everyone was waiting for him, he smiled bitterly and said: "The situation is weird, but it's a pity that there are no clues."

"Yeah, it looks the same as before. It's hard to tell what kind of medicine the enemy is selling in this gourd. What are your plans?" Lan Xue said softly.

"Since we can't tell whether the front is a trap or something else, let's just ignore it. The conspiracy won't work on us. The enemy will definitely be prepared if he suffers a loss. Let's just fight you and I'll fight me. Yes, they have set up a net at the base, and we will strangle them outside." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"That's the truth, but how do you plan to fight?" Lan Xue asked.

When the others heard this, their eyes lit up and they nodded secretly. No matter whether there was a conspiracy in the base or not, it was impossible to attack directly with so many people stationed there. If they ignored him, the conspiracy or the trap would become a decoration. However, if they did not attack, How the base could complete its mission, everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

"My plan may take some time, but there is no other way. Attacking the base directly will definitely not work. It will undoubtedly lead to death. There is only one dirt road into the base, which is the lifeline of the base. This road is not short, and it is surrounded by mountains. , many places can be ambushed, as long as this lifeline is cut off, how will they live?" After Luo Zheng said, a strong fighting spirit burst out.

Everyone laughed when they heard that it made sense. The mountain eagle even said with a smile: "In my opinion, we used the old method of dealing with the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group and polluted the water source. There are more than 10,000 people. They have It is possible to store food, but it is impossible to store water. If we take a two-pronged approach, we can last for five days at most without food or water."

"It makes sense. They will never be able to survive without water. As long as the water source is polluted and everyone becomes sick and unable to exert their combat effectiveness, then we can do whatever we want." Snow Leopard agreed excitedly. Regarding the skill of polluting water sources, everyone Having seen Luo Zheng's methods, he knew what to do.

The scholar had never seen it before, and he knew that water sources were not easily polluted, and the purification ability of nature was not weak. But when he saw everyone's excitement, he knew there was something weird, so he didn't ask any more questions, thought for a while, and said: "When ambushing the transport truck We grabbed five bags of rice, which was enough for us to eat for a long time. A protracted war is a protracted war. As long as we can complete the task and reduce the number of casualties, I think it can be done."

Others nodded to agree with the plan. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue, who thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Even if the battle plan was initially determined, the rest is the execution details. Luo Zheng does not need to worry about these, everyone has been accepted. Professional training, as long as you ask for it, everyone knows how to complete it.

"Brothers, scholars, there are many of you. Hunt as many animals as possible as quickly as possible. The more poisonous the better, scorpions, poisonous snakes, etc., it is best to have wild boars. Poison bacterium is one of the most poisonous viruses in the world. There is no Other animals can also use guns. We have satellites to provide intelligence, so you don't have to worry about the enemy. If you run away, you can test the enemy's plot. I'll give you one day and don't worry about anything else." Luo Zheng warned.

"Promise to complete the task." The scholar agreed without asking any more questions.

"Ghost Hands, your people are going to ambush the road, lay mines, and run away after the attack. In this forest, ordinary people can't catch up with you. Snow leopards and mountain eagles, you two are responsible for taking care of them. If necessary, the three of them will surround you and devour them." Chasing troops, see if we can uncover the enemy's conspiracy." Luo Zheng continued.

"Yes." The three of them agreed excitedly.

"Xue'er, the two of us stay here to observe the enemy's situation. We must arrive here to join me before twelve o'clock tonight. Everyone, prepare yourself and take action." Luo Zheng continued.

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison and left with murderous intent.

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