The strongest soldier

Chapter 1194 Dragnet

"Dragnet? What do you mean?" Wu Dinghe looked at Jackson with a cold expression, the anger in his heart was burning, and he wished he could find the murderer who attacked the base immediately. Jackson's suggestion gave Wu Dinghe a glimmer of hope, and he was immediately overjoyed and looked at him with anger. Gradually there was more expectation.

Everyone else also looked at Jackson. Only Ishiino closed his eyes and rested, as if the things here had nothing to do with him. As a representative of the Japanese country, Ishiino's task was very simple, which was to assist Jackson. This made the proud Ishiino very happy. Damn it, why would you let the top master of the young generation take orders from a useless person who is not considered a man? However, due to domestic pressure, Ishiino plans to swallow his anger and wait and see what happens.

Jackson knows Ishiino's strength, and he is definitely no match for me in close combat. As long as Ishiino doesn't cause trouble, Jackson doesn't care about Ishiino's attitude. They are both grasshoppers on the same rope. The Eight-Nation Allied Forces of the Primeval Forest join forces to fight Luo At this moment, the bloody lesson made Jackson realize the disadvantages of internal fighting. This has happened more than once, and Jackson does not want to make the same mistake again.

"Speak, Consultant Jackson." Seeing that Jackson was silent, Wu Dinghe couldn't help but urge.

"My plan is to remain calm on the surface, and at most add some troops to key defense points. I cannot raise the alert level too much all at once, as doing so will only make the enemy more cautious." Jackson explained, seeing that everyone was there After listening carefully, he continued: "The troops had better be prepared to attack at any time. Secondly, get in touch with your country and send more troops over and deploy them on the periphery to form a larger encirclement."

"You mean we don't move, prepare secretly to attack, and call for support to encircle. Once we find the enemy and we attack, the enemy will definitely run away, and the people on the periphery will immediately encircle and attack from inside and outside?" Wu Dinghe looked coldly. He asked Jackson, and when he saw Jackson nodding, he couldn't help but think deeply.

"It's good to do this, but there are two problems. First, what if the enemy doesn't come? Wouldn't it be a missed opportunity to pursue the enemy? Come tonight, the enemy will definitely not be found. Who will bear this responsibility? Second, the enemy is very fast, and our people cannot catch up at all. They may have run away before they can be surrounded. How to solve this problem?" A major general asked calmly.

"Don't worry about the first question. Based on my understanding of him, he will definitely come back. I can guarantee this with my life. No need to discuss it again. As for the second point, it depends on the combat effectiveness of the supporting troops. Of course, I People can also attack, as long as you agree." Jackson said coldly.

In the territory of the Yue Kingdom, without the approval of the Yue Kingdom, Jackson could not directly release his team to join the war. There was an issue of sovereignty and national face, which was of great importance. Everyone fell silent and looked at Wuding River, waiting. The final determination of Wuding River.

Wu Dinghe pondered for a moment and then said: "The support force is not a big problem. We can mobilize the most elite Guards, but we need your satellite intelligence support. I will contact the chairman soon, and 30,000 people will surround us from three directions: north, south, and west. Including the nearly 20,000 people on the eastern border and more than 10,000 of us, the total force is more than 60,000. If we can't catch the other side, how can we lose face? Not dying is not enough to thank the world."

"Yes." Everyone looked sternly. They didn't expect Wudinghe to play such a big game of chess, and the pressure doubled. However, when they thought of the total strength mobilized and the combat effectiveness of the Guards, everyone felt a little relaxed and started playing one after another. Make up your mind and tell your subordinates not to relax after returning.

"Is there anything else you want to add?" Wu Dinghe asked, staring at Jackson.

"The key is to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Unified command is needed. After the sneak attack last night, the command was temporarily interrupted. The peripheral positions and the headquarters were actually unable to communicate. This kind of thing must not happen again, otherwise , the enemy was not able to evacuate calmly last night." Jackson bluntly pointed out the shortcomings of the base.

Everyone's expressions darkened. It felt uncomfortable to be pointed at by an outsider. They looked at Jackson with unkind eyes. If they didn't represent Sam Country, if they weren't afraid of Sam Country, everyone would have drawn their guns long ago. The country and Sam Country were fighting fiercely. As soldiers, this is something we don't want to see, but for the sake of the national interest, everyone has to restrain their emotions and endure Jackson's criticism.

Wu Dinghe's face was also ugly. An outsider was gesticulating in his own territory, which made Wu Dinghe lose his temper. But when he thought of Jackson's identity and the country he represented, Wu Dinghe had to suppress his anger and looked at him coldly. Jackson said, "What do you want to say?"

Ishiino's political awareness was very high and he saw something fishy, ​​but he didn't say much and continued to rest with his eyes closed. An imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. Jackson was a pure soldier, with first-class skills on the battlefield, but in Politically speaking, he seemed a bit idiotic. After listening to Wu Dinghe's inquiry, he continued: "The command system must be rectified to ensure that orders are conveyed to the smallest combat unit in a timely manner. If something happens to the headquarters at a certain position, the headquarters can take over the troops on the position and issue instructions."

"Okay, Chief of Staff, you are responsible for this matter. Consultant Jackson, please cooperate with me." Wu Dinghe glanced at a major general next to him, and finally looked at Jackson and said.

"Yes." The major general agreed and looked at Jackson.

Jackson was not aware of everyone's grievances. When he saw that Wu Dinghe agreed to his suggestion, he was overjoyed and agreed, saying: "As long as the command system is perfect, the team can use its fingers to maximize its combat effectiveness. If the enemy If you show up, my people will rush to the front, and your troops can cooperate with my people to ensure that the enemy is captured."

"You mean to let our people obey the command of your people. We can't catch the enemy. We need to cooperate with you to catch the enemy?" Another major general couldn't stand listening anymore and retorted dissatisfiedly, full of gunpowder.

Jackson did not fully understand the reasoning. He thought about it and said with certainty: "What you said makes sense. The enemy is a master. Please pay attention to your army. We will pursue you in the front, and your army will help defend and outflank the enemy behind, suppressing it with firepower." , we are at least 80% sure of catching the enemy."

"Eighty percent?" the major general asked dissatisfied.

"Okay, that's it." Wu Dinghe smelled the major general's gunpowder and quickly dissuaded him. It's okay to let Jackson's people rush in front. If something really happens, the people of Sam will be the first to bear the brunt. If they are defeated, there will be Jackson Either way, you can explain it to your superiors. The credit for winning the battle is all yours, so why not?

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