The strongest soldier

Chapter 1175 Evacuation overnight

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison. Everyone looked at each other in surprise. Unexpectedly, they were all from the same military region. In order to keep it secret in the prison, although everyone knew each other, no one revealed their identity. At this moment, everyone paused. Feeling cordial, looking at each other and smiling, a feeling of comradeship surges into my heart.

"Who are the smugglers?" Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and asked.

The ghost pointed at the three people who were gathering together. Luo Zheng looked at the three of them. The three of them lowered their heads in embarrassment. The soldiers and the smugglers were enemies. One was investigating smuggling and the other wanted to smuggle. Luo Zheng shouted with a serious face: "We also know the identities of the three of you. I don't care what you did before. Now, we are on the same boat. I hope you three don't think too much about it. My request is very simple. You help carry the wounded and I escort them." When you return to the country, as long as you do this, it will be considered as a meritorious service to the country. If you make up for your mistakes, your past smuggling charges will be wiped out. Is that possible?"

"Do you keep your word?" The elder of the three stood up and asked in surprise. Although the crime of smuggling is not a big crime, it is not a small crime. If it can be exempted after returning, everyone will not have to worry about it.

"Of course it counts." Luo Zheng said without hesitation. In extraordinary times, there are many injured people and manpower is urgently needed. In order to evacuate safely and prevent the three of them from causing trouble, it is not impossible to make some appropriate promises.

"Okay, the three of us are from the same village. We have been hunting since we were young. Walking on mountain roads will definitely not drag you back. As long as you keep your word, we are also Chinese. We will do our best for the country and die without regrets." The man said.

After twisting the team together, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the wounded. There were more than twenty injured, both minor and serious. The journey back was long and difficult. Looking at the sky, it was already late at night. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he shouted: "Everyone, take action. Cut down trees to make stretchers. No injured person can be left behind. All of them must be taken away."

"Yes." The people around agreed in unison.

"Give weapons to those who are not injured and evacuate in ten minutes." Luo Zheng looked at Ghost Hand and warned.

Guishou nodded knowingly, organized the people to distribute weapons, and prepared magazines. Luo Zheng walked to the side and whispered to Lan Xue who was following him: "The task is very difficult. There are so many wounded, many of whom can no longer walk. It's just If you can carry them away, the enemy will send helicopters to chase them as soon as dawn comes. You have to travel all night and find a place to hide after dawn. The wounded can no longer withstand the torment, so we must ensure that everyone returns home."

"Yes." Lan Xue also nodded solemnly and said, "Mountain Eagle, have you discovered anything?"

"The enemy is stationed about two kilometers away. They have burned a few bonfires and have no intention of attacking. Do you want me to lead some people up to attack them by surprise?" Shandiao said with a smile. After repelling the enemy, Shandiao was in a good mood.

"Don't create unnecessary complications." Luo Zheng warned. The enemy was scared of being beaten and needed time to rest and recover. Why didn't he need to rest on his side? I drank some water, took out a piece of compressed biscuit and chewed it.

Lan Xue walked to the bonfire, picked up a weapon, inspected it, hung it around his neck, put away a few magazines, picked another weapon, came to Luo Zheng, and handed it to Luo Zheng. Take it and hang it around your neck for backup. In the battle just now, everyone consumed a lot of ammunition, so we must prepare other weapons for backup.

Luo Zheng took the few magazines handed over by Lan Xue and put them away, and said with a smile: "I found an interesting place during the battle just now. When the gun magazines in my hand were empty, they were filled with pistols. I always ensured continuous firepower and the pistol fired. It's over, we are mixed with the enemy, just use the knife, attack continuously, and keep the firepower, this attack method is very effective."

"The key is the Dragon Tooth Sword. If you don't have a knife, it's not appropriate to rush up and fight the enemy in close combat, especially when the enemy is numerically superior. After all, you still have this Dragon Tooth Sword." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"What you said makes sense. This is the characteristic of our Dragon Tooth Squadron. In modern warfare, there are not many teams that emphasize the importance of cold weapons like us. We have captured four Japanese swords before and they are in good condition. You can bring one more. The other three are reserved for Ghost Hand, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard, so I won’t use them." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng had practiced the art of killing nails and combined sword attacks, and that multiple knives were useless, so he agreed and divided the knives. Luo Zheng leaned against a tree and chewed compressed biscuits while watching everyone busy. Weapons have been distributed, and everyone is cutting branches with dragon teeth to make stretchers, and weaving some Tenman together to make people lie comfortably.

Ten minutes later, the stretcher was ready. Those who were not comfortable walking were put on the quilt. They walked as much as they could on their own. Everyone supported each other and walked in a line towards the front. The ghost hands led the people to clear the way, and the snow leopards led the way. Behind the people's palace, the mountain eagle's team was scattered on both sides of the team, with Luo Zheng and Lan Xue following among the wounded.

The enemy did not pursue, and everyone walked quite calmly. Considering the danger after dawn, Luo Zheng asked the team to move as fast as possible. Everyone wore night vision goggles, which made walking easy, but there were no rescuers, so they had to use flashlights. Lighting, at this time, you don't care whether you will be exposed or not. The right way is to keep distance from the enemy.

The team walked forward in silence. Everyone knew that danger could follow them at any time. They did not dare to stop, let alone shouting that they were tired, which would affect the morale of the troops. In order to return home alive, everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

I don’t know how long it took or how far I walked, but it was already dawn. Luo Zheng quickly shouted through the headset: "Ghost hands, mountain eagles, look for caves, cliff caves, etc. around. The team needs to rest and hide. In addition, If you find prey, don't let it go." After walking all night, the team was tired and sleepy. They had to stop and rest, but they couldn't just find a place. They had to hide in a cave to avoid being discovered by the enemy's helicopter.

"Understood." Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle agreed knowingly.

The team continued to move forward, and unknowingly they walked for another hour or so. The sun jumped out of the horizon. When the first ray of sunlight shone over the woods, Luo Zheng did not feel a sense of security, and his face became more solemn. Dawn meant that the enemy would pursue him at any time. Come up, you have to hide as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, the ghost hand who was scouting the road ahead sent information and discovered that the cave was on top of a cliff. Luo Zheng hurried over and took a look. It was not a cave, but a naturally formed indentation on the cliff. The cave is full of hard rocks. If you are an ordinary person, going down is not a problem, but there are too many injured people, and accidents are easy to happen in the cliff cave. If someone falls to death, it will be troublesome.

Luo Zheng shook his head and rejected this choice. The team continued to move forward. Not far behind, there was the roar of propellers. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They all stopped to observe. A helicopter flew over the horizon. Luo Zheng quickly shouted : "Quick, hide on the spot and disguise yourself."

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