The strongest soldier

Chapter 1174 Fighting the enemy bravely

More than twenty people, like twenty grenades, kept throwing button bombs at the enemy group. They roared angrily, as if they were venting the anger that had been squeezed for a long time in their hearts, charging and beating without fear of death. , regardless of the bullets that the enemy may shoot, and a completely desperate fighting style. There is only one thought in everyone's mind, the time for revenge has come, blow one, it's worth it, blow a pair, make a profit.

The bombs that suddenly appeared blocked the enemy's fierce charge. The ground was full of corpses, with broken limbs and pieces of meat flying everywhere. There were screams. Luo Zheng's cold eyes were fixed on the front. He keenly discovered the fighter plane and roared: "The sniper kills the enemy with heavy firepower. The others rush up with me and kill--!"

"Kill!" Everyone roared, jumping out of the bunker one after another, roaring and rushing forward, their voices carrying endless anger and fighting spirit soaring into the sky, shattering the night and shattering the enemy's morale. The sound of bullets, explosions, and shouts of death resounded over the woods, mixing together to create a tragic scene of death.

A dozen or so people from Snow Leopard, a dozen from Ghost Hand, plus the twenty or so people who rushed to help, totaled only about forty people, but the charging momentum was like that of thousands of troops, with an indomitable fighting spirit. Intentionally, rush towards the enemy, no need for any evasion or fire cover. The brave one will win when they meet on a narrow road!

In this case, what everyone strives for is momentum, courage, and the willingness to die. The powerful momentum is like an invisible sledgehammer, hitting the enemy's heart hard. The enemy begins to be confused, panicked, and scared, especially when they continue to The button bombs were thrown at them for free, and they exploded into a large area. The tragic wails were heart-stopping.

The enemy was in disarray, but Luo Zheng came roaring with his men, like the God of War coming down to earth. After firing a magazine, there was no need to change bullets. Time is life and cannot be wasted. Luo Zheng roared: "Pistol."

Everyone took advantage of the situation and pulled out their pistols and fired one after another to ensure continuous firepower to suppress the enemy. They continued to attack and quickly killed the enemies who resisted. Together with the snipers hiding on the mountainside on both sides, everyone beat the enemies without resistance. Some people even dared not look at the gun anymore and turned around and ran away.

The pistol bullets were quickly finished. Luo Zheng put the pistol away and roared: "Draw the knife and kill."

"Kill." Everyone roared in unison, pulled out their dragon fangs one after another, and rushed into the enemy group with howls. They slashed at everyone they saw and killed every enemy they encountered. The roars were like the roar of the god of death, and they dared to stand in front of them. The enemy was chopped to the ground on the spot. There were no fancy moves or superfluous movements. The sword was bloody and the sword was dead!

A month of hard training came into full play at this moment. Under the night, the light of the sword flickered like the scythe of death. It kept kissing the enemy's throat, bringing out streaks of blood. The prisoners who followed behind to help saw how fierce Luo Zheng and others were. They were all bleeding like chickens. Thinking of the humiliation and hurt they had suffered, and their comrades who died tragically, they picked up the weapons on the ground one by one, replaced the magazines skillfully, quickly dispersed, and hid behind Luo Zheng and others. Shoot an enemy who is trying to sneak attack and rescue everyone.

There were fierce dragon fangs slashing and slashing in front, and about twenty former scouts behind them were firing. They were only a few meters away from each other, and the shots were all accurate. In addition, the snipers ambush on the mountainside on both sides kept attacking with incendiary bombs. The man with heavy firepower and the appearance of an officer creates terror and chaos. The enemy is frightened to death. How can they not stop him?

Soon, the enemy was defeated on a large scale and turned around and ran away. Luo Zheng naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity and roared: "Pick up the gun and chase them!"

"Kill!" Everyone didn't even have time to put away their knives. They picked up the weapons on the ground and rushed behind the enemy to hit them, shooting the visible enemies accurately.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the team that had no intention of resisting could not organize a resistance at all. They wished that their parents had lost a few legs. They did not care about seeing what was in front of them. They ran one foot high and one foot low, for fear of falling behind. Later, when there was a rare opportunity, Luo Zheng led everyone to catch up and beat up the drowned dog.

Soon, the enemy rushed out of the canyon. Luo Zheng did not dare to pursue anymore. He immediately ordered the team to pause. Looking at the direction in which the frightened enemy fled, he smiled coldly, with a strong fighting spirit burning in his body. His whole person looked like Like the victorious god of war, arrogant, confident and fearless, he shouted: "Snipers pay attention to observe the enemy's situation, others quickly clean the battlefield and bring as much ammunition as possible."

"Yes." Everyone roared in unison, especially the scouts who rushed to help. They were all conquered by the combat skills of Luo Zheng and others. A few dozen people repelled the attack of nearly 300 people, and everyone's blood was boiling, as if Returning to that time, his eyes became fanatical and he looked at Luo Zheng with admiration.

Everyone quickly cleaned the battlefield, picked up usable weapons, and collected all the bullets on the enemy without leaving a single one. Victory this time does not mean that the enemy will give up. The road ahead will be safe. You must have enough reserves. ammunition to prepare for future troubles.

Ten minutes later, everyone took weapons and ammunition and retreated to the stronghold. The weapons and ammunition were all piled next to the bonfire. Without Luo Zheng's order, no one dared to take them easily. Luo Zheng fell behind the team and whispered: "Blue Star, check them all." Have you passed? Are there any problems?"

"I have checked them all, and there are no problems. They are mainly intelligence personnel and border scouts. There are three smugglers who may have been misunderstood by neighboring countries as intelligence personnel who infiltrated the past. The rest are armed police. In other words, except for the three smugglers, , the others are all our own, the superiors have already known about this, and hope that we change the plan and escort them back to the country first. They are all heroes. We didn’t know their life or death in the past, but now we know, we must rescue them." Blue Star said seriously .

"We have informed the Southwest Military Region that they are all their people. They have organized people to help and they should arrive soon. Your old friend Scholar will lead a special operations squadron. I believe their families have also learned the news. Right now, everyone is looking forward to seeing their loved ones go back and resurrect from the dead. This is good news. The message above means that we must take people back no matter the cost." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of heaviness.

"I understand." Luo Zheng's face hardened and he agreed.

"If you want to bring everyone back, you must be armed." Lan Xue reminded in a low voice next to him.

Luo Zheng responded, strode to the bonfire, and said seriously: "Everyone, your identities have been found out. Maybe you are not very familiar with each other, but one thing is enough, that is, you are all a big brother. My comrades in the military region are our own. Now, I need you to arm yourself. Except for the wounded, do you have the guts to fight side by side with me? Let’s fight out together and let’s go home?”

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