The strongest soldier

Chapter 1141 Discussing Countermeasures

A few minutes later, the mountain eagle ran back with an angry expression and told everyone a very unfortunate news. The staff member just now was killed. He died in the workshop with a knife. The murderer left no clues. He was a master and a ghost. He went to find Hongmeihua to investigate the surveillance. Luo Zheng became angry when he heard it. He stood up and said, "Let's go and have a look." He strode outside with a cold face.

The mountain eagle leads the way, while Lan Xue and Lan Xing stay in the room. Who knows if the murderer will come back to kill him? It would be troublesome if there was some time bomb or something in the room. Luo Zheng was led by Shan Diao to the grocery room. There were people pointing and whispering outside, and guards were guarding the door.

The guards saw the mountain eagle approaching and quickly opened the door. Luo Zheng walked into the door and saw the staff member dead on the ground. There was a scratch on his neck and his throat was cut. Look at the wound and angle. It was a very professional technique. There are only two types of people who kill people. One is the professionally trained state violence machine, such as soldiers and agents, and the other is the killer. The first thing Luo Zheng thinks of is that Japanese pirates use foreign enemies to kill people and silence them.

Luo Zheng knelt down and carefully examined the wound and the posture on the ground for a while, then looked at the debris around him, thinking that the murderer should have been hiding in the utility room and suddenly attacked. The panic should have nothing to do with the murderer, and the clue ends here.

At this time, Hong Meihua and Shadow hurried over. Looking at the corpse on the ground, their expressions became solemn and their brows were furrowed. Shadow glanced at Luo Zheng and whispered, "What do you think?"

"The other party was used to kill and silence him. What I'm curious about is, how did the murderer ensure that the bottled water was delivered to my ward?" Luo Zheng analyzed in a low voice in surprise.

"No, it should be an indiscriminate attack. Quick, stop everyone from drinking bottled water immediately." Hong Meihua's face changed drastically and she shouted quickly. Shadow also reacted and went to the door to talk to the guard. The guard was shocked and hurried Use the walkie-talkie to contact the command center and let the broadcast announcement go on. Hong Meihua rushed to the goods cart and picked up the record book on it.

According to the regulations, the level required to replace items, which room had the water changed at what time, who changed it, how long it took, etc. It was very detailed. The murderer may have thought that the matter was done and did not destroy the record book. The red plum blossoms quickly opened it. After finding the date of the day, I immediately circled all the wards where the water had been changed, three in total.

Shadow arranged for the guards to go to the corresponding ward immediately. While signaling the onlookers to leave, he notified the local police to come over to collect evidence and take photos. The deceased was a local citizen and needed to be handed over to the local government to handle conflicts between the family members. The hospital management also came to deal with it.

Shadow left the aftermath to the hospital. During the work, the hospital must be held responsible for such accidental killings. He signaled Luo Zheng and Hong Meihua to leave. The three of them came to the command room and sat down. The guard came over with three buckets of water. , Luo Zheng took out the silver knife and tried it. Sure enough, there were problems. If something happened, it would be a mass poisoning incident. Fortunately, it was discovered early. Shadow asked and was relieved to learn that no one in the corresponding ward drank water. , if a few innocent people died due to poisoning, Shadow would not be able to bear it.

At this moment, Shadow put away his contempt and faced up to his mission. The enemy may have poor fighting skills and poor gun skills, but on a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, killing people does not rely on fighting power or guns, but on means. , killing people by invisible means, this is all about intelligence.

"I will notify Tuberose shortly and ask him to bring support, Red Plum Blossom, and Ghost. This matter seems to be more complicated than we expected. It is not a simple assassination to vent anger. It smells like a terrorist attack. I hope we can cooperate sincerely. You are behind the scenes, we are in front of the stage, fucking pirates." Shadow said angrily.

"I was just about to tell you about this. We have sent twenty people over. By then, everyone will have a small silver clip on their chest. It is a pinhole camera and a locator. Don't misunderstand me." Hong Meihua He said seriously: "As for cooperation, no problem, I'll do as you say. I haven't seen Tuberose for a long time, and we sisters haven't worked together for a long time. It just so happens that we can work together again this time."

"I feel that the enemy has mastered a lot of information about this hospital. What should we do next?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I want to hear your opinion on this first." Shadow asked.

"The hospital has a large turnover of personnel and a complex structure, so it is impossible to search and review them one by one. However, we can tell you that some people have come back to cause trouble recently. Firstly, everyone can be mentally prepared and supervise each other. Secondly, those with minor injuries will be discharged early. Or transfer to another hospital, it will be beneficial to us if there are fewer people." Luo Zheng suggested.

"This is what I thought of. Another point is that I will set up a checkpoint at the gate. Everyone entering and exiting must be inspected. Metal detectors and explosive sensors will be used to reduce the risk as much as possible. The inspector will hand over My people, they have experience in this area." Shadow added.

"This may cause panic, but it is better than everyone suffering. If it doesn't work, we will evacuate the hospital and move to another place." Hong Meihua suggested, letting innocent people be implicated and everyone would be psychologically uncomfortable.

"I'm afraid not. I need the instruments and equipment here to check my body at any time. There are dozens of wounded here. They are all my brothers who came down from the battlefield with me. If we are gone, what will the murderer do to vent his anger on them?" Luo Zheng He reminded, a fighting spirit appeared in his angry eyes, he secretly clenched his fists, and said firmly: "Since the enemy wants to fight, then let's fight."

"Yes, isn't it just killing people? I just want to take it out on these bastards. I will do the killing. This is my task. You can help and cooperate, but you can't steal our limelight." Shadow smiled, exuding a There was a looming fighting spirit.

"Then let's do this first. Check the gates and supervise each other among the patients. After all our people are here, we will add some surveillance. The problem won't be big. The only trouble is the surrounding tall buildings. If it is used by snipers, the consequences will be very serious. , I propose to ask the local police to cooperate."

"Okay, I'll handle this." Shadow agreed.

"In addition, if we spread the news to the outside world and say that the ghost was poisoned and rescued, the murderer will not believe it easily and will definitely send observers to confirm. This is an opportunity. It is up to everyone to distinguish the observers from the crowd." Hong Meihua quickly suggested.

"This is a good idea. I will deploy it immediately." Shadow agreed, feeling refreshed.

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